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SEARCH: Don’t be evil?.  Does Google know everything? Does Google know everything?

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Presentation on theme: "SEARCH: Don’t be evil?.  Does Google know everything? Does Google know everything?"— Presentation transcript:

1 SEARCH: Don’t be evil?

2  Does Google know everything? Does Google know everything?

3  Google has every e-mail you ever sent or received on Gmail. Google

4  It knows every search you ever made.

5  The contents of every chat you ever had over Google Talk.

6  It holds a record of every telephone conversation you had using Google Voice.

7  It knows every Google Alert you've set up.

8  It has your Google Calendar with all content going back as far as you've used it, including everything you've done every day since then.

9  It knows your contact list with all the information you may have included about yourself and the people you know.

10  It has your Picasa pictures, your news page configuration, indicating what topics you're most interested in. And so on.

11  If you ever used Google while logged in to your account to search for a person, a symptom, a medical side effect, a political idea; if you ever gossiped using one of Google's services … all of this is on Google's servers.

12  And thanks to the magic of Google's algorithms, it is easy to sift through the information because Google search works like a charm. Google can even track searches on your computer when you're not logged in for up to six months.track searches on your computer

13  You've done it, said it, clicked it, searched it, Googled it. You can never undo it or unclick it. It stays there forever.

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