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2008-2009 EXTENDED LEARNING PROGRAM (ELP) for Elementary Schools 2008-2009 EXTENDED LEARNING PROGRAM (ELP) for Elementary Schools.

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Presentation on theme: "2008-2009 EXTENDED LEARNING PROGRAM (ELP) for Elementary Schools 2008-2009 EXTENDED LEARNING PROGRAM (ELP) for Elementary Schools."— Presentation transcript:

1 2008-2009 EXTENDED LEARNING PROGRAM (ELP) for Elementary Schools 2008-2009 EXTENDED LEARNING PROGRAM (ELP) for Elementary Schools

2 EXTENDED LEARNING PROGRAM (ELP) An intervention program designed to provide 30 hours of subject specific, standards-based instruction to on- track students in grades 2-5 and grade 6 at elementary schools EXTENDED LEARNING PROGRAM (ELP)

3 Student Eligibility (Grades 2-5/6 Only) Students scoring a one or two on most recent progress report in Reading (grades 2-5/6) and/or Mathematics (grades 4-5/6) and determined to be at risk of not meeting grade-level standards Students scoring at Below Basic and Far Below Basic on the California Standards Test (CST) in Reading/Language Arts (grades 2-5/6) and/or Mathematics (grades 4-5/6) EXTENDED LEARNING PROGRAM (ELP)

4 Student Eligibility (Continued) EL students not making adequate progress on ELD standards EL students who have completed ELD Level 5 and not met Redesignation criteria Student with disabilities not making adequate progress as expected EXTENDED LEARNING PROGRAM (ELP)

5 Program Scheduling Determined by school administrator, in collaboration with school teams. Scheduling Options: Before and/or After School EXTENDED LEARNING PROGRAM (ELP)

6 ProgramScheduling Must be received 3 weeks prior to start of session. FAX Intent to Offer Elementary Intervention to LD Intervention/Testing Coordinator EXTENDED LEARNING PROGRAM (ELP)

7 CALANDARFIRST SESSIONSECOND SESSION Single TrackSept. – Dec.Jan. – May 3- Track ASept. – Dec.Jan. – May Track BOct. - DecJan. – Mar. Track CAug. – Oct.Jan. – Apr. 4- Track ASept. – Dec.Jan. – May Track BAug. – Sept.Jan. – Mar. Track COct. - Dec.Mar. – May Track DAug. – Oct.Jan. – Apr. EXTENDED LEARNING PROGRAM (ELP) Suggested ELP Sessions All ELP sessions must be concluded by May 22, 2009 All ELP Statistical Reports are due June 1, 2009 Deliver to Local District Intervention/Testing Coordinator

8 Organization of Classes Class Size: 20:1 25:1 enrollment allows for attrition Daily attendance must be maintained Class Composition - Determined by student eligibility - Should be organize based on students needs Daily attendance must be maintained EXTENDED LEARNING PROGRAM (ELP)

9 Organization of Classes Class Composition English Language Arts Literacy – Decoding and Comprehension Written Language Mathematics grades 4/5 only English Language Development ELD Levels1-4 EXTENDED LEARNING PROGRAM (ELP)

10 ParentNotificationRequirements Available on- track intervention programs Program attendance requirements Parent permission is required for students to attend intervention.

11 EXTENDED LEARNING PROGRAM (ELP) Teacher Selection Teachers are required to complete the ELP Teacher Application

12 Teacher Selection Selection Priorities Priority 1A : Permanent and Probationary Teachers Priority 1B: Non-Permanent and Non-Probationary Teachers Priority 2: Permanent site-based Non-Classroom Teachers Priority 3: Adult School Teachers Priority 4: Substitutes/Retirees Priority 5: Administrators All teachers are selected in seniority order and must hold appropriate credentials Teaches in affected grades/subjects. Includes: Resources Specialist, Librarians, etc. Contract date will be used for teachers who do not have a seniority date. Includes: Deans, Counselors, Coordinators, and Instructional Coaches. EXTENDED LEARNING PROGRAM (ELP)

13 Intervention Rate: Annual Hourly Rate Includes stipend:.09224* Teacher Compensation Used for: Planning Monitoring of student attendance Intervention documentation and assessment Faculty meetings Supervision as appropriate *Stipend not provide for teacher training. EXTENDED LEARNING PROGRAM (ELP)

14 Curriculum Literacy: Open Court Interventions Guide OCR English Learner Support Guide Written Language: Write Time for LAUSD Kids Mathematics: Compass Learning Mathematics, Module 3, Grades 4/5 Instructional Program EXTENDED LEARNING PROGRAM (ELP)

15 Professional Development Required for all ELP Teachers New to Program* Scheduled by Local District *Teachers compensated at annual hourly rate Instructional Program EXTENDED LEARNING PROGRAM (ELP)

16 Professional Development Literacy: 2 hrs. OCR Intervention Guide or EL Support Guide Written Language: 2 hrs. Write Time for LAUSD Kids Mathematics: 2 hrs. Compass Learning Module 3 Instructional Program EXTENDED LEARNING PROGRAM (ELP)

17 Schools must follow attendance guidelines Attendance must be monitored and recorded All ELP Statistical Reports are due 5 days after end of the session Attendance Accounting and Documentation EXTENDED LEARNING PROGRAM (ELP)

