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Agendaand Absent Write in your agenda and Essential Question Log each day.

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2 Agendaand Absent Write in your agenda and Essential Question Log each day

3 Essential Questions DateEssential QuestionAnswer 8/11What will we learn this year? CM

4 Stuff Baskets for Papers Sharpening Pencils Bathroom Talking when I’m talking Cleaning Checking out books Tickets Formative Assessment ABCD in room Chimes

5 The Civil War

6 Immigration


8 Roaring 20s

9 Great Depression


11 Civil Rights

12 Field Trips

13 Living History Museum


15 Tomorrow Team Norms Moore Money

16 Team Norms Expectations we have for ourselves and each other.

17 Ms. Jones’s Team Norms Never give up! Don’t talk while others are talking. Be respectful, participate, and do your best. If you have something to say, make it about the topic. Have fun. Have a good attitude. Work together.

18 Ms. Jones’s Moore Money Ideas Outside for 15 mins Horrible History Day PPT and Teach Class Device for last fifteen minutes Pizza Party Eat in class with two friends Board Games Sit in teacher’s chair for class period Candy Homework Pass/Edmodo Pass Take away a reprimand Sit with a friend in class Bring a soda in class Donuts Bouncy balls Five extra points on an assignment Ice cream Andy Griffith Sit where you want Bring Presley to school Control Music Monday

19 Mrs. Petty’s Team Norms Be respectful to everyone. Share ideas with the whole class. Be kind and respectful when Mrs. Moore and others are talking. Raise your hand before speaking. Be mature and respectful Have self responsibility Don’t distract people around you If the teacher walks out, act appropriately. Put pencil down when Mrs. Moore is talking. Don’t make mean comments. Be mindful of your own work Give 110%

20 Mrs. Petty’s Moore Money Ideas 15 mins. of free time Candy Horrible Histories Electronic day Make PPT Extra credit Homework Pass Pizza Party Bring a special treat to eat in class Make Mrs. Moore sing country music Telephone Tuesday by student Lunch in room with two friends Bring your own soda from home Class outside Use Ms. Moore’s chair for the day Dress Mrs. Moore up as Abe Lincoln

21 Mrs. Moore’s Team Norms Do your best and have fun. Follow the golden rule. Be a team Come to class prepared Participate Respect other Encourage your teammates Listen to the teacher the first time. Be a positive role model Don’t interrupt Don’t talk during tests Don’t disturb other people while doing work.

22 Mrs. Moore’s Moore Money Ideas Sit in teacher’s chair Game Day 20 mins. of extra recess Movie Day Lunch in room with two friends Candy Take away a reprimand Teach the class Ice cream Video games Make Mrs. Moore as a historical figure Soda Popcorn Sit where you want


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