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The World Says: “What’s the Big Deal” God Says: “Obeying is the Big Deal”

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5 The World Says: “What’s the Big Deal”

6 God Says: “Obeying is the Big Deal”



9 What is “Institutionalism”

10 The Church’s Work







17 Institutionalism




21 The Benefits of Such a Structure Financial – a pooling of resources Social – The encouragement of brethren Structural – Stronger aiding weaker Goals could be achieved at greater levels

22 Brethren ask: “What’s the Big Deal” “It really doesn’t matter” “It’s not that big a deal” “It’s just a different tradition”

23 Three Strikes to Institutionalism Scriptural – God’s permission Historical – Looking at the end results Practical – Is it really successful Why Are We a “Non-Institutional” Church?

24 Scriptural Acts 11:27-29 I Corinthians 16:1-4 New Testament churches used NO organizations to fulfill their obligations

25 Historical – Innovations to the church The institution of oversight: Bishops -> The Pope Why Are We a “Non-Institutional” Church?

26 Historical – Innovations to the church Liberalism lead to other errors Denominalization of churches Why Are We a “Non-Institutional” Church? “If it is acceptable to use an institution to accomplish a work of the church….. then…. It is acceptable to use an instrument to accomplish a work of the church” Luke 7:35 "But wisdom is justified by all her children."

27 Practical Institutions doing the work of the church: Are not overseen by Elders Are not bound by Scriptural authority Trend towards bureaucracy Why Are We a “Non-Institutional” Church?

28 Practical Institutions doing the work of the church: Churches on the institutional path are hurting Financially unsustainable Weakened membership Why Are We a “Non-Institutional” Church?

29 Following the NT Pattern Means being different from other churches But you are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, His own special people, that you may proclaim the praises of Him who called you out of darkness into His marvelous light;1 Peter 2:9

30 Following the NT Pattern Means being different from other churches Therefore "Come out from among them and be separate, says the Lord. Do not touch what is unclean, and I will receive you. I will be a Father to you, and you shall be My sons and daughters, …..2 Corinthians 6:17-18

31 Following the NT Pattern God’s people have always been unique Being unique has never been popular Our success is spiritual not carnal


33 The Invitation of Jesus Christ The Unbeliever To Believe To Confess Christ To Repent of Sin To Be Baptized The Christian To Turn Again To Walk by Faith To Share Your Burdens

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