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Chapter 33. Globalization: the process in which trade and culture link together countries around the world Interdependence is a relationship among countries.

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Presentation on theme: "Chapter 33. Globalization: the process in which trade and culture link together countries around the world Interdependence is a relationship among countries."— Presentation transcript:

1 Chapter 33

2 Globalization: the process in which trade and culture link together countries around the world Interdependence is a relationship among countries in which they depend on one another for resources, goods, and services Developed nations are industrialized with strong economies and a high standard of living, about 20% nations are considered Developing nations have less productive economies and a lower standard of living

3 Multinational corporations: large companies that operate in several nations Outsourcing is shifting jobs to developing world because of lower costs of production Free trade is the exchange of goods among nations without trade barriers such as tariffs International Trade Organizations- General Agreement on Trade and Tariffs (GATT), 1948 World Trade Organization replaced in 1995, 150 nations

4 Organization of Oil Exporting Countries, OPEC European Union-25 nations North American Free Trade Agreement-NAFTA Association of Southeast Asian Nations-ASEAN Group of 8- major industrial nations

5 Valuable new markets for goods…trade jobs Environmental legislation…shifts pollution Workers wages…free trade goods Cultural exchange…popular culture and cultural diffusion McDonaldization and destruction of culture

6 1948 UN Declaration of Human Rights Question: Could genocide happen again? Rwanda-Tutsi and Hutu ethnic groups close to 1 million killed, 2 million refugees, 1994 Darfur region of Sudan 2006, rebel forces and government supported Janjaweed fighters NGO- Non Governmental Organizations work to provide services or to promote certain public policies…International Red Cross

7 Poverty-more than 20% world’s population live on less than $1 a day, no access to health care or education Famine, war, disease First World too SARS, AIDS epidemics of diseases that now spread world wide almost immediately Natural disasters like tsunamis…environmental refugees Migration and push pull factors-push to leave your homeland and pull people to a new place Urbanization and blight

8 Terrorism-unlawful use or threat of violence to cause fear and to advance political, religious, or ideological grounds, intentionally targeting civilians Regional issues Israel-Hezbollah state supported, Britain-Irish Republican Army 9/11 al Queda Weapons of Mass Destruction-chemical, biological, nuclear weapons that cause enormous amounts of damage and kill indiscriminately Sanctions-policies to discourage development

9 Sustainable development is that which does not permanently damage resources-balance need to develop with environmental protections Fossil fuel use vs. renewable energy source Deforestation and rain forest damage, desertification in Sahel region Species loss Pollution and waste disposal Global warming

10 Space exploration-spin offs Information Age-cell phones, computers, computers…2006 US 69% internet access, Africa 4% Medicine – treatments, cloning Genetic engineering-modify plant or animal, green revolution the ongoing effort to develop new types of wheat, rice, and other crops to meet food needs Biotechnology- mix of science and corporations

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