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English Communication (HF1 blok 2) Lesson 1; Introduction.

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1 English Communication (HF1 blok 2) Lesson 1; Introduction

2 Overview course Ward de Poorter ( Johanna Westerdijkplein 75, 2521 EN Den Haag sl.340

3 Overview course

4 Points on which you will be assessed ● Participation Being present and actively participating during the lessons Business Plan (deadline: 26/05) ● Presentation ● Written test

5 Overview course Lesson 1 Week 18 (28/04) Introduction (types of gyms) Lesson 2 Week 20 (12/05) Writing a business plan in English Lesson 3 Week 21 (19/05) Writing business letters Lesson 4 Week 22 (26/05) Giving Presentations in English Lesson 5 Week 23 (02/06) Feedback business plan, preparations for presentation Lesson 6 Week 25 (16/06) Presentations Week 26 (23/06) Test

6 Overview course Promotional videos What types of gyms or fitness centres are they and where are they? Take a note of any interesting language you hear to promote/ talk about the gym. Write down at least 5 words or phrases. What sorts of people would be likely to join the gyms and do you think they would work here in the Netherlands?

7 Types of gyms

8 Types of gyms

9 Types of gyms

10 Types of gyms No contract gyms

11 De Haagse Hogeschool

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