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PLANTS A Guide To Plant Characteristics Biologyguy.

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1 PLANTS A Guide To Plant Characteristics Biologyguy

2 7th Grade Content Standards 7.1 All living things are composed of cells, from just one to many trillions, whose details usually are visible only through a microscope. 7.5 The anatomy and physiology of plants and animals illustrate the complementary nature of structure and function 7.7 Scientific progress is made by asking meaningful questions and conducting careful investigations. May be used as a general introduction to Plants

3 Plants Lesson Objectives: students will be able to (SWBAT) Describe the basic characteristics and features of plants. Compare and contrast the features of humans and plants

4 Warm up: Scramble 1.Used to absorb water from the ground 2.Flat surface which is used to absorb sunlight 3.Long thin structure that runs throughout the plant and transports water 4.Something that is found in the cells of leaves and is used in photosynthesis 5.This is how plants make their own food 6.Plants are usually this color mets stoor fela cthlosalrop gerne thephsisotonsy

5 Plant Characteristics and features Write each feature and then match it to the correct function: 1.Used to carry water to parts of the plant 2.It is shaped so that it can absorb sunlight 3. Elongated structure that absorbs water from the ground 4. The colorful part of the plant which attracts insects and contains the plants reproductive parts FEATURE

6 Plant Characteristics Leaves: They have a waxy cuticle that acts as a barrier, it reduces water loss and resists against virus and bacteria Large flat surface area, to maximize the amount of sunlight that can be absorbed Guard Cells and Stoma Allow for the absorption and transfer of carbon dioxide and oxygen, which are important in respiration and photosynthesis

7 Waxy cuticle Large surface area Guard cells and stoma Gas exchange Protective barrier photosynthesis LEAVES: match the feature with the function

8 The Stem contains specialized structures which transport materials between the roots, leaves and reproductive structures Some stems store materials, for example cactus store water Stems support the plant and keep it upright, this helps leaves get sunlight and allows flowers and reproductive structures to be accessible by insects The STEM:

9 THE STEM: Transports materials through the Phloem and Xylem

10 THE STEM: Keeps the plant upright, allows leaves to grow and holds the flower upwards for insects to pollinate Colorful flower to attract insects for pollination Reproductive parts are in the flower Leaves

11 Cactus Stores water Has spikes to protect it from being eaten Thick cuticle to reduce water loss Has small leaves for photosynthesis

12 Roots absorb water from the ground They anchor the plant to the ground They store food, made during photosynthesis in the form of sugar or starch ROOTS:

13 Hold the plant in place Store plant food that is made during photosynthesis Absorb water for photosynthesis ROOTS :

14 Brightly colored to attract insects for pollination Contain the plants male and female reproductive organs Produce the seed THE FLOWER

15 THE FLOWER: Reproduction Stamen = Male Pistil = Female

16 How do plants reproduce? Sexually: this involves 2 parents that give rise to offspring that are not identical to the parent but share genetic similarities Asexually: involves one parent that produces offspring identical to the parent

17 Pollen from the male anther must touch the stigma (female) part of the plant. This forms a pollen tube The sperm makes its way down the tube and fertilizes the ovule (egg) to produce a seed Sexual reproduction in plants: Sexual = occurs between 2 different plantsAsexual= same plant

18 Sexual Reproduction: Cross pollination

19 ASEXUAL REPRODUCTION:self pollination Occurs Occurs in the same flower, Pollen from the anther lands On the stigma Occurs between 2 flowers in the Same plant.

20 From Flower to Fruit Following the fertilization of the egg by the sperm, the ovule turns into a zygote and then a seed forms. The surrounding ovary then swells up to protect the seeds. The fruit is edible, this increases seed dispersal as the seeds are excreted by animals and humans and grow in a new area away from the parent plant

21 Ovules make seeds Ovary forms the fruit

22 Plant Model 1)Create a plant model to describe the shape and features of a plant. (use activity sheet “Build a plant” 2)Describe each feature: stem, flower, root, leaf 3)Stick your model to your poster information sheet.

23 Plant Cells Plants are made of Eukaryotic Plant cells. Cell wall* Large vacuole* Chloroplast* * Only found in a plant cell

24 Produce a rap/song about plant characteristics

25 Quiz 1) Which of the following is used to absorb sunlight for photosynthesis and is the place where this process occur A. Leaf B. RootC. Stem A. LEAF

26 Which structure contains the xylem and phloem? A. LeafB. Stem C. Root D. flower B. STEM

27 When a bee transfers pollen from one plant to another this is an example of what? A. Self fertilization B. Cross pollination C. Self pollinationD. Asexual reproduction B. Cross Pollination

28 In Which structure would a plant store sugars in the form of starch? A. Roots B. Leaves C. Flower D. Stem A. Roots

29 Which of the following is not a function of the leaf’s waxy cuticle A. To reflect sunlight B. Protect the leaf C. Act as a barrier from virus and bacteria D. Prevent water loss A. Reflect sunlight

30 Investigation 1)Using Scientific investigation explore the conditions which are needed for a plant to grow. Conditions: Warm, Cool, Soil, No Soil, Light, dark, water, no water 2) Pick a minimum of 2 complimentary conditions and then follow the process of Scientific investigation to find the answer

31 What conditions are needed for plants to grow? 1)Question 2)Make a Prediction 3)Form a Hypothesis (what you think will happen based on science theory) 4)Diagram 5)Method 6)Results 7)Conclusion 8)Evaluation See Plant investigation worksheet

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