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Welcome Parents!!!. Tribes Agreements Attentive Listening Mutual Respect Appreciation/No Put Downs Right to Participate or Pass Personal Best Safety.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome Parents!!!. Tribes Agreements Attentive Listening Mutual Respect Appreciation/No Put Downs Right to Participate or Pass Personal Best Safety."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome Parents!!!

2 Tribes Agreements Attentive Listening Mutual Respect Appreciation/No Put Downs Right to Participate or Pass Personal Best Safety

3 Character Counts Trustworthiness Respect Responsibility Fairness Caring Citizenship

4 7 Habits of Effective Leader 1. Be Proactive 2. Begin With The End In Mind 3. Put First Things First 4. Think Win/Win 5. Seek 1 st To Understand, Then To Be Understood 6. Synergize 7. Sharpen Your Saw

5 Homework Policy Assignments are to be turned in before announcements are over on the due date. Assignments turned in late receive a 10% penalty Assignments turned in 7 days after the due date will result in a zero. Blue Slips will be given for late work Late work may result in the loss of recess/Lunch Box

6 Dress Code No short shorts – must be a modest length (fingertips) Tank tops must be at least 2 inches wide No baggy/saggy pants No see through clothing No undergarments showing No alcohol, drugs, gambling, defamatory, obscene, or gang related messages on clothing Ear Piercings only Natural Hair Color only All other items on dress code policy

7 Attendance Please schedule appointments for after school If after school is not possible, then first thing in the morning is best Letter after 5 days missed Truancy Letter after 10 days missed Absences result in missed instruction time Student’s responsibility to get all assignments missed due to an absence

8 Schedule of the Day 8:15 – Announcements 8:30 – AR 9:05 – Specials 9:50 – Math Intervention 10:20– Math 11:20 – Language 12:10– Lunch/Recess 12:50– Language 2:05 – Social Studies/Science 3:00 – Dismissal Specials Mon-Music Tues-Computers/Art Wed-Flex Schedule Thur-Library Fri-P.E.

9 Math Harcourt Math Book Twist Packs (Science) Mountain Math (Science) Time Tests Intervention/Enrichment

10 Social Studies Glencoe Social Studies Book Egypt, China, Greece, Rome, Middle Ages, etc. Art Projects dealing with ancient civilizations Castle Day Journey Across Time Project

11 Science Egg Drop One Minute Timers District Kits – Landforms – Measuring Time – Health – Plants

12 Reading Harcourt Reading Book Literature Studies AR – Daily reading assignment is 50 pages per day – Must take AR test on book to show comprehension – Daily points for reading and passing test – Track pages daily – Complete story map for each book read

13 Language 5 Paragraph Essays Grammar Skills Mountain Language Write for the Future/Write From the Beginning Genres: Friendly Letter, Business Letter, Personal Narrative, Expository, Story, Persuasive Essay, Descriptive Essay, Research Paper, Poetry, Journals

14 Field Trips Potential Field Trips - Kartchner Caverns 2 nd Semester - Renaissance Festival 3 rd Semester Tax Credit Forms Are Available In The Office! (We Will Let You Know Of Total Costs As They Get Closer)

15 Save The Dates 10/16/14 – Parent Teacher Conferences 10/17/14 – Parent Teacher Conferences 10/31/14 – Toga Day (Greeks) 12/19/14 – Toga Day (Romans) 3/3/15 – Renaissance Festival 3/6/15 – Castle Day 5/12/15 – Journey Across Time (Evening) 5/13/15 – Journey Across Time (Daytime) 5/21/15 – 6 th Gr. Promotion/Awards Ceremony

16 Communication Email ( Phone Call Agendas (Please Sign Daily) Blue Slips Infinite Campus

17 Please Sign…. Title 1 Sheet PTSO Volunteer (PTSO would really appreciate any help they can get)

18 THANK YOU!!!!

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