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Final Year Projects Dr. Tom Clarke Dr. Tom Clarke – Project Coordinator Dr. Tom Clarke Clare Drysdale Clare Drysdale – UG office administration Clare Drysdale.

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Presentation on theme: "Final Year Projects Dr. Tom Clarke Dr. Tom Clarke – Project Coordinator Dr. Tom Clarke Clare Drysdale Clare Drysdale – UG office administration Clare Drysdale."— Presentation transcript:

1 Final Year Projects Dr. Tom Clarke Dr. Tom Clarke – Project Coordinator Dr. Tom Clarke Clare Drysdale Clare Drysdale – UG office administration Clare Drysdale (ISE only) Dr. Emil Lupu – DoC Project Coordinator Dr. Emil Lupu Dr. Emil Lupu People

2 Project Work Timetable Autumn TermSpring TermSummer Term Choose Project Allocate Project Work Project definition Project Planning Background Initial work Write Inception Report Complete Project Background Continue project WorkWriteBackgroundReport EXAMS Finish project WorkWrite Final Report Presentation Deliverables NB -Full time work after exams

3 Project Time Management  End of Term will have both project & coursework (3 rd year courses) deadlines  Make sure that project does not lose out to coursework  Requires careful time management  You MUST keep in contact with your supervisor  Evidence via e-mail needed not to lose marks

4 Project Guide  Study the Project Guide carefully  Check this for details of deliverables etc  Check web pages for more details  Throughout project check whether you are on course  Ask your supervisor  Keep up-to-date project plan

5 Formal Requirements  Check this section of the Guide carefully  Don’t plagiarise  Keep very comprehensive references  All reports will be checked for plagiarism electronically  Submit deliverables on time  If external circumstances interfere with work, submit evidence immediately  Keep project logbook

6 Project Choice  Must see staff to discuss projects  Staff cannot allocate projects, I will do this at end of selection period (Thursday week 2) so it does not matter who sees people first  Make sure you see many supervisors – first choices may be very popular  Check the online list for late-breaking projects  Think about what you will do well – not just what seems interesting  Still time to submit "Own" projects – see web pages

7 Entering Preferences  Think carefully how many projects you want to enter  Update your on-line form every day – use guesses where you have not seen supervisor  Only the final version will be used for allocation  I need preliminary information to give you feedback  Students not updating the form will be penalised.

8 Project Allocation  I make global allocation based on your preferences, your comments, your exam results, (occasionally) what supervisors say  I do not let supervisors choose students, but pay attention to specific relevant skills   Seeing a supervisor earlier will never give you an advantage  All EEE projects are allocated at same time  Keep reading e-mail unless I need more information from you during the allocation process  Allocation takes a few days.

9 ISE Projects  ISE students must fill in two separate preference forms, one for each dept.  If you are sure you want only DoC projects say so on your EEE form comments and make no project selection  If you are sure you want only EEE projects say so on your form and give me enough choices to allocate.  If you want either DoC or a small number of EEE projects say so. If allocated EEE you cannot then change.  EEE projects are allocated to ISE in the EEE allocation, before the DoC allocation is made  DoC projects are then allocated  A few remaining students not allocated EEE or DoC are found projects (either EEE or DoC).

10 Pitfalls  Difficulties planning project work during Autumn & Spring Terms  you must make sure progress happens and take into account conflicting coursework demands.  Longer deadline for project does not mean it is less important!  Keep in regular touch with your supervisor  This is especially important if you feel project is too difficult or otherwise get into trouble  Failing projects happens to students who ignore supervisors  Failed project => failed degree  Read and take seriously "Pitfalls" sectionm of Guide

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