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SOUTH AFRICA’S PARTICIPATION AT THE 6 TH SESSION OF THE WORLD URBAN FORUM Presentation to the Human Settlements Portfolio Committee 15 August 2012.

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Presentation on theme: "SOUTH AFRICA’S PARTICIPATION AT THE 6 TH SESSION OF THE WORLD URBAN FORUM Presentation to the Human Settlements Portfolio Committee 15 August 2012."— Presentation transcript:

1 SOUTH AFRICA’S PARTICIPATION AT THE 6 TH SESSION OF THE WORLD URBAN FORUM Presentation to the Human Settlements Portfolio Committee 15 August 2012

2 CONTENT Background Rationale for South Africa’s participation Structure of the 6 th World Urban Forum 1) Dialogue sessions 2) Networking Event 3) Roundtables 4) Youth and Women Assemblies 5) Exhibition South Africa’s preparatory process for WUF 6

3 BACKGROUND WUF was established by UN to examine pressing issues of rapid urbanisation and its impact on communities, cities, economies and policies. It is a biennial gathering attended by NGOs, governments, urban professionals, academics etc., to discuss urban issues in formal and informal ways and come up with action oriented solutions to create sustainable cities. The 5 th session of WUF was hosted by Brazil in March 2010 under the theme “The right to City – bridging the urban divide”

4 RATIONALE FOR SOUTH AFRICA’S PARTICIPATION AT WUF Our participation is in line with our foreign policy objectives which provides for strengthening of our voice for the cause of Africa. Provides opportunity to participate in the debates, share our perspectives and find solutions to topical issues of human settlements and urban development

5 6 TH WORLD URBAN FORUM The 6 th session of WUF will be hosted in Naples, Italy in from 1 to 7 September 2012 under the theme “Urban Future” There are four sub-themes: 1) Urban Planning: Institutions and regulations 2) Equity and Prosperity: Distributions of Wealth and opportunities 3)Productive Cities: Competitive and Innovative Cities 4)Urban mobility, energy and environmental sustenance

6 6 TH WORLD URBAN FORUM Discussions will take place through the following platforms: A)DIALOGUE SESSIONS 4 main dialogue sessions on the sub-themes: 1) Urban Planning: Institutions and regulations 2) Equity and Prosperity: Distributions of Wealth and opportunities 3)Productive Cities: Competitive and Innovative Cities 4)Urban mobility, energy and environmental sustenance

7 6 TH WORLD URBAN FORUM B) NETWORKING EVENT(S) - South Africa will be participating in several networking sessions within the context of South-South cooperation in order to learn and exchange information on aspects of urbanisation and urban development. (The proposal for our own networking event on one of the following topics was not approved by the event organisers. We had prepared proposals for these themes: 1) “An urban economic framework for youth development” and /or “Youth, Poverty and Slum upgrading” 2) “Urbanization and the developing economy” )

8 6 TH WORLD URBAN FORUM C)ROUNDTABLES These are events which enable participants to build knowledge and strengthen partnerships. South Africa will participate in the Ministerial and Mayoral Roundtables D)WOMEN AND YOUTH ASSEMBLIES These Assemblies serve as a platform for women and youth from around the world to debate issues of youth and gender within the “urban future” theme. It is important for South Africa to have a strong voice in these assemblies E)EXHIBITION The Department is developing a concept for participation in the exhibition which encompasses all spheres of government’s projects – in line with the theme of the event.

9 PREPARATION FOR PARTICIPATION AT WUF 6 Establishment of an Internal Tasks Team that deals with content, logistics, exhibition and development and management of the programme for participation. Partners to form part of the preparatory process for WUF participation are: UNHABITAT, COGTA, DOT, Water and Environmental Affairs, Metros, Provincial Departments of Human Settlements, Housing Institutions, Civil Society Organisations and Think Tanks such as DAG, SACN

10 PREPARATION FOR PARTICIPATION AT WUF 6 A National WUF 6 preparatory workshop took place on 08 June 2012 to kick-start preparations for Team South Africa’s participation at WUF with our stakeholders and partners A follow-up Session was held on 26 July 2012 to provide the political principals with feedback from the Outcomes of the 8 June Session and to seek their endorsement on the way forward in terms of content development and South Africa’s key messages

11 PREPARATION FOR PARTICIPATION AT WUF 6 The Content is being developed around : The Status of South African Human Settlements – the right to adequate shelter as enshrined in the Constitution, success of human settlements programme, settlement patterns in the country, Urban – Rural linkages, challenges of providing housing and basic services.

12 PREPARATION FOR PARTICIPATION AT WUF 6 The Road Ahead – The Urban Future – Vision 2030, indicating the high level focus of the vision in terms of: –Affordable access to services and quality environments –Spatial transformation and reconfiguration(through among others retrofitting existing settlements) –Investment in institutional reform in the rural areas The section to indicate the kind of levers that are required for attainment of the vision, and linking these levers to the four themes of the Forum

13 PREPARATION FOR PARTICIPATION AT WUF 6 Focus will also be on progress to date, the current programmes and initiatives aligned to Vision 2030 per theme. This will include the work of the various government departments such as DHS, DCOG, DoT, DEA. Partnerships: Public Private Partnerships / initiatives – “Each One, Settle One” Campaign

14 PREPARATION FOR PARTICIPATION AT WUF 6 Areas of interest that SA would want to learn lessons on or share ideas and experiences: –Development of Urban National Policy (towards the White Paper on Human Settlements) –Planning for fast urbanising cities; & for the creation of liveable and public spaces –Densification strategies –Informal Settlements – alternative sources for funding for services

15 PREPARATION FOR PARTICIPATION AT WUF 6 Areas of interest that SA would want to learn lessons on or share ideas and experiences: –How to enhance the involvement of youth in human settlements and use the youth as transformers of cities –How do cities include women, children, persons with disabilities and the elderly; and ensure that they are safe and benefit from city wide strategies?


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