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An Introduction to World Religions 2012-10-222012-10-22.

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Presentation on theme: "An Introduction to World Religions 2012-10-222012-10-22."— Presentation transcript:

1 An Introduction to World Religions 2012-10-222012-10-22

2 Slide 2. Typical Agenda Attendance :15 Announcements / Administrativa :17 Student Presentations: :17 In the Religious Calendar and :22 Religion in the News :27 Discussion of the scripture reading :35 Explaining a concept – for the exam’s paragraph answer section. :50 Video with focus questions and discussion – for the exam’s objective answer section, or review game. :04 Homework for Next Time

3 Slide 3. 2012-10-22 Agenda Attendance Administrativa Religion Today In the News In the Calendar Jainism Homework

4 Slide 4. AnnouncementsAnnouncements Mindfulness…. as a way of easing stress Stress is part of our daily lives. Mindfulness Awareness Practices can be a helpful way to engage us in caring for ourselves and finding greater balance and ease when exposed to stressful situations. Six Mindfulness Awareness sessions will be offered at Wellspring Centre. These sessions are an introduction to mindfulness practices in our daily life. The sessions include input, guided instruction and mindfulness meditation. Where: Wellspring Center When: Tuesday evenings 7:00pm-8:15pm October 2 nd, 9 th, 16 th, 23 rd, 30 th and November 6 th Contact: Sr. Marion @ Wellspring by Sept 24 th, 2012 867-3739

5 Slide 5. In the calendar In the calendar In the calendar In the calendar Oct. 16-23, 2012 Navaratri Dusserha (Hinduism) “nine nights,” is a festival honoring the divine mother, Shakti. These nine nights fall around harvest time, and each day is spent worshiping one of Shakti’s many manifestations, first three days, Durga, the warrior goddess, is invoked to destroy all impurities and vices next three days, Lakshmi is worshiped as a giver of spiritual wealth and prosperity last three days honor Saraswati, the goddess of wisdom. (PBS)

6 Slide 6. ReligionReligion in the News in theNews Religionin theNews ReligionReligion in the News in theNews Religionin theNews This is the official theatrical trailer for the documentary "Hellbound?", which hits theaters across North America starting September 2012. For more information about the film, please visit The music in the trailer is by the Canadian band YUCA ( Director Kevin Miller is hoping that both Christians and non-Christians will view Hellbound? as ‘good news’. “So many people have been turned off of Christianity because of the ‘bad news’ about hell and needing to be saved from a violent retributive God. But Jesus came to bring us good news, to free us from our violent self-centred ways and lead us to the way of self-giving love, the way of the Kingdom. There is so much pain in the world. We are called to be agents of hope and of peace. That is good news.” (, October 16, 2012)

7 Slide 7. Class Presentation Option Purposes: Connect religious studies with today’s world Practice oral presentation skills What to do: Introduce a news item or a holiday for 5-10 minutes Explain what are the most important things to understand about this event You may use any tools you want, e.g., Powerpoint slides Handouts Visual aids. Props Discussion / brainstorming For a holiday, do some research, e.g., from: Encyclopedia, Encyclopedia of Religion, Oxford Reference OnlineOxford Reference Online Books, e.g., an introduction to that religion or topic Textbook and scriptures Even Wikipedia, if you’re careful (check the footnotes for reliability)

8 Slide 8. Making Sense in Religious Studies You were asked to Read “Giving an Oral Presentation” on MoodleGiving an Oral Presentation Write down two suggestions you plan to take to improve your skills at presenting

9 Slide 9. Midterm Test

10 Slide 10. Buddhism Beginning with slide #1 Which concepts did Buddhism retain from Hinduism? Which did it reject? Briefly outline the key events in Siddhartha’s life before he became known as the Buddha. What experiences in his early life helped him to formulate the idea of a “Middle Way?”

11 Slide 11. HomeworkHomework For Tuesday, 1:15 Read the Deer Park Sermon (on Moodle) For Thursday, 12:15 Read Finding and Using Academic Resources (on Moodle) Finding and Using Academic Resources For Monday, 11:15 Read Living Religions pages 156-162 Write “Quiz 2 on Buddhism” on Moodle.

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