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May 2004 to May 2005 Status Report on the Antarctic Meteorological Research Center May 2004 to May 2005 Matthew A. Lazzara, Shelley L. Knuth, Charles R.

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Presentation on theme: "May 2004 to May 2005 Status Report on the Antarctic Meteorological Research Center May 2004 to May 2005 Matthew A. Lazzara, Shelley L. Knuth, Charles R."— Presentation transcript:

1 May 2004 to May 2005 Status Report on the Antarctic Meteorological Research Center May 2004 to May 2005 Matthew A. Lazzara, Shelley L. Knuth, Charles R. Stearns, Linda M. Keller and Jessica A. Staude Antarctic Meteorological Research Center Space Science and Engineering Center University of Wisconsin-Madison

2 Outline Composite Improvements Annual Review Activities w/NOAA, NCDC & WMO Antarctic-IDD (Another talk…) X-band System for Antarctica Future Activities

3 Composite Improvements Using more satellites: NOAA & DMSP (from Palmer) Terra & Aqua (Not from McMurdo) Meteosat-8 (aka MSG-1) Tried out FY2-C & Kalpana Problems with Nav. and Cal.

4 Composite Improvements

5 Annual Review: Data Holdings Generated Data and Products Satellite Imagery and Data Model Analyses and Forecasts Observational Data (GTS/ NOAAPORT) Text Data (GTS etc.) USAP Station Data Antarctic Composites IR WV VIS experimental Psuedo- Color NOAA HRPT (McMurdo only) GAC (Project FROST/by request) LAC (Iceberg) NCEP GFS WWFM METARMETAR (McMurdo area & South Pole) South Pole Met Office (UK) PIREP/AIREPTAF (McMurdo Area) Palmer UW & SPAWAR AWS Data ECMWF (Europe) Synoptic (US and ABoM) AIREP (New Zealand Region) McMurdo GMS/GOES Satellite wind charts (Courtesy of CIMSS) MODIS Winds Coming soon DMSP OLS SSM/I (Real time only) AMPS (Real time only) RadiosondeUSAP Ship SITREPS Including NCDC Data holdings up to 1998 CRAS (Real time only) Ship & Buoy

6 Web Site Statistics Missing March Data

7 FTP Site Statistics

8 FTP and Web Traffic percentages &.edu Still most popular: Antarctic composite & Iceberg imagery Remaining traffic,.us., etc. including IP only… Missing

9 Data Requests Domestic Paul Dalrymple, Antarctican Society Kelly Admunsen, BPRC/OSU David Yu, AMANDA/UW-Madison Scott Polk, VIMS Mark Seefeldt, CU Amanda Adams, AOS/UW-Madison Rebecca Wolf, US Naval Academy Kathleen Allen Ryan Fogt, BRPC/OSU Gonzolo Hernandez, U. Washington SPAWAR RPSC Doug MacAyeal, U. Chicago Bob Bundschuh International Stefano Di Battista, Italy Pascale Bilodeau, Canada Satyendra Bhandari, India Narelle Baker, New Zealand N.C. Sheeba, Malaysia Clare Oatley, Australia Irene Lopez Garrido, Spain Elizabeth Parer-Cook, Australia There are more….

10 Educational Outreach SSEC Public Tours, UW-Madison –Hundreds of visitors ~1100 E-mails –Two way exchanges –Answering questions –Provided data or information –Students and general public Grandparents University, UW- Madison, Madison, WI CASPER homeless grade school project, UW-Madison, Madison, WI Wisconsin State Fair, West Allis, WI CIMSS/Wisconsin Space Grant Consortium Workshop on Earth, Atmospheric & Space Sciences, Madison, WI Madison Area Technical College, Madison, WI Deerfield Middle School, Deerfield, WI Lodi Area Middle School, Lodi, WI Deerfield Elementary, Deerfield, WI Holland’s Hearts & Hands Preschool Deerfield, WI

11 Item 1: CLIMAT Messages Monthly climate summary sent over GTS for WMO CLIMAT – Surface observations –Request for McMurdo, South Pole, Palmer –Possible future funding support from NCDC for back generation of South Pole Beta version of WMO software (requires a full climatology!) AMRC & RPSC joint project –Critical issue with average computation (max/min vs. hourly) –Request for Wisconsin AWS (~19 of them) CLIMAT TEMP – Upper Air observations –Request for McMurdo, South Pole –Can be done now with newly installed radiosonde systems

12 Item 2: NOAA TG NOAA Telecommunications Gateway (TG) –To GTS (Worldwide) –To NOAAPORT (Domestic/civilian) Request to put non-WMO assigned UW AWS on GTS –Likely to be coded as SYNOP MOBIL format –Likely done on a 3 hourly basis Applied for NOAA TG FTP account –Not yet assigned NOAA TG account will have dual use: –AWS SYNOP MOBIL –AWS CLIMAT

13 McMurdo’s X-band System: Direct Broadcast MODIS Polar Winds With thanks to:Jeff Key 1 Office of Research and Applications, NOAA/NESDIS, Madison

14 McMurdo DB MODIS Products: Winds & Cloud Mask Currently only two products are generated: polar winds and the cloud mask. Examples are given below. Future products will include cloud particle phase, cloud top pressure, cloud optical depth, surface temperature (ice and sea), and surface albedo.

15 MODIS Polar Winds Real-Time Processing Time - Direct Broadcast MODIS Data at McMurdo Processing times are for the middle image in a 3-orbit triplet. Actually processing time from image acquisition to availability of wind vectors is 100 minutes (1.67 hrs) less than shown. MODIS images are available (image acquisition to level 1b) in 20-30 minutes. Winds processing takes an addition 10-15 minutes.


17 Future Activities Continue AMRC traditional activities Antarctic composite improvements –Include FY2-C and Kalpana as cal./nav. are improved –Test out AWC code to have improved visible composites Continue climatological work –McMurdo (related to Matt’s PhD) –Special work with South Pole (NCDC) Case studies –Special fog collection (related to Shelley’s MS & Matt’s PhD) –Others Continued Cloud Mass Transport (CMT) studies –Jessica to start back up again this summer/fall Antarctic-IDD –More on this in another talk… More…(Aussie AWS decoded real time, etc…)

18 Comparing South Pole Observations Joint South Pole Meteorology Office and AMRC effort – checkout of new instrumentation system Compare one year overlap of datasets: –Old South Pole instruments –New South Pole instruments –Clean Air AWS –CMDL/Clean Air observations (if available) Publish results! Thanks to Kathie Hill and Linda Keller on this effort More next year…

19 E-mail Lists: Please Join Today! ANTIDD – Antarctic-IDD mailing list ANTDISCUSSION – Antarctic meteorology discussion group ANTAWS - Information and updates on AWS data ANTOBS - Information and updates on all other observational datasets ANTOPS - Notices on AMRC’s real-time data availability, distribution and status ANTICEBERG - Notices on latest Iceberg monitoring images posted to the web site ANTCOMMUNITY - Infrequent notices to the Antarctic community on events and significant developments E-mail: to join!

20 Questions and Answers Thank you to NSF/OPP E-mail – – Web – – FTP – – Phone –(608) 262-0436 –(608) 265-4816 FAX –(608) 263-6738 –(608) 262-5974 Post –1225 West Dayton St. Madison, WI 53706 USA

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