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The Progressive Movement Change was everywhere 1900’s shift in population from rural to urban Capitalism Immigration Unions Change occurs with a middle.

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2 The Progressive Movement

3 Change was everywhere 1900’s shift in population from rural to urban Capitalism Immigration Unions Change occurs with a middle class reform movement known as PROGRESSIVISM

4 Core Principles of the Progressives Middle class Reform Movement Urban issues more liberal change Women’s suffrage Child labor laws Government can solve social and economic problems.

5 Political Reforms Recall Direct primary Secret ballot Initiative referendum

6 Economic Reforms Coal Strike of 1902 Trustbusting Make capitalism more fair

7 Leaders of the Progressives Teddy Roosevelt Bob Lafollette Woodrow Wilson

8 Theodore Roosevelt Child of privilege Sickly Traveled Extensively Challenged himself

9 Early Years Tragic Never afraid of a new challenge Joy of Life Becomes a cowboy

10 Teddy’s core values Noblesse Oblige Family Adventure capitalism

11 Public Career Governor of New York 1898- 1900 Vice President of the US 1900-1901

12 Accidental President 7/8 of the last presidents including McKinley were Republican. McKinley did not have to campaign to hard People were afraid of William Jennings Bryan(Democrat) Republicans needed to keep TR at a distance. McKinley gets shot Theodore becomes president-youngest

13 The Square Deal Not anti-business Let the watchwords of all our people be the old familiar watchwords of honesty, decency, fair- dealing, and commonsense."... "We must treat each man on his worth and merits as a man. We must see that each is given a square deal, because he is entitled to no more and should receive no less.""The welfare of each of us is dependent fundamentally upon the welfare of all of us." New York State Fair, Syracuse, September 7, 1903

14 The coal strike of 1902

15 Consumer protection

16 Pure Food and Drug Act

17 Conservation “ The nation behaves well if it treats the natural resources as assets which it must turn over to the next generation increased and not impaired in value.” 148 million acres of forest reserves set aside.

18 Roosevelt’s Legacy-Foreign Policy Walk softly, but carry a big stick. Panama Canal Great White fleet Roosevelt Corollary Nobel Peace Prize Modern President Government involvement in economics

19 Teddy Bear

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