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1 Presentation of Tempus SCM project: “Enhancing Mobility of the Croatian Academic Community (MOBIL)” Project planning meeting and training visit, Ljubljana,

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2 1 Presentation of Tempus SCM project: “Enhancing Mobility of the Croatian Academic Community (MOBIL)” Project planning meeting and training visit, Ljubljana, Slovenia, 30 June-5 July 2007 Presenter: Thomas Farnell, Educational Programmes Coordinator, Institute for the Development of Education



5 4 I. BASIC PROJECT DETAILS: Goals & Objectives GOAL The goal of the project is to enhance the mobility of the Croatian academic community within Europe. OBJECTIVE This goal will be achieved by creating a platform for Croatia's entry into the Community programme for academic mobility, ERASMUS (within the framework of the European Commission’s Lifelong Learning Programme - LLP).

6 5 I. BASIC PROJECT DETAILS: Goals & Objectives SPECIFIC OBJECTIVES 1.To raise the level of knowledge and skills of Croatian ERASMUS stakeholders on implementation and management of ERASMUS 2.To assess the capacity of Croatian institutions (both universities and National Agency) for implementing and managing ERASMUS 3.To produce an action plan for Croatia's entry into ERASMUS 4.To raise awareness in Croatia about ERASMUS and Croatia's plans for entering the programme

7 6 I. BASIC PROJECT DETAILS: Consortium PROJECT COORDINATOR: Institute for the Development of Education, Croatia GRANTHOLDER: Technical University of Dresden, Germany PARTNER INSTITUTIONS (CRO) Agency for Adult Education (to become Croatian National Agency for LLP) Agency for Science and Higher Education Institute for Social Research - Centre for Educational Research and Development Ministry of Science, Education and Sports University of Dubrovnik; University of Osijek; University of Rijeka Zagreb School of Management PARTNER INSTITUTIONS (EU) International Programme Office (Sweden) (Swedish National Agency for LLP) University of Ljubljana (Slovenia)

8 7 I. BASIC PROJECT DETAILS: Other details PROJECT DURATION: 15 June 2007 - 15 June 2008 PROJECT DONOR: European Commission, Tempus programme (Structural and Complementary Measures)


10 9 II. BACKGROUND OF THE PROJECT: Academic mobility in Croatia Although clear progress has been made in implementing the Bologna Process, Croatia has yet to systematically address a key principle of the Bologna Process: Enhancement of mobility of students, teachers and researchers Source: OECD –Thematic Review of Tertiary Education – Country Background Report for Croatia, 2007

11 10 II. BACKGROUND OF THE PROJECT: Academic mobility in Croatia The mobility of students and teachers, both nationally and internationally, is at an “unacceptably low level of development” (p. 29) INDICATORS: Lack of data: Statistical data on mobility to/from Croatia is incomplete. (….) “there is no detailed data on the number of Croatian students who study abroad” (p. 81) Estimates of mobility from Croatia: only 0.02% Croatian students study abroad; only 0.3% of Croatian university students are involved in exchange programs. Mobility to Croatia: international students in Croatia are only 2.6% of the student body. –countries of former Yugoslavia (2.2%), EU (0.14%) or other countries (0.16%). Source: OECD –Thematic Review of Tertiary Education – Country Background Report for Croatia

12 11 II. BACKGROUND OF THE PROJECT: Vehicules for academic mobility in Croatia Croatia has signed bilateral agreements on educational, scientific and technological cooperation with 29 third countries. (p.126) The main vehicules for student and academic mobility are bilateral and multilateral inter-university agreements of cooperation in different fields. (p. 126) Other possibilities for student and teacher exchanges at this moment are limited to only a few programs such as TEMPUS JEP (Joint European Projects) and TEMPUS IMG (Individual Mobility Grants), CEEPUS, DAAD, and Fulbright. (p. 127) Source: OECD –Thematic Review of Tertiary Education – Country Background Report for Croatia

13 12 II. BACKGROUND OF THE PROJECT: Obstacles to academic mobility in Croatia OBSTACLES TO OUTGOING MOBILITY There are still insufficient exchange programmes allowing student mobility, both on the national and institutional levels. (82) For this reason, student mobility often depends upon individual financial capacities of students and their families. (82) OBSTACLES TO INCOMING MOBILITY Language obstacles: very few programmes offered in English. (127) Administrative and logistical obstacles: –complex procedure of registering foreign student residents; –lack of accommodation for foreign students in student dormitories; etc (82) Source: OECD –Thematic Review of Tertiary Education – Country Background Report for Croatia

