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AJ korespondence Centrum pro virtuální a moderní metody a formy vzdělávání na Obchodní akademii T.G. Masaryka, Kostelec nad Orlicí.

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1 AJ korespondence Centrum pro virtuální a moderní metody a formy vzdělávání na Obchodní akademii T.G. Masaryka, Kostelec nad Orlicí

2 Test 1. Are the following statements true – T or false – F: a. In the USA, it is correct to open a letter with the salutation Gentlemen. - b. In the UK the abbreviation 10.08.2009 on a letter means 8 October 2009. - c. If you write a letter to Mr Peter Smith, you will open with Dear Mr Peter Smith. - d. The abbreviation for ´company´is Co. -

3 Test e. If you do not know whether a female correspondent is married or not, it will be correct to use the term Ms. - f. The abbreviation c.c. stands for ´carbon copy´. - g. If a letter begins with the recipient´s name, e.g. Dear Ms Ross, it will close with Yours faithfully. - h. The abbreviation for the term ´limited company´ in the UK is ltd. -

4 Test 2. Put the following names and addresses in correct order: e.g. Search Studios Ltd./Leeds/LS4 8QM/Mr L.Scott/150 Royal Avenue Mr L.Scott Search Studios Ltd 150 Royal Avenue Leeds LS4 8QM

5 Test a. Warwick House/Soundsonic Ltd/London/ Warwick Street/SE23 1JF b. Piazza Leonardo da Vinci 254/The Chief Accountant/I-20133/D.Fregoni/Fregoni S.p.A/ Milano/Italy c. Greece/Miss Maria Nikolaki/85 100 Rhodes, Nikitara 541 d. Bente Spedition GmbH/Mr Heinz Bente/ D-6000 Frankfurt 1/Feldbergstr.30/The Chairman

6 Test 3. Write the following date in four different ways: 12.10.2009

7 Test 4. What courtesy titles do you know? 5. What are the essential parts of a business letter? 6. How do we call the most widely style of writing business letters? 7. What does the abbreviation p.p. (Per Pro) stand for?

8 Test 8. Which countries domain name suffixes are -

9 Test 9. Rearrange the sentences in the correct order to form a letter. Dear Sir / Madam   which was held last June,   and may be interested in retailing them through our outlets in Germany.   We saw a large selection of your products at the Frankfurt Fair,   Could you send us your latest catalogue and price list,

10 Test  We are particulary interested in your industrial ware,  quoting c.i.f. terms to Hamburg. Including overalls,boots,helmets,gloves,and fire-proof jackets.  We look forward to hearing from you soon.  We can assure you that if your prices and discounts are competitive,  Yours faithfully  Chief Buyer  we will place regular large orders.  T. Hamacher

11 Použité prameny Ashley, A.: Oxford handbook of commercial correspondence, Oxford 2003

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