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Presentation on theme: "PEACE SUPPORT OPERATIONS The SAF Experience. PEACE SUPPORT OPERATIONS."— Presentation transcript:



3 BROAD CATERGORIES OF PSO o Peacekeeping Operations - PKO o Peace Enforcement Operations - PEO

4 PEACEKEEPING OPS o Designed to monitor and facilitate implementation of an agreement (cease fire, truce, etc) o Support diplomatic efforts to reach a long term political settlement o Undertaken with consent of all major parties to a dispute

5 PEACE ENFORCEMENT o Use of necessary means up to and including military force to compel compliance with resolutions or sanctions to establish security, peace and order

6 SCOPE o o SAFs Perspective F F Global Trends in PKOs F F SAF’s Participation and Support for PSOs o o Questions and Answers

7 GLOBAL TRENDS IN PEACEKEEPING o o World has not become a safer place after the Cold War o o PSO as a channel for resolving both inter-state and intra-state conflicts o o Increased demand for PSO missions

8 Size of UN Peacekeeping Force: 1948 - 2000

9 GLOBAL TRENDS IN PEACEKEEPING o o Brahimi Report - Comprehensive study to improve conduct of PSOs o o Recommends more robust doctrines and realistic mandates, rapid deployment, and improved mission support o o Being implemented in UN DPKO and new UN missions

10 GLOBAL TRENDS IN PEACEKEEPING o o World increasingly integrated through CNN effect o o PSO key component in global security architecture

11 SAF PARTICIPATION IN UN MISSIONS o o Singapore is a small but responsible international citizen o o Contribute to global security by participation in PSO missions

12 SAF PARTICIPATION IN UN MISSIONS o o SAF has sent over 900 personnel on 12 missions to date o o First mission in Namibia in 1989 o Longest running - UNIKOM in Iraq / Kuwait, is into 12th year

13 SAF SUPPORT FOR PSO o o UNTAG Namibia, 1989 14 SAF Officers, 48 Police, 20 civil servants o o OPS NIGHTINGALE Gulf War, 1990-91 Medical Support in the Gulf War

14 SAF SUPPORT FOR PSO o o UNIKOM Military Observers at Iraq-Kuwait Border, 1991 to date (12 teams so far) 5 officers per team o o UNAVEM Angola, 1991-92 8 Officers

15 SAF SUPPORT FOR PSO o o UNTAC Cambodia, 1993 4 Super Pumas, 65 SAF personnel,166 Police o o UNOMSA South Africa, 1994 2 SAF Officers and 3 Police Officers o o MINUGUA Guatemala, 1997 5-man medical team

16 SAF SUPPORT FOR PSO o o UNSMA Afghanistan, 1997- 98 First peacemaking mission o Postings to UNHQ Situation Centre Training Unit Medical Support Unit Field Admin. & Logistic Unit Mission Planning Department

17 SAF SUPPORT FOR PSO o o INTERFET (UN sanctioned International Force in East Timor) 4-men Liaison Team 3 x LST for approx. 2 mths each 1 x C130 for 2 x two weeks duration 26-men Medical Team Cumulative total of 373 personnel involved

18 SAF SUPPORT FOR PSO o o UNTAET (UN Transition Administration in East Timor) 4 x PKO HQ staff, including the DCOS (CMA) 61-men platoon taskforce in Western Sector 21-men Medical Team 40 x Civpols

19 SAF SUPPORT FOR PSO o o First time the SAF deploy ground troops for UN mission o o Singapore playing an active role to secure stability in the region

20 SAF SUPPORT FOR PSO o o UNMEE (UN Mission in Ethiopia and Eritrea) 2 x military observers including Sector (West) Senior Military Observer

21 SAF’s CURRENT CONTRIBUTIONS TO PSO Military Observers - 4 - 2 in UNIKOM, 2 in UNMEE - 6 mths / 1 Yr tour UNMISET Staff in PKF HQ PL Task Force in Sector West UNMISET - By Oct 02 PKF FC Sep 02 CTF Oct 02 Heli detachment Oct 02

22 UN STANDBY ARRANGEMENT SYSTEM o o Singapore signed an MOU with the UN on 21 May 1997 o o The UNSAS is only for UN planning purposes; the final decision to deploy any resources for each mission still lies with the Singapore government o o Upon approval by Cabinet, SAF would need to deploy elements within a response time of 4 weeks

23 COMMITMENT TO THE UN STANDBY SYSTEM o o Current commitment: 2 teams of military observers (up to 8 officers) 2 teams of up to 4 Planning Officers 1 Super Puma Detachment (4 helicopters) 2 x C-130 to assist in deployments 2 x CASEVAC teams 1 x Medical team Medical staff attachments to other Medical units Total of 143 personnel

24 CRITERIA FOR PARTICIPATING IN A PSO o o The mission advances Singapore’s interests o o There is sufficient international interest, as well as means allocated o o There are clear objectives and mandates, and a realistic end state o o Operational readiness will not be significantly affected. o o Operational benefits

25 CRITERIA FOR PARTICIPATING IN A PSO o o The mission advances Singapore’s interests Responsible international citizen Contributes to the UN to help sustain international order Profile in peace support operations

26 CRITERIA FOR PARTICIPATING IN A PSO o o There is sufficient international interest, as well as means allocated International pressure Assets and manpower allocated

27 CRITERIA FOR PARTICIPATING IN A PSO o o There are clear objectives and mandates, and a realistic end state Agreement of parties to the resolution Precise objectives and requirements from contributing nations

28 CRITERIA FOR PARTICIPATING IN A PSO o o Operational readiness will not be significantly affected Manpower involved Loss of training

29 CRITERIA FOR PARTICIPATING IN A PSO o o Operational benefits Increase our international profile Improve interoperability with other armed forces Fill our knowledge gaps in areas such as CMR

30 Considerations for Participation o SAF largely a conscript force o Participate in areas where SAF can contribute Staff /Planning OfficersStaff /Planning Officers Military ObserversMilitary Observers Medical TeamsMedical Teams o Clear Mission Objectives and End State o Legitimacy through host nation consent and collective international will

31 KEY LESSONS LEARNT o Adequate and effective pre-mission training o Combined / Joint Training o National Logistic Support requirements o Cultural & Language training /awareness o Home front support o Force protection o Importance of Civil Military Relations



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