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Cathryn C. Potter Butler Institute for Families University of Denver Melody Roe National Resource Center for Organizational Improvement.

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Presentation on theme: "Cathryn C. Potter Butler Institute for Families University of Denver Melody Roe National Resource Center for Organizational Improvement."— Presentation transcript:

1 Cathryn C. Potter Butler Institute for Families University of Denver Melody Roe National Resource Center for Organizational Improvement

2 System Change: Many Ideas and Fields of Study Leading Change: The Leadership Literature Managing Change: The Management Literature Planned and Unplanned; Constant and Episodic Getting Ready for Change: The Readiness Literature Implementation Science How do organizations “take up” innovations Organizational Development A Service of the Children's Bureau, A Member of the T/TA Network

3 System Change Scope Issues: “Where to start?” Fatigue Issues: “Should we be insulted?” Relevant questions: Does everything need to change? Can leaders change a system? Can we manage our way to change? Are our system change responses as fragmented as our system? How do we create an organization that deals well with change? A Service of the Children's Bureau, A Member of the T/TA Network

4 Why talk about this today? Remember some ideas from a few diverse areas Not to worry: Big ideas only To stimulate our collaborative thinking Consider how these ideas can help in planning for Implementation Center Projects A Service of the Children's Bureau, A Member of the T/TA Network

5 Leading Change Leadership is fundamentally about leading change. National Workforce Institute: Leadership Academy for Mid-Managers (LAMM) Leadership Academy for Supervisors (LAS) A Service of the Children's Bureau, A Member of the T/TA Network

6 Five Practices and Ten Commitments Model the Way Clarify Values Set the Example Inspire a Shared Vision Envision the Future Enlist Others Challenge the Process Search for Opportunities Experiment and Take Risks A Service of the Children's Bureau, A Member of the T/TA Network

7 Leadership, continued Enable Others to Act Foster Collaboration Strengthen Others Encourage the Heart Recognize Contributions Celebrate the Values and Victories Kouzes & Posner A Service of the Children's Bureau, A Member of the T/TA Network

8 Organizational Development OD is a field of research, theory and practice dedicated to expanding the knowledge and effectiveness of people to accomplish more successful organizational change and performance. The objective of OD is to improve the organization's capacity to handle its internal and external functioning and relationships. A Service of the Children's Bureau, A Member of the T/TA Network

9 Organizational Development Many people assert that, for OD projects to be highly effective, they must be systems-based in design and highly humanistic in implementation (McNamara, 2008) A Service of the Children's Bureau, A Member of the T/TA Network

10 Some Common OD Ideas Since the basic building blocks of organizations are groups, then groups are the target of change initiatives. Collaborative approaches are best. Decision-making should live where the information for that decision lies. Communication, trust and confidence across levels are important. People support what they help create (Beckard, 1994). A Service of the Children's Bureau, A Member of the T/TA Network

11 Readiness Domains: The Usual Suspects Sustained and intentional leadership focus Vision for change linked to outcomes Meaningful stakeholder involvement Monitoring, feedback and accountability Communication plans and capability Identification and availability of key resources Staff skills and time Peter Watson, NRCOI 11 A Service of the Children's Bureau, A Member of the T/TA Network

12 Readiness Domains: A Few Unusual Suspects Organizational culture and climate External influence factors—social, political and economic Alignment of key systems to support and sustain change Tone of monitoring and feedback process: “Gotcha” or “Got your back” Peter Watson, NRCOI 12 A Service of the Children's Bureau, A Member of the T/TA Network

13 Managing Change Roles People Play (Rogers, 1995, Diffusion of Innovations) Early Adopters Early Majority Late Majority Resistors Champions and Minders A Service of the Children's Bureau, A Member of the T/TA Network

14 Managing in Changing Environments The Dynamics of Change Reactive Proactive Evolutionary Transactional and Transformative A Service of the Children's Bureau, A Member of the T/TA Network

15 Managing in Changing Environments Stages of Organizational Change Creating Motivation to Change Introducing the Change Implementation Sustaining the Change Recognition of Accomplishment Or, Unfreezing, Moving, Refreezing A Service of the Children's Bureau, A Member of the T/TA Network

16 Learning Organizations The basic rationale for such organizations is that in situations of rapid change only those that are flexible, adaptive and productive will excel. For this to happen organizations need to ‘discover how to tap people’s commitment and capacity to learn at all levels.’ A Service of the Children's Bureau, A Member of the T/TA Network

17 Learning Organizations Peter Senge’s The Fifth Discipline Learning organizations.. Constantly changing and expanding their capacity to create the results they desire, Nurture new ways of thinking about organizational imperatives, Nurture a culture of learning at all levels or the organization, Facilitate “collective aspirations,” such that People are continually learning to see the whole together. A Service of the Children's Bureau, A Member of the T/TA Network

18 Final Thoughts System change is a way of life in child welfare. Organizations need a way of being that maximizes the ability to function well in the midst of change. We can maximize our chances of successful implementation of new practices. System change is best managed in organizations that are developing and learning. A Service of the Children's Bureau, A Member of the T/TA Network

19 Table Talk What does this mean for our team’s Implementation Project planning? Other organizational development ideas that would be important for us to consider? A Service of the Children's Bureau, A Member of the T/TA Network

20 Cathryn Potter University of Denver 303-871-2913 Melody Roe National Resource Center for Organizational Improvement A Service of the Children's Bureau, A Member of the T/TA Network

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