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PARLIAMENTARY PROCEDURE.  Courtesy and justice to all  Consider only one thing at a time  The majority rules  The minority must be heard  The purpose.

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Presentation on theme: "PARLIAMENTARY PROCEDURE.  Courtesy and justice to all  Consider only one thing at a time  The majority rules  The minority must be heard  The purpose."— Presentation transcript:


2  Courtesy and justice to all  Consider only one thing at a time  The majority rules  The minority must be heard  The purpose is to facilitate action 5 PRINCIPLES OF PARLIAMENTARY LAW

3  To provide an educational program  Carry out business affairs  Recognize members  Announce future events  Organize members into work groups  Give members a place to develop leadership skills REASONS MEETINGS ARE HELD

4  Determine the purpose  Identify business to be acted on  Organize an educational program  Set a date and time for the meeting  Set a location  Assign responsibilities to members  Develop an order of business STEPS IN PLANNING A MEETING

5  Agenda  Call to order—opening ceremony  Minutes of the previous meeting  Officer reports  Standing committee reports  Special features  Unfinished business  New business  Closing ceremony  Entertainment, recreation, refreshments ORDER OF BUSINESS FOR A CHAPTER MEETING

6  Single tap  members are to be seated  2 taps  call meeting to order  3 taps  members stand during ceremonies TAPS OF GAVEL

7  Voice vote  Rising vote  Secret ballot  Roll call METHODS OF VOTING


9  Recognition by the chair  Mister/madam President…  The motion  I move that we…  I move that we participate in a community service project  Second  I second the motion OR second  Discussion  If needed  Member explains their reasons for supporting or opposing the motion of the group  Vote HOW TO MOVE AND DISPOSE A MOTION

10  Sometimes a group member may want to change a motion while it is in the discussion phase  Generally, amendment strike out, adds or substitutes words to the main motion EXAMPLE:  “I move to amend the motion to participate in a community service project by adding the words at the Ronald McDonald House”  A second is required  Discussion follows  Then goes to voting—majority is needed to pass AMENDING A MOTION

11  Used to end a meeting  Any member can make the motion to adjourn the meeting  Steps  A member is recognized by the president and says “Mister/madam president, I move that we adjourn”  *A second is required  No discussion is permitted  Group votes—majority is needed to adjourn ADJOURNING A MEETING

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