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Rules of Order What they are; why we need them. What are “rules of order”? Rules of order, also known as standing orders or rules of procedure, are the.

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Presentation on theme: "Rules of Order What they are; why we need them. What are “rules of order”? Rules of order, also known as standing orders or rules of procedure, are the."— Presentation transcript:

1 Rules of Order What they are; why we need them

2 What are “rules of order”? Rules of order, also known as standing orders or rules of procedure, are the written rules of parliamentary procedure adopted by a deliberative assembly, which detail the processes used by the body to make decisions. Rules of order, also known as standing orders or rules of procedure, are the written rules of parliamentary procedure adopted by a deliberative assembly, which detail the processes used by the body to make decisions.


4 First, let’s define some words: parliamentary: parliamentary: Relating to governing or lawmaking bodies Relating to governing or lawmaking bodies deliberative : deliberative : Intended for consideration or discussion Intended for consideration or discussion

5 Then, let’s remix this definition: Rules of order are the written rules of a law- making, decision-making, or discussion group used to discuss and consider ideas, which help them make decisions by making the meetings structured and orderly. Rules of order are the written rules of a law- making, decision-making, or discussion group used to discuss and consider ideas, which help them make decisions by making the meetings structured and orderly.

6 BRAINSTORM What are five situations that “rules of order” would be really useful? What are five situations that “rules of order” would be really useful?

7 BRAINSTORM follow-up Debate club Debate club ASB meeting ASB meeting School board meeting School board meeting Class discussion Class discussion Talk shows Talk shows Senate, Congress Senate, Congress Were any of the following said? Board meeting Board meeting Courtroom trial Courtroom trial Brainstorm session Brainstorm session City Council Meeting City Council Meeting

8 What is accomplished with through “rules of order”? Produces an orderly and organized meeting Produces an orderly and organized meeting Allows the minority voice to be heard Allows the minority voice to be heard Allows the majority voice to decide Allows the majority voice to decide

9 What is accomplished with through “rules of order”? Allows ideas to be vocalized Allows ideas to be vocalized Allows ideas to be fully discussed Allows ideas to be fully discussed Produces well thought out decisions Produces well thought out decisions

10 What are the sources of “rules of order”? They can come from the leader or leading body of a group They can come from the leader or leading body of a group They can be the tradition or guidelines adopted by a group They can be the tradition or guidelines adopted by a group They can be external written rules produced outside of a group They can be external written rules produced outside of a group

11 Would the following situation use rules of order from A) a leader B) tradition C) written, formal rules: A fraternity or sorority A fraternity or sorority A classroom A classroom The Senate The Senate

12 EXAMPLE #1: Robert’s Rules of Order

13 Robert’s Rules of Order basic overview: This Parliamentary Procedure is a time tested method of conducting meetings and public gatherings. This Parliamentary Procedure is a time tested method of conducting meetings and public gatherings. It can be adapted to fit the needs of any organization. It can be adapted to fit the needs of any organization. It is the basic handbook of operation for most clubs, organizations and other groups. It is the basic handbook of operation for most clubs, organizations and other groups.

14 Robert’s Rules of Order basic overview: It offers a basic order: It offers a basic order: 1.Call to order 2.Roll call of members present 3.Reading of minutes of last meeting 4.Officers reports 5.Committee reports

15 Robert’s Rules of Order basic overview: It offers a basic order (cont.): It offers a basic order (cont.): 6.Special orders --- Important business previously designated for consideration at this meeting 7.Unfinished business 8.New business 9.Announcements10.Adjournment

16 Robert’s Rules of Order basic overview: How do things get done? How do things get done? Members express themselves by moving “motions.” A motion is a proposal that the entire membership take action or a stand on an issue. Individual members can: 1.Call to order 2.Second motions 3.Debate motions 4.Vote on motions

17 Robert’s Rules of Order basic overview: The CORE RULE in Robert’s Rules of Order: The CORE RULE in Robert’s Rules of Order: BE COURTEOUS BE COURTEOUS

18 EXAMPLE #2: Democratic Rules of Order

19 Democratic Rules of Order basic overview: Democratic Rules of Order basic overview: Claims to accomplish the same order and structure as Robert’s Rules of Order but… Claims to accomplish the same order and structure as Robert’s Rules of Order but… Has 27 pages of rules rather than up to 700 Has 27 pages of rules rather than up to 700 Uses plain vocabulary rather than specialized terms Uses plain vocabulary rather than specialized terms Is not as formal-- not everything discussed is a “motion” Is not as formal-- not everything discussed is a “motion”

20 Democratic Rules of Order basic overview: Democratic Rules of Order basic overview: Important Principles: Important Principles: Using this link, find “meeting tips and principles.” Read through the 12 listed principles. In your opinion, which do you think are the two most valuable guidelines? Why?

21 Rules of Order What they are; why we need them

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