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Technology Showcase Final Face to Face Meeting September 15, 2011.

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Presentation on theme: "Technology Showcase Final Face to Face Meeting September 15, 2011."— Presentation transcript:

1 Technology Showcase Final Face to Face Meeting September 15, 2011

2 2 Agenda 10:00AM – 10:05AMCall to Order, Roll Call,Ryan Lamm Welcome & Introductions. Patty Del Pozo 10:05AM – 10:15AMWorld Congress UpdateTom Kern 10:15AM – 11:00AMLogisticsRyan L/Dan H. / Patty DP 11:00AM – 12:00noonOn-site Review of Parking LotAll at parking lot 12:00PM – 1:00PMWorking LunchAll 1:00PM – 2:00PMRSE Network CoordinationDavid Chang Radio Coverage Testing George Gilhooley SPaT Integration UpdateTony Amhad Vehicle Awareness Devices UpdateSteve Novosad Sunguide UpdateTucker Brown Frequency DeconflictionRyan Lamm 2:00PM -- 3:00PMOutstanding issues/needs.Patty DP/Dan H 3:00PM – 4:00PMFurther StepsAll 4:00PMAdjourn

3 3 T Minus 31 days…

4 4 World Congress Update (10:05am-10:15am) Tom Kern

5 5 ITSA pending issues Logistics (10:15am-11:00am) Dan & Patty

6 6 ITSA pending issues Logistics - Village - VIP trips - SME’s Parking lot detailed map - Daily schedule - Mandatory dry run - Pre/post briefings - Safety Plan - Crosswalk Update

7 Freeman to deliver updated map 7

8 8 Safety Village: S1: GM S2: Denso/Econolite S3: Siemens S4: NYSDOT S5: Raytheon S6: Toyota S7: TransCore S8 USDOT/CAMP Mobility Village M1-2: Sensys Networks M3: GEWI / BMW M4: Alcatel-Lucent M5: Iteris M6: Lynx M& FDOT Pricing Village P1 Battelle P3: TransCore P4: ACS P5: Kapsch P6 AASHTO Environmental Village E2: Imperial College E3: Ricardo E4-5: SwRI E6: Telvent E7: AERIS USDOT Technology Showcase Village Layout

9 9

10 10 Thu, 13 October 6:00am-6:30pm Meeting (mandatory)8:00am Set up8:00am-6:30pm Electric(back parking lot)6:00am Internet (back parking lot)6:00am Tenting and Fencing InstallAll Day Vehicle Arrival6:00am Vehicle Testing8 :00am-6:30pm LTE-GM1:00pm Secured parking Fri, 14 October 8:00am-6:30pm Tenting and Fencing Install8:00am-noon Electric/Internet8:00am Freeman Furniture8:00am-6:30pm Vehicle Testing8:00am-6:30pm Secured Parking Sat, 15 October 12:00pm-6:30pm Testing8 :00am-6:30pm Dry Run (Mandatory Practice) 3:00pm-5:00pm Showcase Coordination Meeting5:00pm-6:00pm Secured Parking Sun, 16 October8:00am-6:30pm Testing8:00am Final Set-up8:00am Daily Schedule

11 11 Daily Schedule Mon, 17 October 8:00am-6:30pm Pre-Meeting (mandatory) 8:00am ITSA Office (Disembarkation Area) Volunteers Training11:00amITSA Office (Disembarkation Area) Testing All8:00am Ribbon Cutting12:00 noon VIP Ministers12:50 p.m.Proceed to Ride-Ins (Up to 10)1:00 p.m.LaHood,DOT CAMP Ride-In 1:00 p.m.Other Ministerial Ride-Ins Post Meeting(mandatory)6:40pm ITSA Office (Disembarkation Area) Secured Parking Tue, 18 October 8:00am-5:30pm Pre-Meeting (mandatory)7:00am ITSA Office (Disembarkation Area) Volunteers Training7:30amITSA Office (Disembarkation Area) VIP USDOTNot arranged yet SME’s Visit8:00am-5:30pm (specific times for demonstrations will be developed by ITSA) Post Meeting5:45pm ITSA Office (Disembarkation Area) Secured Parking

