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Augustus was the first emperor of Rome, he replaced the Roman republic with an effective monarchy. Thanks to his political abilities, his long reign proved.

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2 Augustus was the first emperor of Rome, he replaced the Roman republic with an effective monarchy. Thanks to his political abilities, his long reign proved to bring peace and stability with his establishment of Pax Augusta, which lasted for two centuries. During this time, Rome was transformed with impressive new buildings and Augustus was a patron of the most famous roman artists. He ensured that his image was promoted among his subjects through statues and coins: a first form of marketing.

3 PaxRomanaPaxRomanaPaxRomanaPaxRomana P a x R o m a n a The long period of stability and peace in the Roman Empire started in 29 B.C. Augustus was the founder of this period which was a total reorganisation of Roman society, administration and legal system. During this peacefull time, Augustus put a lot of importance on art and architecture; Rome was transformed during his reign.

4 An emblematic sign of gratitude for Augustus is the “Ara Pacis Augustae”. It is an altar wanted by the Senate in 13 B.C. that celebrates the greatness of Rome and the victories of Augustus. This altar is enclosed by an almost squared enclosure where are two entries in the shortest sides. In front of the principal entry there is a beautiful fight of steps. Inside the monument there are decorations that look like the traditional wooden enclosure used in the past; outside there are relieves that represents the origin of Rome, the peace that Augustus have brought in the Empire and a religious procession. THE ARA PACIS

5 The best way to communicate Today, politicians think very carefully about how they will be photographed. Just think about campaigns during election season. These pictures tell us a lot about the candidate and his purposes. Similarly, roman art was linked with political activity. The first example of this trend was portraits of Augustus. In fact, he understood that the best way to communicate his ideology was through art.

6 The Augustus of Prima Porta: the first example of propagandistic art.

7 The best example of propagandistic roman art is the statue of ‘‘Augustus of Prima Porta’’. Augustus is shown like a victorious military leader. Augustus is shown quite faithfully and with a perfect body like a Greek athlete. His face and body are idealized; he stands in a “contrapposto” pose with all of his weight on his right leg like the Doryphoros of Polykleitos. At his right leg there is also another sign of symbolism, a cupid figure riding a dolphin, this means that Augustus descended from the God Cupid, who is the son of Venus, the roman goddess of love. Augustus is an international military leader who has the gods on his side.

8 Claudia Ametrano Lucia Lauri Alessia Levi

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