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Housing Energy Awareness Team Research Project Winter 2005 Robin Fenske & Mark Retzlaff Energy Systems, TESC.

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Presentation on theme: "Housing Energy Awareness Team Research Project Winter 2005 Robin Fenske & Mark Retzlaff Energy Systems, TESC."— Presentation transcript:

1 Housing Energy Awareness Team Research Project Winter 2005 Robin Fenske & Mark Retzlaff Energy Systems, TESC

2 Introduction – What if? What if the intrinsic value of the biosphere, its operations, and its interactions with human health and well-being were recognized by the current mode of operation?

3 The current mode of operation Natural resources  energy  human services Energy consumption is the primary way to increase human services. The result is a reduction in the effectiveness of natural processes as resources are depleted.

4 The Environmentalists’ Response Sustainability is the answer; curb natural resources use. A standard definition of sustainability –meeting the needs of today while allowing future generations to meet their own needs

5 Our Response The environmentalist definition of sustainability describes a set of values, but not a framework to actualize them. Our project is an attempt to surface a framework of sustainability.

6 Winter question and hypotheses What energy consuming technologies and behaviors can be modified to increase sustainability of on-campus housing at Evergreen? The winter portion of our project is an anaylsis, not an experiment

7 Spring Question What is the most effective and feasible program to achieve this increase? This question will be explored through a pilot program in housing.

8 Winter Methods Measure and Organize Explore/Map Exchange of Resources Identify Feasible Points of Change

9 Measure and Organize Measuring and calculating individuals’ energy use Organize energy use into the following catagories: –Electricity –Air Heating –Transportation –Food (in upstream energy cost)

10 Explore/Map system of resource exchange Develop a qualitative map of the interactions between resources for some of the major categories of energy uses.

11 What is Capital? Capital is a quantitative measurement of something’s worth. In our project we will be using these four types of capital, described in the book Natural Capitalism.

12 The Four Capitals Human capital: labor and intelligence, culture, and organization Financial capital: cash, investments, and monetary instruments Manufactured capital: infrastructure, machines, tools, and factories Natural capital: resources, living systems, and ecosystem services

13 Capital Exchanges Capital (usually natural and financial)  energy  energy use  capital (usually human or manufactured) Sustainability is increasing the effectiveness of capital exchange, not efficiency of energy use.

14 Points of Ineffectiveness Sustainable change is most feasible where –capital loss is the greatest –the capital exchange system fails to meet the needs of the community Peter Senge’s The Fifth Discipline

15 The Move Towards Sustainability A program will be designed and implemented in Spring quarter using the analysis of capital exchanges.

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