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ANALYSIS OF THE 2005 COMMON MONITORING INDICATORS Leader+ Steering Committee, 12 March, 2008 European Commission.

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Presentation on theme: "ANALYSIS OF THE 2005 COMMON MONITORING INDICATORS Leader+ Steering Committee, 12 March, 2008 European Commission."— Presentation transcript:

1 ANALYSIS OF THE 2005 COMMON MONITORING INDICATORS Leader+ Steering Committee, 12 March, 2008 European Commission

2 Methodology  Data:  Provided by Managing Authorities  Validated by DG AGRI  Transmitted to the CP by DG AGRI  Nevertheless, cases of typing and/or interpretation errors  Some obvious errors were corrected

3 Methodology  Data:  Obtained from 67 Leader+ programmes: 7 national, 57 regional, 3 networks  6 programmes were not transferred by DG AGRI  Italy – Molise  Luxembourg  The Netherlands - Oost regio  The Netherlands - Noord regio  The Netherlands - West regio  Sweden

4 Methodology  Data:  For LAG characteristics the data of 2004 was used for these 6 mentioned programmes and Wales (not for financial data and number of projects)  No significant differences between 2004 and 2005 in LAG characteristics, unless indicated  Small differences mainly due to inconsistency of the data transmitted (2003 / 2004 / 2005)

5 LAGs characteristics- by chosen priority theme  Dominating themes: ‘Development of natural and cultural resources’ and ‘Improvement of the quality of life’: representing respectively 29% and 26% for EU- 15, chosen in all the countries except Luxembourg.  The least popular theme ‘Use of new technologies and know-how’ has been addressed by 10% of the LAGs across the EU-15 except in Greece and Luxembourg  Adding value to local products (17% for EU-15) is mostly represented in Greece (45% of LAGs), followed by Italy (32%) and Sweden (25%)  11 countries opted for ‘other’ themes to varying degrees

6 LAG characteristics – by expenditure allocated to priority theme  Budgets allocated per theme appear to be consistent with the shares of the themes chosen, with a variation of not more than 10%  Low variations compared to 2004, increased budget in NL (by 15%) for ‘New technologies’, and +10% for ‘local products’ in Greece N.B. no expenditure data available for: Italy – Molise, Sicily; Luxembourg; Netherlands - East, North and West regions; Sweden; UK – Wales.

7 Average programmed expenditure per beneficiary LAG (Action 1)  Average programmed total (EAGGF, private, public) expenditure per beneficiary LAG within Action 1: EUR 1.06 m. in 2005 and the period of 2003-2005  Huge differences:  Swedish LAGs reaching EUR 4.4 m* total budget, followed by Spanish and Greek ones (EUR 1.6 m and 1.5 m)**  The lowest total budget per LAG: Belgium EUR 227 000**; and Austria EUR 464 000** *) Average 2003-2004 **) Average 2003-2005 N.B. no data available for 2005: Italy - Molise, Luxembourg, Netherlands: East, North and West, Sweden

8 Average realised expenditure per beneficiary LAG (Action 1)  Average realised total (EAGGF, private, public) expenditure per beneficiary LAG within Action 1: EUR 1.14 m for 2005, EUR 897 000 over 2003-2005  In 2005 LAGs spent 7% more in total than originally programmed  Over 2003-2005 LAGs spent 86% of the total programmed expenditure N.B. no data available for 2005: Italy - Molise, Luxembourg, Netherlands: East, North and West, Sweden

9 Number of projects in 2005 (Action 1)  Number of projects: 22 748 (2005); 48 647 over 2003-2005  Most projects in France (6 437) and Spain (4 417)  Top 5 intervention fields (by projects):  1) Shared business services (business estates, incubator units, stimulation, promotional services, networking, conferences, trade fairs)  2) Basic services for the rural economy and population  3) Encouragement for tourist activities  4) Non physical investment in tourism  5) Marketing of quality agricultural products N.B. no data available for 2005: Italy – Molise, Campania; Luxembourg; Netherlands: East, North and West; Sweden

10 Final recipients of payments in 2005 (Action 1)  Number of final recipients: 24 347 composed of:  4 002 individuals  12 137 private sector  4 813 public sector  3 395 LAGs  Among individuals, beneficiaries in terms of age and gender:  Under 25 years: 294 or 7 % of individuals  Women: 1 501 or 38 % of individuals N.B. no data available for: Italy – Abruzzo, Bolzano, Campania and Molise; Luxembourg; Netherlands – East, North and West regions; Sweden; UK – Wales; Spain – Castilla La Mancha.

11 Final recipients of payments in 2003 - 2005 (Action 1)  Number of final recipients: 104 842 composed of:  62 277 individuals  23 852 private sector  10 823 public sector  7 890 LAGs  Among individuals, beneficiaries in terms of age and gender:  Under 25 years: 8 260 or 13 % of individuals  Women: 41 487 or 67 % of individuals  (in 2004 32 226 beneficiaries were women >25 years in Scotland) N.B. no data available for 2005: Italy – Abruzzo, Bolzano, Campania and Molise; Luxembourg; Netherlands – East, North and West regions; Sweden; UK – Wales; Spain – Castilla La Mancha.

12 Average total expenditure per beneficiary LAG (Action 2)  Average total programmed expenditure per beneficiary LAG within Action 2: EUR 80 000 in 2005 and EUR 78 000 over the period 2003-2005  Average total realised expenditure per beneficiary LAG within Action 2: EUR 23 000 in 2005, and EUR 50 000 over the period 2003-2005  In 2005 LAGs spent 28% of the available budget, 64% over the period 2003-2005  No data available for: Italy-Molise; Luxembourg; Netherlands – East, North, and West regions; Sweden.

13 Action 2 interterritorial – Number of projects in 2005  Number of projects approvals in 2005: 840; and 3 732 over the period 2003-2005  Top 5 intervention fields (by projects):  Basic services for the rural economy and population  LAG animation costs  Diversification of agricultural activities and activities close to agriculture  Shared business services (business estates, incubator units, stimulation, promotional services, networking, conferences, trade fairs)  Renovation and development of villages and protection and conservation of the cultural heritage N.B. No data available for: Italy-Molise; Luxembourg; Netherlands – East, North, and West regions; Sweden.

14 Action 2 transnational – Number of projects in 2005  Number of projects approvals in 2005: 412; and 638 over 2003- 2005  Top 5 intervention fields (by projects):  Basic services for the rural economy and population  Non physical investment in tourism  LAG animation costs  Renovation and development of villages and protection and conservation of the cultural heritage  Shared business services (business estates, incubator units, stimulation, promotional services, networking, conferences, trade fairs) N.B. No data available for: Italy-Molise; Luxembourg; Netherlands – East, North, and West regions; Sweden.

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