14 13 II. BACKGROUND OF THE PROJECT: Obstacles to academic mobility in Croatia GENERAL OBSTACLES TO MOBILITY “A major weakness of the system, from the perspective of the academic community, is the lack of a general strategy in the sector. National policy is perceived as a set of separate and uncoordinated measures, which do not sufficiently stimulate activities directed toward international cooperation and networking”. (132) There are a number of obstacles inside the national legal and administrative system, but external problems exist because Croatia has not yet joined European Union mobility programs (29) Source: OECD –Thematic Review of Tertiary Education – Country Background Report for Croatia

15 14 II. BACKGROUND OF THE PROJECT: Measures to address low academic mobility in Croatia In view of this problem, the priority for Croatia would be to enter the Community programme for academic mobility, ERASMUS, which since 2007 is integrated into the Lifelong Learning Programme (hereafter LLP). Participation in ERASMUS requires the fulfilment of a number of criteria. The foremost requirement is the establishment of bodies responsible for its administration at the national level: –National Agency for LLP (hereafter NA) –University ERASMUS offices to be established at the university level.

16 15 II. BACKGROUND OF THE PROJECT: Obstacles to launching ERASMUS in Croatia In Croatia, however, there are currently obstacles to launching ERASMUS : lack of information and expertise on ERASMUS and the resources necessary for its implementation insufficient data on the administrative, financial and academic capacity of Croatian universities, and on the structure and work of the proposed NA There is therefore a need to define a strategy to enter ERASMUS (within the framework of LLP).


18 17 III. PROJECT DESCRIPTION: Scope of the "MOBIL" project Objective of project: To create a platform for Croatia's entry into the Community programme for academic mobility, ERASMUS (within the framework of the LLP).

19 18 III. PROJECT DESCRIPTION: Outcomes OUTCOME 1: Acquired knowledge by Croatian ERASMUS stakeholders on ERASMUS and its implementation OUTCOME 2: Assessment of current Croatian capacity for ERASMUS implementation OUTCOME 3: Defined action plan on Croatia’s entry into ERASMUS OUTCOME 4: Reference tool for Croatian ERASMUS stakeholders on Croatia’s entry into ERASMUS OUTCOME 5: Transparency of entry process into ERASMUS and public visibility of ERASMUS in Croatia

20 19 III. PROJECT DESCRIPTION: Outputs OUTCOME 1: Acquired knowledge of Croatian ERASMUS stakeholders on ERASMUS and its implementation –OUTPUT 1: TRAINING VISITS TO NATIONAL AGENCIES FOR LLP AND UNIVERSITY ERASMUS OFFICES IN EU COUNTRIES OUTCOME 2:Assessment of current Croatian capacity for ERASMUS implementation –OUTPUT 2: SURVEY AND DATA COLLECTION ON ERASMUS IMPLEMENTATION AND MANAGEMENT IN EU AND CROATIA OUTCOME 3: Defined action plan on Croatia’s entry into ERASMUS –OUTPUT 3: SEMINAR ON CROATIA’S ENTRY INTO ERASMUS OUTCOME 4: Reference tool for Croatian ERASMUS stakeholders on Croatia’s entry into ERASMUS –OUTPUT 4: ERASMUS PLATFORM HANDBOOK OUTCOME 5: Transparency of entry process into ERASMUS and public visibility of ERASMUS –OUTPUT 5: PROJECT WEB SITE & PUBLIC PRESENTATION

21 20 III. PROJECT DESCRIPTION: Details of key project activities i. Training visits Training of Croatian ERASMUS stakeholders from universities and relevant public bodies on the implementation and management of ERASMUS programme from the administrative, financial and academic perspective. Special focus of visits are on universities: how universities should plan for ERASMUS and how they cooperate with National Agencies Locations: University of Ljubljana, Slovenia (International Relations Office, ERASMUS office) International Programme Office for Education and Training, Sweden (Swedish National Agency for LLP)

