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The Renaissance 9 th Grade Social Studies Fall 2013 Unit 2.

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1 The Renaissance 9 th Grade Social Studies Fall 2013 Unit 2

2 The Big Picture  Major changes in Europe caused the medieval period to give way to a new period.  As trade with the East increased, Europeans rediscovered the classical knowledge of ancient Greece and Rome.  In Italy the growth of wealthy trading cities and new ways of thinking helped lead to a rebirth of the arts and learning known as the Renaissance.  These ideas soon spread to northern Europe by means of trade, travel, and printed material, influencing the art and ideas of the north.

3 Why we study this unit:  Renaissance art and literature still influence modern thought and modern art.  Renaissance ideas such as the importance of the individual are a strong part of our popular culture and modern thought.  It marks a turning point in history as we enter into a more modern era, where people live more like we do today.

4 Essential Questions: 1.Which themes formed the foundation of the Italian Renaissance? 2.What new techniques did artists use during the Italian Renaissance? 3.How did the Renaissance spread to northern Europe? 4.How did the Northern Renaissance differ from the Italian Renaissance?

5 Units: Last Unit: The Middle Ages Current Unit: The Renaissance Next Unit: The Reformation

6 Academic 0DD Day 9/23: Black Death Activity 9/23: Italian Ren. Part 1 9/25: Effects of Plague 9/25: Renaissance Themes 9/25: Seeing the Changes 9/27: Intro. to Machiavelli 9/27: Machiavelli’s Theories 9/27: Renaissance Art Qs 10/1: Ren. Art ppt 10/1: Ren. Art Quiz 10/1: Northern Ren. Qs 10/3: Da Vinci Tech 10/3: Ren. Review Diagram 10/3: Introduction to Northern Ren. Ppt. 10/7: Northern Art 10/7: Ren. World View 10/7: Unit Review

7 Honors ODD DAY 9/23: Black Death Activity 9/23: Italian Ren. Part 1 9/25: Effects of Plague 9/25: Renaissance Themes 9/25: Ren. & Individualism DBI 9/27: Intro. to Machiavelli 9/27: Machiavelli’s Theories 9/27: Prince Activity 9/27: Renaissance Art Qs 10/1: Ren. Art ppt 10/1: Ren. Art Quiz 10/1: Northern Ren. Qs 10/3: Da Vinci Tech 10/3: Ren. Review Diagram 10/3: Introduction to Northern Ren. Ppt. 10/7: Northern Art 10/7: Essay Graphic Organizer 10/7: Unit Review

8 Even Day Academic 9/20: Loyalty Response 9/24: Black Death Activity 9/26: Effects of Plague 9/26: Renaissance Themes 9/26: Seeing the Changes 9/26: Italian Ren. Part 1 9/30: Intro. to Machiavelli 9/30: Machiavelli’s Theories 9/30: Renaissance Art Qs 10/2: Ren. Art ppt 10/2: Ren. Art Quiz 10/2: Northern Ren. Qs 10/4: Da Vinci Tech 10/4: Ren. Review Diagram 10/4: Introduction to Northern Ren. Ppt. 10/8: Northern Art 10/8: Ren. World View 10/8: Unit Review

9 Honors Even Day 9/24: Black Death Activity 9/24: Italian Ren. Part 1 9/26: Effects of Plague 9/26: Renaissance Themes 9/26: Ren. & Individualism DBI 9/30: Intro. to Machiavelli 9/30: Machiavelli’s Theories 9/30: Prince Activity 9/30: Renaissance Art Qs 10/2: Ren. Art ppt 10/2: Ren. Art Quiz 10/2: Northern Ren. Qs 10/4: Ren. Review Diagram 10/4: Introduction to Northern Ren. Ppt. 10/8: Northern Art 10/8: Essay Graphic Organizer 10/8: Unit Review

10 Italian Renaissance Terms Renaissance Humanism Secularism Individualism Machiavelli Lorenzo de Medici Leonardo da Vinci Michelangelo Raphael Bramante Vernacular Patron Perspective

11 Northern Renaissance Terms Hanseatic League Gutenberg Printing press Christian Humanism Erasmus Thomas More Shakespeare Elizabeth I

12 1. What themes formed the foundation of the Italian Renaissance? _______________, an intellectual movement, shifted one's focus away from the ______________ and toward the __________ and __________. ________________ had a worldly focus, which caused ____________ and the church to become ___________ important in daily life. ______________ shifted the focus from one's role in the ____________ system to individual _______________.

13 1. What themes formed the foundation of the Italian Renaissance? Humanism, an intellectual movement, shifted one's focus away from the afterlife and toward the here and now. Secularism had a worldly focus, which caused religion and the church to become less important in daily life. Individualism shifted the focus from one's role in the feudal system to individual achievement.

14 2. What new techniques did artists use during the Italian Renaissance? The use of _________________ allowed artists to create ______________-dimensional objects on flat surfaces. ____________________ made objects appear ______________ and more real. Finally, the study of _______________ anatomy allowed artists to portray the human body more ____________________.

15 2. What new techniques did artists use during the Italian Renaissance? The use of perspective allowed artists to create three-dimensional objects on flat surfaces. Shading made objects appear round and more real. Finally, the study of human anatomy allowed artists to portray the human body more accurately.

16 3. How did the Renaissance spread to northern Europe? The Italian Renaissance spread to the north as _________________ increased between the two areas. The monarchs of _______________ and ________________ supported and sponsored the arts. _______________ and ________________ traveled between Italy and the north, bringing with them ________________ ideas and new painting ______________________. Finally, the _________________ made information _________________ and _____________, which prompted a desire to _________________.

17 3. How did the Renaissance spread to northern Europe? The Italian Renaissance spread to the north as trade increased between the two areas. The monarchs of France and England supported and sponsored the arts. Artists and scholars traveled between Italy and the north, bringing with them Humanist ideas and new painting techniques. Finally, the printing press made information available and inexpensive, which prompted a desire to learn.

18 4. How did the Northern Renaissance differ from the Italian Renaissance? People in the north used the ______________ ideas to examine the traditional teachings of the ________________. This led to _________________ Humanism, which focused on reforming _____________ and ________________. The northern artists adopted the Italian ____________________ but their work depicted ____________ as they really are. The use of ___________ paints allowed artists to create _______________ and ________________ details.

19 4. How did the Northern Renaissance differ from the Italian Renaissance? People in the north used the humanist ideas to examine the traditional teachings of the church. This led to Christian Humanism, which focused on reforming religion and society. The northern artists adopted the Italian techniques but their work depicted people as they really are. The use of oil paints allowed artists to create depth and realistic details.

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