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Professor Andy Neely AIM Deputy Director Science and Innovation: Successful Adaptation and Adoption by Business.

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Presentation on theme: "Professor Andy Neely AIM Deputy Director Science and Innovation: Successful Adaptation and Adoption by Business."— Presentation transcript:

1 Professor Andy Neely AIM Deputy Director Science and Innovation: Successful Adaptation and Adoption by Business

2 Opening Premises: The AIM Perspective…   The UK’s productivity performance is weak…   The productivity gap with the US is enduring…   The size of the productivity gap varies across sectors…   Closing in manufacturing and business services…   But growing in machinery and equipment and financial intermediation…   Routes to closing the productivity gap – productivity, innovation and imitation…

3 The UK’s Position in Science and Innovation… King, D. (2004) “The Scientific Impact of Nations: What Different Countries Get for their Research Spend”, Nature, 430, July, 311-316 Evidence suggests that the UK has a world-class science base, with publications and citations second only to the United States.

4 The Challenge: How to Exploit the Country’s Excellent Science Base? Bradley, L.; Bradley, L.; Gregson, G.; King, Z.; Pate, J.; Möslein, K. and Neely, A.D. (2004) “The Challenge of Business – University Collaboration: Context, Content and Process”, summary of AIM/SMI MRF. Social and Economic Impact of Business-University Collaboration ProcessContentContext

5 Context: Who Is Involved? Social and Economic Impact of Business-University Collaboration Context Business Context: -Size of firm, industry sector -Extent of engagement with local economy -Competitive situation and market pressure University Context: -Academic incentive schemes -Depth of expertise in relevant field -Accessibility to external stakeholders

6 Process: How Does Exchange Occur? Social and Economic Impact of Business-University Collaboration Process Mode of Collaboration: -Informal versus formal -Short versus long term -Public versus private funding Nature of Knowledge Creation: -Mode 1 -Mode 2 Nature of Output: -Academic [e.g. journal] -Practitioner [e.g. product, solution]

7 Content: What Is Exchanged? Social and Economic Impact of Business-University Collaboration Content Class of Problem: -Research related problems -Teaching related problems Class of Academic Institution: -University, School, Department -Institute, Individual Researcher Class of Business Partner: -High versus low tech -High versus low R&D -Multinational versus SMEs

8 The Challenge: How to Exploit the Country’s Excellent Science Base? Bradley, L.; Bradley, L.; Gregson, G.; King, Z.; Pate, J.; Möslein, K. and Neely, A.D. (2004) “The Challenge of Business – University Collaboration: Context, Content and Process”, summary of AIM/SMI MRF. A significant challenge for the UK is how to exploit the country’s excellent science base, thereby ensuring we develop more businesses that create more wealth. Social and Economic Impact of Business-University Collaboration Context ProcessContent Business Context: -Size of firm, industry sector -Extent of engagement with local economy -Competitive situation and market pressure University Context: -Academic incentive schemes -Depth of expertise in relevant field -Accessibility to external stakeholders Mode of Collaboration: -Informal versus formal -Short versus long term -Public versus private funding Nature of Knowledge Creation: -Mode 1 -Mode 2 Nature of Output: -Academic [e.g. journal] -Practitioner [e.g. product, solution] Class of Problem: -Research related problems -Teaching related problems Class of Academic Institution: -University, School, Department -Institute, Individual Researcher Class of Business Partner: -High versus low tech -High versus low R&D -Multinational versus SMEs

9 Emerging Premises: The AIM Perspective…   Knowledge exchange is clearly a multi-faceted problem: “one-size fits all” is too simplistic…   Think about modes of knowledge exchange – teaching/education solutions as well as research solutions…   Break down the barriers between academic silos…   Change the incentive schemes and structures – value the exploitation as well as the creation of knowledge…   Encourage institutions to “rise above the noise”… The aspiration agenda…

10 Professor Andy Neely Deputy Director Advanced Institute of Management Research 6 Huntsworth Mews London Business School London NW1 6DD T:+44 (0)870 734 3000 F:+44 (0)870 734 3001 M:+44 (0)771 114 0198 For Further Information

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