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Organization Charts.  Closer Deadlines  Breaking news – posted ASAP once through editing process unless short enough to be tweeted  Features – published.

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Presentation on theme: "Organization Charts.  Closer Deadlines  Breaking news – posted ASAP once through editing process unless short enough to be tweeted  Features – published."— Presentation transcript:

1 Organization Charts

2  Closer Deadlines  Breaking news – posted ASAP once through editing process unless short enough to be tweeted  Features – published weekly  All sections will have a minimum of 1 article a week, although 2 are preferred

3 Advisor/Publisher – Mrs. B. Editor In Chief Sydney Filler Copy Chief – Shannon Fojtik Currents – Shelby Kotz Journalist Campus Life – Annie Lynge Journalist Sports – Jackson Dennis Journalist Perspectives – Kaitlyn Brewer Journalist Scene – Caitlin Gilliland Journalist

4  Article ideas are to be brainstormed by individual journalist.  Once an article is approved by Section Editor and EIC, a deadline for that article is set according to the publication needs.  Staff members can chose an article or be assigned an article based on need.  Once an article is approved, it is tracked through the entire process on the Article Production Board.

5 Staff writer proposes article Section editor approves Editor in Chief Approves Advisor/Publisher Approves

6  Responsible for entire process.  “ The buck stops here.” Harry S. Truman  Final approval on all planning  Final approval on all articles  Makes certain Editorial Staff is on track for publication – all articles  Manages production – stories done on time, photos are taken, pages edited  Hub of communication between all staff  Leads storyboard meetings  Oversees all and helps when needed  Ensures that all staff members are on task – “the enforcer”  Manages Section Editors  Answers all questions  Writes only if necessary or truly desires to

7  Knows AP Style rules  Strong command of grammar, journalistic writing style  Keeps track of article production board to check stories prior to productions  Checks headlines and captions  Responsible for the final copy edit of all articles before going to publication

8 Advisor/Publisher – Mrs. B. Editor In ChiefCopy Chief Section Editor – Scene Journalist/ Staff Writer Section Editor – Sports Journalist/ Staff Writer Section Editor – Perspectives Journalist/ Staff Writer Section Editor – Campus Life Journalist/ Staff Writer Section Editor – Currents Journalist/ Staff Writer Section Editor – Columns Journalist/ Staff Writer

9 Each Section Editor responsible for:  All content in section – articles, video, photographs, podcasts  Choosing stories and titles for section  Making certain there is at least 1 article for your section weekly. (2 preferred)  Keeping track of article for your section as it goes through the writing/editing process.  If staff is not coming up with articles, brainstorm ones to assign to staff or write one.  One article as necessary to meet publication schedule  Communicating with journalists about editing process, enforcing deadlines  Keeping journalists on task with photos, videos  Editing, fact checking, and plagiarism checking all articles for that section  Making sure Copy Chief and Editor-in-Chief check articles  Moving articles through production process on production board.  Writing at least two articles a semester.

10  Campus Life  Currents  Sports  Perspectives  Scene  Columns

11  Contributing to storyboarding  Writing stories for all sections of Falcon Voice  Taking on assignments given by EIC or Publisher/Adviser  Completing all drafts on time, adheres to deadlines  Willing to take on more duties/different duties  Keeping your notes for fact checking  Getting articles through editing process  Running articles through before sending to Section Editor  For reviews, taking photos at restaurants, shows, etc.  Communicating with Section Editors, Copy Chief, EIC and Adviser  Writing at least 1 article every 2 weeks.

12  Offering instruction in journalism and writing for the web  Dealing with Budget and POs  Dealing with overall organization  Facilitating work with site techs  Has final say on everything that is published  First communication with Administration

13 Author/Staff Writer writes story, sends to Section Editor – fact checks/edits if necessary, returns to Author/Staff Writer for revisions, sends to Copy Chief – final edits, if necessary returns to Author/Staff Writer revises, sends to Editor in Chief edits or signs off returns to Author Staff Writer revises if necessary sends to Advisor/Publisher final review – goes to layout ready Media Chief oversees publication of article

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