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Blended Offerings A plan for Vatterott College, Memphis-Dividend Lana Sumpter, Northcentral University.

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Presentation on theme: "Blended Offerings A plan for Vatterott College, Memphis-Dividend Lana Sumpter, Northcentral University."— Presentation transcript:


2 Blended Offerings A plan for Vatterott College, Memphis-Dividend Lana Sumpter, Northcentral University

3 Blended general education courses: A feasible solution to challenges Lana Sumpter, Northcentral University

4 Blended general education courses: Memphis-Dividend programs

5 Our students Lana Sumpter, Northcentral University Limited digital skills Limited access to computers Limited access to internet Limited motivation to change

6 Blended learning: The research Higher student satisfaction with blended courses Equivalent or better learning outcomes Higher student engagement Institutional prestige Reasonable costs Lana Sumpter, Northcentral University

7 Blended learning: Needs Scheduling Classroom access Faculty Laptops Wireless access Technical support Lana Sumpter, Northcentral University

8 Blended learning: Needs Schedule, faculty, classrooms Three meetings a term Use of existing available classrooms New instructors Lana Sumpter, Northcentral University

9 Blended learning: Needs Access to computers and the internet Laptops for all students in blended classes Wireless access at the college Lana Sumpter, Northcentral University

10 Blended learning: Needs Technical support 7 a.m. – 11 p.m. shared telephone technical support Lana Sumpter, Northcentral University

11 Blended courses: A practical solution to needs at Memphis-Dividend Lana Sumpter, Northcentral University

12 Questions? ? Lana Sumpter, Northcentral University

13 References Ashby, J., Sadera, W. A., & McNary, S. W. (2011). Comparing student success between developmental math courses offered online, blended, and face-to-face. Journal Of Interactive Online Learning, 10 (3), 128-140. Dray, B. J., Lowenthal, P. R., Miszkiewicz, M. J., Ruiz-Primo, M., & Marczynski, K. (2011). Developing an instrument to assess student readiness for online learning: a validation study. Distance Education, 32 (1), 29-47. doi:10.1080/01587919.2011.565496 Greenhow, C., Walker, J. D., & Seongdok, K. (2009). Millennial Learners and Net-Savvy Teens? Examining Internet Use among Low-Income Students. Journal Of Computing In Teacher Education, 26 (2), 63-68. Hsieh, J.J.P.-A., Rai, A., & Keil, M. (2008). Understanding digital inequality: Comparing continued use behavioral models of the socio-economically advantaged and disadvantaged. MIS Quarterly, 32 (1), 97–126. Retrieved from Kerr, M. S., Rynearson, K., & Kerr, M. C. (2006). Student characteristics for online learning success. Internet & Higher Education, 9 (2), 91-105. doi:10.1016/j.iheduc.2006.03.002 Lana Sumpter, Northcentral University

14 References (continued) Luehmann, A. (2009). Accessing resources for identity development by urban students and teachers: foregrounding context. Cultural Studies Of Science Education, 4 (1), 51-66. doi:10.1007/s11422-008-9139-4 Melton, B., Graf, H., & Chopak-Foss, J. (2009). Achievement and Satisfaction in Blended Learning versus Traditional General Health Course Designs. International Journal For The Scholarship Of Teaching & Learning, 3 (1), 1-13. O’Brien, D., & Scharber, C. (2008). Digital literacies go to school: Potholes and possibilities. Journal Of Adolescent & Adult Literacy, 52 (1), 66-68. Owen, J., & Kuan, K. (2010). Paving the Way for True Education Reform in Memphis. Tennessee Center for Policy Research. Retrieved from content/uploads/Paving-the-Way-for-True-Education-Reform-in-Memphis.pdf Percival, J., & Percival, N. (2009). A case of a laptop learning campus: how do technology choices affect perceptions?. ALT-J: Research In Learning Technology, 17 (3), 173-186. doi:10.1080/09687760903247633 Lana Sumpter, Northcentral University

15 References (continued) Selwyn, N. (2011). Digitally distanced learning: A study of international distance learners’ (non)use of technology. Distance Education, 32 (1), 85–99. doi: 10.1080/01587919.2011.565500 U.S. Department of Education. (n.d.) Vatterott College-Memphis. Retrieved from 6d70757349643d30267264743d352f362f3230313220373a32353a313920504d van Dijk, J. (2006). Digital divide research, achievements, and shortcomings. Poetics, 34, 221–235. doi: 10.1016/j.poetic.2006.05.004 Vatterott Career College-Memphis Dividend Drive. (n.d.) In Edu Mojo. Retrieved from 5+Dividend+Drive,+Memphis,+Tennessee+38132__TN__440873 Vaughan, N. (2007). Perspectives on Blended Learning in Higher Education. International Journal On E-Learning, 6 (1), 81-94. Lana Sumpter, Northcentral University

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