18 Attendance Accounting and Documentation Teacher completes the following: Office Staff: Prior to start of session Enters student information into SIS Generates class lists Attendance Register Records Attendance EXTENDED LEARNING PROGRAM (ELP)

19 Attendance Accounting and Documentation SAA/Coordinator completes the following: Record Student intervention information in SIS and Cum. After the 6th hour of the ELP, complete and fax Elementary Classification Report to Intervention/Testing Coordinator. Complete and fax Elementary Statistical Report to Intervention/Testing Coordinator. EXTENDED LEARNING PROGRAM (ELP)

20 Intervention Attendance Register EXTENDED LEARNING PROGRAM (ELP)

21 Fill in: 1.School Name and 2.School Location Code File in: 4.Program Start and End Dates 5.Class Meeting Days 6.Class Meeting Times Enter Class Information Fill in: 7. Teacher’s Name 8. Program Name * Complete a separate register for each subject Identify: 3.Calendar and Track

22 Student A DOB: 03/05/94 Student B DOB: 02/15/94 Student C DOB: 06/12/95 Student D DOB: 11/23/94 Enter Name and Date of Birth for each Student Recording Attendance

23 E E E E X X X X X X X Student D DOB: 11/23/94 Student A DOB: 03/05/94 Student B DOB: 02/15/94 Student C DOB: 06/12/95 Enter an “E” for the student’s first day of attendance..25 Draw a line up to the first day student attends

24 E E E E X X X X X X X Student D DOB: 11/23/94 Student A DOB: 03/05/94 Student B DOB: 02/15/94 Student C DOB: 06/12/95 Leave Blank when student is present for full hour

25 E E E E X X X XX X Student D DOB: 11/23/94 Student A DOB: 03/05/94 Student B DOB: 02/15/94 Student C DOB: 06/12/95 / For students that are tardy, enter a slash ( / ) in the time block

26 Wonderful Elementary Sc. 1234 9/26/0511/16/05 2:45 p.m.3:45 p.m. Ms. Terrific Teacher Mathematics Student A DOB: 03/05/94 Student B DOB: 02/15/94 Student C DOB: 06/12/95 Student D DOB: 11/23/94 E E E E X X X X X X X X X XX X 29 28 22 At the end of the session, record Total Hours Attended for each student here.

27 Wonderful Elementary Sc. 1234 9/26/0511/16/05 2:45 p.m.3:45 p.m. Ms. Terrific Teacher Mathematics Student A DOB: 03/05/94 Student B DOB: 02/15/94 Student C DOB: 06/12/95 Student D DOB: 11/23/94 E E E E X X X X X X X X X XX X 29 28 22 Attach additional sheets as needed Sign and Date all pages Terrific Teacher 13 1-15-08 Number all pages

28 Wonderful Elementary Sc. 1234 9/26/0511/16/05 2:45 p.m.3:45 p.m. Ms. Terrific Teacher Mathematics Student A DOB: 03/05/94 Student B DOB: 02/15/94 Student C DOB: 06/12/95 Student D DOB: 11/23/94 E E E E X X X X X X X X X X X X 29 28 22 Terrific Teacher 13 1-15-09 Attach the SIS Class Roster to the Attendance Roster

29 Budget Guidelines ELP Funding Yearly for eligible students Complete and submit - Intent to Offer Intervention - ELP Budget Worksheet to LD Intervention/Testing Coordinator at least 3 weeks prior to start of session. EXTENDED LEARNING PROGRAM (ELP)

30 Annual Allocations Teacher Salaries: $1950.00 per ELP class. (Allocation based on average teacher salary) Not transferable Indirect Services: Up to $50.00 per class Includes: Coordinating support, clerical/custodial relief and/or overtime, and instructional/school supplies. Budget Guidelines Note: FUNDING DOES NOT CARRY OVER. EXTENDED LEARNING PROGRAM (ELP)

31 BudgetPlanningWorksheet

32 Payroll Procedures Maintain time card for all intervention teachers Teachers are compensated at annual rate plus stipend (.09224) Retirees/Substitutes compensated on professional expert basis Program code: 11247 EXTENDED LEARNING PROGRAM (ELP)

33 Transportation Transportation provided for CAP, PWT, Magnet and Students with Disabilities. Submit an Application for Auxiliary Transportation/Trip form (Attachment K) with the Intent to Offer Intervention. Food Services Contact the school site Cafeteria Manager and complete Request to Begin Meal Service, 6 weeks before program begins. EXTENDED LEARNING PROGRAM (ELP)

34 Standards Based Intervention Log EXTENDED LEARNING PROGRAM (ELP)

35 Report of Student Progress EXTENDED LEARNING PROGRAM (ELP)

36 Application for Auxiliary Transportation

37 EXTENDED LEARNING PROGRAM (ELP) Request to Begin or Change Meal Service

38 Beyond The Bell Branch Expanded Learning and Enrichment Programs 333 S. Beaudry Ave., 29th Floor Los Angeles, CA 90017 (213) 241-7900 Alvaro Cortés, Assistant Superintendent Joan Mezori, Director Diane Agliam Local Districts 1 and 2 TBALocal District 3 and 4 Sue WongLocal District 5 and 6 Javier SandovalLocal Districts7 and 8 EXTENDED LEARNING PROGRAM (ELP)


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