12 12 Daily Schedule Wed, 19 October 8:00am-5:00pm (Emergency Responders and Students Day) Pre-Meeting (mandatory) 7 :30am ITSA Office (Disembarkation Area) ITS Asia Pacific VIP 8:00 a.m.Tour of Tech. Demo Village & Denso tour 9:00 a.m.Tour concludes. Individual ride-ins AASHTO9:00 a.m.Meet at AASHTO Pricing Booth in Tech Demo Village (up to 20)9:10 a.m.Demonstrations Tour Post Meeting (mandatory)5:15pm ITSA Office (Disembarkation Area) Secured Parking Thu, 20 October 8:00am-3:30pm (Students Day) Pre-Meeting (mandatory) 7:00am ITSA Office (Disembarkation Area) Volunteers Training7:30amITSA Office (Disembarkation Area) Dismantle begins3:30 p.m. ERTICO VIP 11:00 a.m. Tour of Tech. Demo Village & Denso tour 12:00 p.m.Tour concludes. Individual ride-ins Dismantle3:30pm Secured Parking

13 13 On-site Review of Parking Lot (11:00AM –Noon)

14 14 Updates 1:00pm – 2:00pm RSE Network CoordinationDavid Chang Radio Coverage Testing George Gilhooley SPaT Integration UpdateTony Amhad Vehicle Awareness Devices Update Steve Novosad Sunguide UpdateTucker Brown Frequency DeconflictionRyan Lamm 14

15 15 RSE Network – Way Forward Per Direction from FDOT, David Chang is the Technology Showcase Point of Contact for all coordination activities surrounding the installation, configuration, integration, test, and operation of the RSE network in Orlando. David will serve on behalf of FDOT as the lead coordinator to ensure the network is operational and meets FDOT's objectives for the World Congress. David will continue to be supported by George Gilhooley, Tony Ahmad, Steve Novosad, Mike Brown, and Tucker Brown. This is a large effort with a lot of moving parts, please ensure all your current efforts align with his direction. Please contact David directly regarding any requests or issues. He can be reached at or via phone at (850) 410-5622. 15

16 16 FDOT WC Operational Image = A modified version of the Michigan Test Bed Initial Image, with the FDOT BSM Listener installed, configured to send PVDM messages directly to SunGuide and configured to send TAM messages from SunGuide to the RSEs. All the PVDM data will be sent to SDN through SunGuide. No TAM data will be sent to SDN. SPaT will be installed on top of the FDOT WC Operational Image, not on top of the Michigan Test Bed Initial Image, at the 8 intersections where SPaT will be utilized. Definition

17 17 World Congress Technology Showcase Infrastructure Plan I-4 RSEs (11), JYP (5), I-Drive (1) [Non-SPAT Intersections] –FDOT execute scripts to install BSM Listener and change TAM and PVDM PSIDs to point to SunGuide. This establishes the “FDOT WC Operational Image” on these units. No data forking of PVDM, and TAMs not allowed to come from SDN. 9/15 –SAIC complete radio coverage testing by Friday 9/22 –Configuration lockdown, any further modifications cleared through FDOT (David/Steve). Regular operational exercise of system (to/from Sunguide) begins with ITS Beacons and FDOT OBE. 9/22 I-Drive RSEs (8) [SPAT Intersections] –FDOT execute scripts to install BSM Listener and change TAM and PVDM PSIDs to point to SunGuide This establishes the “FDOT WC Operational Image” on these units. No data forking of PVDM, and TAMs not allowed to come from SDN. 9/15 –KAPSCH installs and configures RSEs (running “FDOT WC Operational Image”) for SPaT. Efforts discontinued to install SPaT on “Michigan Image” 9/19 –FDOT tests RSEs with SunGuide 9/26 –Configuration lockdown, any further modifications cleared through FDOT. Regular operational exercise of system (to/from Sunguide) begins with ITS Beacons and FDOT OBE. Regular exercise of system by SPaT demonstrators commence. 9/30 Universal (3) –Econolite/Desno RSEs installed and tested 9/15

