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Presentation on theme: " IIT Kanpur. About vKVK…  Developed under project “agropedia”  Utilizes the available IT infrastructure for providing agricultural information."— Presentation transcript:

1 IIT Kanpur

2 About vKVK…  Developed under project “agropedia”  Utilizes the available IT infrastructure for providing agricultural information to the farmers  Aims at reducing the barriers in communication between the farmers and experts of Krishi Vigyan Kendra and improving the efficiency of extension activities

3 vKVK Home page

4 Types of messages… SMS : Created in 10 different languages Message length is 160 characters Low cost Voice Messages : KVK experts create messages in their own voice Duration of message is 120 seconds Effective way of communication when farmers are illiterate and can not read SMS Comparatively costlier than SMS Presently, no charges are being taken from the farmers for availing this service

5 vKVK Services Two types of services are available on this platform: A.Expert to Farmer : Farmer registration by KVK on this site Message creation by KVK experts Delivery of messages to the farmers on their registered number

6 B. Farmer to Expert : Registered farmers can directly interact with the experts at KVK and discuss agriculture issues Separate number allotted to this service When a farmer calls, it is diverted to the experts at KVK of the district to which farmer belongs

7 Service numbers… Expert to farmer (E2F)  0512-3090900: Voice messages from experts are delivered through this number Farmer to expert (F2E)  0512-3090902: Farmers have to call on this number for contacting experts at KVK

8 Demo on vKVK

9 Click to Create New Account Click to Login

10 Account open Process Flow… Open Account (As an Expert) Go to site Click on “create new account” Submit the account opening form Create password after admin approval (Link is sent on the email Id, which is registered in the form)

11 vKVK Home page

12 User Account page Farmer list Click to Edit user information

13 To Add Farmer Click to add Farmer Click to See Farmer list

14 Click to Save farmer information Choose State, Zone and District To Add farmer information

15 To create Voice message Select Crop Select practices Click to Save Click on Call me Click on Call me to record message by receiving a call from the system Click on Create Voice message Click to Select Advisory type Write Short Description

16 To Send Voice message Select Region Click on Send Voice message Click to Select message Click to Send If Expert wants to send SMS to Additional number, Add here Select Message type

17 My Voice message Click to Listen voice message Click on My Voice Message Voice Messages are send by User KDUBEY

18 All Voice message Voice Messages are send by different KVKs Click on All Voice Message Click to Listen voice message

19 To create text message Click to Select Advisory type Click to Save Click on Create SMS Select Crop Select practices Write Message

20 If Expert wants to send SMS to Additional number, Add here Click to Send To Send text message Select Region Click to Select message

21 Statistics Page Click for Statistics Select Date Select services Click to generate Report

22 Public and Private Chat Public Chat Private Chat


24 Voice Krishi Vigyan Kendra (vKVK) 0512-3090900: कृषि वैज्ञानिकों द्वारा उपलब्ध कराई गयी जानकारी इस नंबर से दी जाती है । 0512-3090902: इस नंबर पर किसान अपने क्षेत्र के कृषि विज्ञान केंद्र के वैज्ञानिको से सीधे संपर्क कर सकते हैं और अपनी समस्या का समाधान प्राप्त कर सकते हैं। सिमेजीन 50% या अत्रजीन 50% की २ किग्रा मात्रा को 800 ली. पानी में घोल कर बुआई के तीसरे दिन छिडके । मक्के की संकर प्रजातियों जैसे गंगा - ११, शक्तिमान - २, सरताज की बुआई करें। मक्का में बुआई के बाद खरपतवार नियंत्रण के लिए किस दवा का छिडकाव करें। आवश्यक सूचना : इस सेवा का लाभ लेने के लिए अपने नजदीकी कृषि विज्ञानं केंद्र में पंजीकरण करना आवश्यक है। अभी यह सेवा अभी सिर्फ 24 केन्द्रों पर ही संचालित हो रही है।

25 Thank You

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