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Jack Jenniskens. About us… Since 1987 Purchasing Order entry Production Financial sys. Grader CRM Flock information Quality – Tracking & Tracing E-

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Presentation on theme: "Jack Jenniskens. About us… Since 1987 Purchasing Order entry Production Financial sys. Grader CRM Flock information Quality – Tracking & Tracing E-"— Presentation transcript:

1 Jack Jenniskens

2 About us… Since 1987


4 Purchasing Order entry Production Financial sys. Grader CRM Flock information Quality – Tracking & Tracing E- Bank scannersLabel printers Printers small package



7 Packing station

8 Egg- processing

9 Highlights  Flock Management  Feed Management  Multi company  Egg supply / Purchase  Customer Service  Production Egg products  Production Packing station  Warehouse  Track & Trace

10 Flock management  External flocks  Price agreements  Internal flocks  House setup  Grow- Lay-flocks  Daily usage  To-do Schedule  Test results  Health Record  Flock analyses (FO, Monitor)

11 Feed management  Stored Formula  Least Cost Calculation  Feed production planning  Milling order  BOM  Nutrients  Pricing  Sales, Purchase, Internal  Customer owning

12 Multi Company  Shared data  Master files  Consolidated data views  Inter company transactions  Selling company versus Production company  Central egg purchase company  Country Specific requirements  Legislation / Electronic Banking  Language

13 Egg supply / purchase  Flock analyses (Forcast)  Internal / External  Weighing / Receiving  Egg entries  Price agreements  Egg purchase: Grading classes / weight  Central egg purchase company

14 Customer service  Contracts  Call sheet  Agents  Customer assortment  Sales price matrix / discounts / eggs in order  EDI Order / Co-Make  Sales / production company  Integration with production

15 Production (Egg Products)  Production Plans  Graded, liquid, powder, hard cooked, peeled, painted deviled, pickled, by products (Ultra Filtration, etc)  Production Planning order  Production: Yield

16 Production (Packing Station)  Production Proposal  Production to stock / order  Suitable eggs  Material requisition  Integration with Moba Machine  Integration with Label printers  Production: Complete  Tracking and tracing

17 Warehouse  SSCC  Inventory  Packages, SSCC, Eggs, KG  Transit  Pick orders  Shipment  EDI Desadv (GS1)  Invoice  EDI Invoice (GS1)

18 Track and Trace  Integration with ERP system  Flock  Feed  Packing  Processing  From Source  From Destination

19 ERP Developed for egg companies No risk Cost cutting Local partner International know-how of the poultry business One system for the whole company What we offer:

20 Tel. +31 475 343 180 E-mail Internet

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