18 18 World Congress PSID List PSIDMessageVersionRepeat Interval 0Basic Safety Message – security disabled2009-11100 ms 32Basic Safety Message – security enabled2009-11100 ms 256Basic Safety MessagePOC100 ms 50331648Probe Vehicle Data MessagePOC4-20 sec 103Probe Vehicle Data Message2009-11fd4-20 sec 37603009Traveler Advisory MessagePOC1 sec 87Traveler Advisory Message2009-111 sec 20031919SPaT – Control ChannelJ2735100 ms 20191919SPaT – Service ChannelJ2735100 ms 20031907GID – Control ChannelJ27351 sec 20191907GID – Service ChannelJ27351 sec 20030219SPaT – Control ChannelCICAS-V100 ms 20190219SPaT – Service ChannelCICAS-V100 ms 20030207GID – Control ChannelCICAS-V1 sec 20190207GID – Service ChannelCICAS-V1 sec 6478CVII – CDL2009-11-CVIINot repeated 6479CVII – WRI2009-11-CVIINot repeated 6480CVII – Emergency Vehicle Alert2009-11100ms 7000SwRI – Emissions Data Message2009-11-SwRI1-4 sec

19 19 World Congress Technology Showcase Vehicle Awareness Device Plan District 5 –Install begin 9/25 –Savari (4) –ITRI (1) Lynx – Install begins 9/18 –Savari (10) I-Ride Trolley –Install begins 9/19 –ITRI (17)

20 20 World Congress Technology Showcase Vehicle Awareness Device Plan Pinellas County –Install begin tbd –Tbd (1) All Other Vehicles – Install begins 10/10 –Tbd (9)

21 10 Radio Coverage Update Group 1 – 13 RSEs I-4JYP Westbound OnlyMM 78.5 I-4West of JYP Eastbound OnlyMM 78.5 I-4ConroyMM 77.7 I-4TurnpikeMM 76.3 I-4Just West of TurnpikeMM 75.8 I-4State Road 435MM 75.3 I-4West of UniversalMM 74.6 I-4East of Sand LakeMM 73.7 I-4State Road 482/Sand LakeMM 73.7 I-4East of State Road 528MM 72.6 I-4State Road 528 Westbound RampMM 71.8 I DriveState Road 528 Westbound I DriveState Road 528 Eastbound

22 12 Radio Coverage Update Group 2 – Schedule Receive RSEsJune 30, 2011 InstallationJuly 1 – July 29, 2011 CompletionJuly 29, 2011

23 SPaT Update 23

24 SunGuide Update 24

25 ITS Beacons Update 25

26 ITS Beacon Status Volunteer List Volunteer Status

27 Volunteer List FDOT Lynx I Ride Trolley Pinellas County ACS Econolite/Denso GEWI Kapsch Ricardo Siemens SwRI

28 Volunteer Status Agency Vehicles Committed InstallationComments FDOT District 55Self Install Pinellas County1Self Install SwRI1Self Install Lynx10Self Install I-Trolley/Mears5Self Install8/16, I Ride Trolley is willing to commit all of their buses (17). Ricardo1Self Install GEWI/BMW1Self Install ACS6Self Install Kapsch2Self Install Siemens1Install Current Total33Remaining 7 could go to I-Trolley/Mears

29 Volunteer Status Econolite/Denso3n/a Will be using their own Beacons provided by Denso and should communicate with the RSEs Final Total36 Spares10 Agency Vehicles Committed InstallationComments

30 30 Outstanding Issues (2:00pm-3:00pm) Safety Mobility Pricing Environment 30 Demonstrators Technical Overview

31 31 Future Steps 3:00pm – 4:00pm - Future Steps - Issue Summary - Any Other Business - Next Group Meeting Saturday, 15 October, 2011, 5pm –Orlando

32 32 T Minus 31 days…

33 33 Ryan D. Lamm +1.210.522.5350 Patty Del Pozo +1.202.721.4238 Michael Freitas +1.301.354.1366 Dan Hering +1.202.721.4218 Thank You!!

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