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Welcome to Second Grade! Ursula Crosby Donna Evans Kelly WilliamsonKathy Alloway Erin Clayton Shannon King.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to Second Grade! Ursula Crosby Donna Evans Kelly WilliamsonKathy Alloway Erin Clayton Shannon King."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to Second Grade! Ursula Crosby Donna Evans Kelly WilliamsonKathy Alloway Erin Clayton Shannon King

2 *All absences need a written excuse from the parent within 3-5 days. *Students are NOT counted tardy/absent before 10:00am with a doctor’s note. *Students are counted tardy after 7:40a.m. and must have a tardy slip when entering the classroom. Your child will receive progress reports every 3 weeks. In each 9 week period, a maximum of 5 daily grades in each subject area - below 70 – may be changed. This does not include homework, projects, or quizzes/tests. Please do not hesitate to contact your child’s teacher with any concerns. You can monitor your child’s progress weekly by reviewing his/her graded work found in the Graded Work Folders. Grades will also be accessible online. School Starts at 7:30 a.m. Please be on time!

3 The BISD grading policy for 2nd Grade is as follows: Language Arts: 4 Reading (60%) 5 Writing Composition (30%) 4 Spelling (10%) Math: 2 tests (30%), 8 daily/quizzes (50%), 3 homework (20%) Science: 2 major ( 25%) and 5 minor (75%) Social Studies: 2 major (25%) and 4 minor (75%) *”Major” Grades include TESTS and PROJECTS.

4 Mrs. Crosby’s Homework assignments are always due by Friday! Library books are due on Friday as well! *Math: Math homework assignments are due by Friday of that week. Parents are to please check and initial the assigned work! *Reading: We have weekly reading homework due on Fridays. Please be sure NOT to lose the books and return on Fridays. They are used in class for the next groups and/or shared with other teachers. Parents should review student’s work on the written “Reading Summary” sheet. This is practice for our end of the year exams! *Spelling: Your child has a homework CHOICE CHART for spelling and must complete 4 activities each week. (1 per night) Return spelling homework journal each day for practice and sharing. The spelling journal is also due by Friday for grading. Please use both sides of journal pages. Parents are to initial the assignments. *NOTE– Spelling lists will be posted on the teacher’s webpage and sent home in journal. Tests are given on Fridays! (If your child is absent, there is no need to make up the test, homework will be used as a grade.) *Unfinished Classwork: If your child missed work (absent) or has unfinished work, it’s due by the following Friday!

5 The Accelerated Reader program is a reading incentive program. Your Child will take the “STAR” reading test on the computer. The results will determine your child’s reading level and point goal for the school year. Students will earn “point slips” to use as money to purchase prizes at the PTO “AR” Store!

6 Sumdog is an engaging new resource your child is able to access at home and at school to practice math skills – especially the math facts. KIDS LOVE SUMDOG--- On Sumdog, students learn math by playing short games against classmates. Students work hard to earn coins to buy gear for their avatar. There is a variety of games which are not tied to specific topics, so students can practice a topic repeatedly without getting bored. SELF-PACED--- Sumdog adapts its questions to each student's ability covering number operations through to simple algebra. FAMILIES--- To receive free weekly reports at home, parents may create a family. Each student can be part of a family and a school. Parents may also subscribe to access additional features. TEACHERS--- Teachers will set the practice level to choose skills for your child and periodically may set up contests and challenges within the class or school. Teachers will have access to additional reports to monitor participation and progress.create

7 Celebrations: *PTO Fitness Fair Friday, Oct. 30th *Christmas Party Friday, December 18 th Early Release at 11:40 *End of the Year Party Wednesday, June 1 st

8 Mrs. Crosby’s Class Information: 1.Please read our Classroom Newsletter each week! The newsletter will be on my webpage at the BISD website under: “Crosby!” The BISD website has lots of other valuable info./Calendars/my site also includes fun links for educational games like: Spelling City!(If you are unable to access the website, I will be happy to email it or send home a paper copy-please let me know. )Please read our Classroom Newsletter each week! The newsletter will be on my webpage at the BISD website under: “Crosby!” The BISD website has lots of other valuable info./Calendars/my site also includes fun links for educational games like: Spelling City!(If you are unable to access the website, I will be happy to email it or send home a paper copy-please let me know. ) 2.Students are encouraged to bring 2 snacks each day (not wet and sticky ones please!) Snack Times are around: 9:00 am and 2:00 p.m.Students are encouraged to bring 2 snacks each day (not wet and sticky ones please!) Snack Times are around: 9:00 am and 2:00 p.m. 3.School Hours…….7:30-2:40 Please be on time and have good attendance! Lunch..........10:45-11:15 Conference (Specials)...12:00-12:50School Hours…….7:30-2:40 Please be on time and have good attendance! Lunch..........10:45-11:15 Conference (Specials)...12:00-12:50 4.My e-mail address is: ursula.crosby@boerne-isd.netMy e-mail address is: 5.My phone number at school is: 830-357-4833 (I prefer e mail & will respond to you that I have received it asap! Especially transportation changes.)My phone number at school is: 830-357-4833 (I prefer e mail & will respond to you that I have received it asap! Especially transportation changes.) 6.Please let me know if there is a change in “pick-up” for your child via note in the morning or email. If I do not return your e mail by 2 p.m. Please contact the office and they will call me on the intercom. Please let me know if there is a change in “pick-up” for your child via note in the morning or email. If I do not return your e mail by 2 p.m. Please contact the office and they will call me on the intercom. 7.Office: 830 357 4802Office: 830 357 4802 8. I do allow the class to celebrate birthdays! However, we may not have big birthday parties. Easy to serve treats and juice boxes are fine. We will celebrate around 2:00 p.m. Please let me know, in advance, so we can plan for that day. I do allow the class to celebrate birthdays! However, we may not have big birthday parties. Easy to serve treats and juice boxes are fine. We will celebrate around 2:00 p.m. Please let me know, in advance, so we can plan for that day. Thank you so much!

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