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„The evaluation of the quality of social services in the region of Silesian” Leonardo da Vinci Project. VALORIS-T.I.Q.S.S. – Training for the Improvement.

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Presentation on theme: "„The evaluation of the quality of social services in the region of Silesian” Leonardo da Vinci Project. VALORIS-T.I.Q.S.S. – Training for the Improvement."— Presentation transcript:

1 „The evaluation of the quality of social services in the region of Silesian” Leonardo da Vinci Project. VALORIS-T.I.Q.S.S. – Training for the Improvement of the Quality of Social Services

2 Śląskie Voivodeship is situated in the southern part of Poland. It borders the following voivodeships: Opolskie, Łódzkie, Świętokrzyskie and Małopolskie as well as the Czech Republic and Slovakia. Information about Silesia

3 The area of the voievodeship, covering over 12 294 km2, constitutes nearly 3,9% of Poland, whereas the number of inhabitants – 4 830 000, comprises 12,5% of the whole population of Poland. It is the most densely populated voivodeship in Poland - 1 square km inhabited by 393 people (the country's average - 124). General data about Silesian

4 Polish social system is carried out by – public administrations, – nongovernmental organizations. Social Legislation

5 The public social welfare system operates under the Law of 15 April 2004 The law defines: – tasks of public administration in the field of social welfare, – types of social help, and the terms of providing this help, – organization of public social welfare system, – the rules of control activities in the field of social welfare Social Legislatio

6 There is no specific law to regulate the evaluation of Polish medical and social services There is no punhisment Evaluation of the quality of medical – social services in Poland

7 Standards of ISO Standards of sanitary (control – once or twice a year) Standards of adaptations for disabled people Internal audits External audits Standards and control of social servises

8 Some standards are given in the state law but many things depend on the signed contract (for example: the contract with the Regional Social Help Centre)

9 The pilot evaluation of VALORIS in Christian Foundation ADULLAM 9

10 Couse Evaluation of the structure was carried about at the end of August 2008 by the team of evalators The evalation included: visiting the surroundings, visiting the institution and meetings/interviews with people, getting acquainted with written documents about the organisation, filling in the cards, itc. 10

11 Composition of the evaluators team Katarzyna Loska-Szafrańska - KaFOS Norbert Kępiński – represent of non- profit social organizations of Czestochowa Ewa Hantulik - KaFOS Sandra Mikołajczyk - KaFOS 11

12 Description of the structure 12

13 Workers of Adullam 13 people – contract of employment 5 people - civil law agreement 40 volunteers (all the time) 30 volunteers (during special actions) 13

14 The targeted population of Adullam’s hostel for men Only for men Age: 30 – 45 (70 %) and 46 – 60 (30%) Most of them have problems with alcohol (sometimes with drugs) 14

15 Geographical origine of the users all users coming from Poland mainly from Czestochowa and neighboring cities and countrysides (99 %) From other Polish cities (1 %) at this moment 7 lodgers are from Czestochowa, 1 from the same part of Poland and 1 from central part of Poland 15

16 Needs of the user Work Lodging Safety Help to stop drink alcohol Help with solving law problems 16

17 The results (synthesis) 17

18 Maximum 2 people in a room More privacy / room for intimacy Introduce a Questionnaire where to ask customers’ opinion about certain matters regarding their life at the hostel To elaborate a special training plan for the staff to buy new beds (the organization is working on this case) Human resources Structure/Equipment Recommendations Quality of the services Communication Finance Management Methods to buy new furniture (the organization is working on this case) Should be someone from the management for the nighttime To keep trying to gain money from Polish and European funds To organize more events for the wards – not only work Schould do more activities with enviroment

19 Structure/Equipment Human resources Management Methods Finance Communication No adoptation for disabled people Major reservations Quality of the services

20 Main difficulties Due to the methods: The answers proposed by Valoris’ method sometimes were not applicable (for example because of the character of the establishment) Sometimes the answers are too simillar or they do not take into cosideration all possible answers Sometimes the possible answers are too expended or inflexible 20

21 Main difficulties Due to the culture, Polish reality and items to evaluate: Sometimes due to the method the answer is negative, but in some cases (due to the reality and the kind of the organization) it might be positive – it is difficult to decide what level it should be given 21

22 Other difficulties Because of the renovation that takes place at that establishment some parts was impossible to evaluate There was no leaflet (or welcoming handbook) so most of information we have from inteviews and our own observations Luck of the ward’s confident Most of workers are also the users at the same time 22

23 Recommendations To add a special part where we could present the situation of particular country To take into consideration the kind of the evalueted organization (it is different when it is for example the catholik or the secular organization) To make the answers more flexible We should organize the time of regular evaluation (e.g. every year) 23

24 Thank you for your attention :) 24

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