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EL Collaborative January 21, 2014. Agenda Understanding Language video series Title III Accountability Institute highlights What’s Working? How Can We.

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Presentation on theme: "EL Collaborative January 21, 2014. Agenda Understanding Language video series Title III Accountability Institute highlights What’s Working? How Can We."— Presentation transcript:

1 EL Collaborative January 21, 2014

2 Agenda Understanding Language video series Title III Accountability Institute highlights What’s Working? How Can We Help You? Miscellaneous Goodies Rick Phelan- CELDT data analysis



5 Divide into groups of 3-4 based on the following parameters Option #1 All people in the group have only watched videos 1, 2, 3 Option #2 All people in the group watched all 6 video s

6 Title III Institute AB 899 This bill would require the Superintendent, on or before January 1, 2015, to recommend modifications to the ELD standards to link with the state board-approved academic content standards for mathematics and science for adoption by the state board.

7 Title III Institute Promising Practices for EL Success Sacramento County Office of Education In secondary settings, ELA teachers are strategically assigned to teach ELD “Coordinated action on behalf of English Learners”

8 Title III Institute ELA/ELD Framework SBE will act on a recommendation to adopt in July 2014 Chapter 8- Assessment Most likely will be changed due to the SBAC

9 Title III Institute ELPAC 2015-2016 pilot year 2016-2017 first year of implementation

10 Title III Institute CELDT and ELPAC Alignment 100 educators from across the state looked at 1,843 CELDT items from 2009 to today primary alignment secondary alignment no alignment

11 Title III Institute CELDT and ELPAC Alignment 26% of CELDT items had a primary alignment to the new ELD Standards Listening 24% Speaking30% Reading 35% Writing 8%

12 Title III Institute CELDT No field test forms 2014-2015 2015-2016

13 What’s Working?

14 How Can We Help You?

15 See you on... Tuesday, March 11th Guest speaker: TBD

16 EL Collaborative Tuesday, May 20th

17 EL Leadership February 6th Sign up today!

18 Homework

19 Brokers of Expertise ELD Standards Professional Learning Modules What did you learn about the ELD Standards from the module? What elements of the module could you see yourself using with your colleagues, staff, or district? Brokers of Expertise

20 Thoughts and Reflections for 2013- 2104

21 CELDT Analysis with Rick Phelan Learning to how to view CELDT data with Microsoft Excel Understanding how to sort and filter information to interpret student needs. Analyzing Title 3 accountability areas for your district. Learning methods of sharing student data through charts and graphs.

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