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Definition  A fraction is a number that represents part of a whole or part of a group. The whole box is divided into four parts. Three-fourths of this.

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Presentation on theme: "Definition  A fraction is a number that represents part of a whole or part of a group. The whole box is divided into four parts. Three-fourths of this."— Presentation transcript:



3 Definition  A fraction is a number that represents part of a whole or part of a group. The whole box is divided into four parts. Three-fourths of this box is red Example: 3/4

4 The numerator is the top number of a fraction. It represents the number of parts being considered. 3/4

5 The denominator is the bottom number of a fraction. It represents the number of parts in a whole.

6 When two fractions name the same amount they are equivalent fractions. 1/3 = 2/6 =4/12

7 = = It is important to know the names of equivalent fractions because when you are adding and subtracting fractions you must have a common denominator.

8 What is an equivalent fraction for 2/3? What is an equivalent fraction for ¾? What is an equivalent fraction for ½? What is an equivalent fraction for ¼? A.6/12 B.5/20 C.18/24 D.6/9

9 2/3 = 6/9 (D) ¾ = 18/24 (C) ½ = 6/12 (A) ¼ = 5/20 (B)

10 What fraction of the cars is yellow?


12 When you need to find a common denominator, you must know your multiplication tables!

13 A number that is the product of a given number and another hole number!

14 234567894681012141618 69121518212427 812162024283236 1015202530354045 1218243036424854 1421283542495663 1624324048566472 1827364554637281 2030405060708090 2233445566778899 24364860728496108


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