22 21 III. PROJECT DESCRIPTION: Details of key project activities ii. Project survey Survey framework Analysis of prerequisites for ERASMUS implementation; Case studies of 2 EU partner institutions on ERASMUS implementation; Analysis of capacity of Croatian universities to implement ERASMUS. Survey will examine the following capacities in all institutions: –Administrative –Financial –Academic capacity

23 22 III. PROJECT DESCRIPTION: Details of key project activities ii. Project survey Implementation of survey Desk research (Zagreb). Site visits of 2 EU partner institutions (IPO; UNILJ), during training visits. Site visits of Croatian partner institutions. Survey will also cover remaining 3 universities in Croatia (Zadar, Split, Zagreb). Target group of survey interviews (TBC): Administrative units of universities which will be responsible for implementation of ERAMUS and other relevant academic and administrative staff. Decision-makers in universities and public bodies (vice-rectors/heads of international relations; state secretary for HE/assistant ministers) Students and student representatives

24 23 III. PROJECT DESCRIPTION: Details of key project activities iii. Seminar Aim Seminar to draft action plan for Croatia’s entry into ERASMUS. Structure: Presentation of survey results on EU best-practice in implementing and managing ERASMUS and on Croatian capacity to implement ERASMUS. Presentation of Expert Group’s draft recommendations for Croatia’s entry into ERASMUS Group sessions to draft an action plan to enter ERASMUS. Target audience: Decision-makers (vice-rectors/heads of international relations offices; state secretary for HE/assistant ministers) and administrators from Croatian partner institutions.

25 24 III. PROJECT DESCRIPTION: Work plan There are a total of 14 project activities that will take place between June 2007 and June 2008. The project work plan provides the timing of each activity.

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29 28 IV. MANAGEMENT OF THE PROJECT: Partner responsibilities GRANTHOLDER – TUD Financial management PROJECT COORDINATOR – IDE: Content management; coordination of all project activities; editing and publication of project handbook; dissemination and visibility. TRAINERS – IPO, UNILJ Provide trainer on ERASMUS management and implementation PROJECT SURVEYORS – ISR-CERD Provide survey team, implement survey and process survey results

30 29 IV. MANAGEMENT OF THE PROJECT: Partner responsibilities TRAINEES – 1-2 representatives from each of the 8 Croatian partner institutions Each HE institution to provide 1 administrative staff member who will be directly involved in ERASMUS implementation MSES and ASHE to provide 2 representatives SURVEYEES – all Consortium members Supply data and documents; complete questionnaires; Facilitate interviews with relevant staff, including decision-makers and relevant administrative and academic staff SEMINAR PARTICIPANTS – all Consortium members EU partners (provide best-practice presentations) All Croatian partners (each ensure participation of 1 decision-maker – as above – and 1 relevant administrative staff)

31 30 IV. MANAGEMENT OF THE PROJECT: Partner responsibilities EXPERT GROUP 2 EU representatives – IPO, UNILJ 4 Croatian representatives - MSES, ISR-CERD, IDE and 1 university representative Input for survey framwework and content Draft recommendations for seminar Lead group sessions at seminar to define action plan Write project handbook texts

32 31 IV. MANAGEMENT OF THE PROJECT: Partner responsibilities EXPERT GROUP 1 representative from IPO, UNILJ, MSES, ISR- CERD, IDE and 1 university representative: Input for survey; draft recommendations for seminar; lead group sessions at seminar to define action plan; write project handbook texts.


34 33 V. SIGNIFICANCE OF THE PROJECT: Long term results Short-term: The MOBIL project will secure a deliberate and thought-out entry of Croatia into ERASMUS, based on European best-practice and based on input from all stakeholders in Croatian HE. Long-term: The project will create a platform that will enable growth in the mobility of students, teachers and researchers inside Europe. By focusing on ERASMUS, the MOBIL project will contribute to making a further step in the implementation of Bologna Process principles in Croatia. Participation in ERASMUS will provide a practical context for the ECTS system, along with quality assurance mechanisms introduced at Croatian HE institutions, and will address the “unacceptably low” mobility of the Croatian academic community.

35 34 Further information Preradovićeva 33/I, HR-10000 Zagreb Tel: + 385/ 01 4555 151 Fax: + 385/ 01 4555 150

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