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Step Up To: Psychology by John J. Schulte, Psy.D. Psychology, Eighth Edition by David G. Myers Worth Publishers (2007)

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Presentation on theme: "Step Up To: Psychology by John J. Schulte, Psy.D. Psychology, Eighth Edition by David G. Myers Worth Publishers (2007)"— Presentation transcript:


2 Step Up To: Psychology by John J. Schulte, Psy.D. Psychology, Eighth Edition by David G. Myers Worth Publishers (2007)

3 1. Psychology is defined as: A) the study of behavior and mental processes. B) the study of behavior. C) the scientific study of behavior and mental processes. D) the science of behavior and consequences.

4 2. Socrates and Plato were in agreement that: A) knowledge is something we are born with. B) knowledge is something taught and learned. C) the mind is the result of bodily fluids. D) the mind is the activity of the brain.

5 3. It was _____ who believed that the mind grows from experiences in our memory. A) Socrates B) Plato C) Descartes D) Aristotle

6 4. ____ believed the fluid in the cavities of the brain contained “animal spirits”. A) Plato B) Bacon C) Aristotle D) Descartes

7 5.An essay of the political philosopher _____, arguing the mind is a blank slate, helped form modern empiricism. A) Bacon B) Locke C) Descartes D) Plato

8 6. The first psychological laboratory was established by: A) Wilhelm Wundt. B) Sigmund Freud. C) John Locke. D) B.F. Skinner.

9 7. Tichner believed in the method called ____ to investigate psychological processes. A) the experimental method B) cause-and-effect relationships C) introspection D) psychoanalysis

10 8. William James studied behavior based on how it was adaptive. He was heavily influenced by _____. A) John Locke B) Charles Darwin C) Sigmund Freud D) Francis Bacon

11 9. Mary Calkins was famous for: A) being the first female president of the APA. B) being a leading proponent of structuralism. C) being the first female graduate student, thanks to Titchner. D) all of the above.

12 10. The first textbook was written by: A) Washburn. B) Titchner. C) Wundt. D) James.

13 11. Watson and Skinner would be in agreement in their: A) high esteem of psychoanalysis. B) dismissal of introspection. C) definition of psychology as the study of behavior and mental processes. D) study of cognitive neuroscience.

14 12. Current psychology employs three main levels of analysis, which include all of the following except: A) biological. B) psychological. C) psychoanalytical. D) social-cultural.

15 13. A psychologist explains human mate selection in terms of helping the species to continue. She is using the ____ perspective. A) social-cultural B) neuroscience C) evolutionary D) biological

16 14. In psychology, the current stand on the nature-nurture controversy is: A) nature works on what nature endows. B) learning is far more important than genetics. C) genetics is far more important than learning. D) we are born with a blank slate until learning occurs.

17 15. In studying anger, the psychologist who views an anger outburst as an outlet for unconscious hostility is coming from the ___ perspective. A) neuroscience B) evolutionary C) cognitive D) psychodynamic

18 16. The psychologist most likely to treat mental disorders is the: A) counseling psychologist. B) clinical psychologist. C) personality psychologist. D) developmental psychologist.

19 17. The ___ has a medical degree and prescribes medication. A) clinical psychologist B) neuropsychologist C) psychiatrist D) all of the above

20 18. You are a VP in a major corporation and need to hire a professional to help hire and train employees more effectively. Your best choice would likely be a(n): A) industrial/organizational psychologist. B) clinical psychologist. C) social psychologist. D) cognitive psychologist.

21 19. Research aimed at building psychology’s knowledge base is: A) applied research. B) academic research. C) basic research. D) theoretical research.

22 20. The psychological specialty most likely to focus on applied research is: A) Biological Psychology. B) Cognitive Psychology. C) Personality Psychology. D) Industrial/Organizational Psychology.

23 21. The correct order of the SQ3R method is: A) survey, question, review, read, reflect. B) survey, question, read, review, reflect. C) survey, question, read, reorganize, regurgitate. D) study, question, re-study, re-read, review.

24 22. Your friend, Bob, tells you he only studies the day before the test, so it is, “fresh”. You point out: A) short-term memory is more accurate than long-term memory. B) studying right before the test is better than the day before. C) spaced practice is more effective. D) as long as he follows the SQ3R model, he should do fine.

25 23. In class, you can listen actively by: A) asking questions. B) write down main ideas. C) thinking about what is being said. D) all of the above.

26 24: Your text recommends the way to answer multiple-choice questions is to: A) cover the answers first. B) weigh the potential of each answer. C) eliminate the wrong answers first. D) imagine how each answer could be the right one.

27 25. Over 100 years ago, _____ urged active listening, stating, 25. Over 100 years ago, _____ urged active listening, stating, “No reception without reaction, no impression without... expression.” A) Sigmund Freud B) William James C) John Locke D) Wilhelm Wundt

28 Stop here, or continue as a review

29 Answers 1.C 2.A 3.D 4.D 5.B 6.A 7.C 8.B 9.A 10.D 11.B 12.C 13.C 14.A 15.D 16.B 17.C 18.A 19.C 20.D 21.B 22.C 23.D 24.A 25.B

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