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Environmental Technology Council EPA /State / DOD Region IV Environmental Conference June 2005 Joydeb “Joy” Majumder, EPA Region 4.

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Presentation on theme: "Environmental Technology Council EPA /State / DOD Region IV Environmental Conference June 2005 Joydeb “Joy” Majumder, EPA Region 4."— Presentation transcript:

1 Environmental Technology Council EPA /State / DOD Region IV Environmental Conference June 2005 Joydeb “Joy” Majumder, EPA Region 4

2 Environmental Technology Council ETC Purpose  To achieve improved, real world environmental results through the application of innovative technology  Identify priority environmental problems needing new approaches  Coordinate efforts by EPA and others to identify and implement technology solutions

3 Environmental Technology Council Objectives  Create information network  Communicate with other Stakeholders (i.e., states, tribes, vendors)  Develop portfolio of critical environmental problems  Enable action teams to address technology solutions

4 ETC- Criteria for Ranking Problems  Risk (Human Health and Ecology)  Link to Regulatory Requirement  Link to GPRA (Government Performance and Results Act)

5 ETC- Criteria for Ranking Problems  Potential for Success  Potential for Cost Reduction  Multi-media Impacts

6 ETC – Priority Problems Recover the Value of Waste for Environmental and Energy Sustainability  Sustainable management of wastes and residues generated by our society  U.S. domestic supply of natural gas will be exhausted in 50 years, and  Coal supply will be spent in 250 years

7 ETC – Priority Problems Recover the Value of Waste for Environmental and Energy Sustainability  Use industrial, municipal, hazardous and agricultural wastes to generate energy  Gasification technologies show promise on this area  Contact information: Donna Perla, Office of Research and Development, Phone # (202) 564-0184

8 ETC – Priority Problems  Remote Sensing of Pollutants  Use of innovative environmental (air, water, waste and soil) monitoring techniques to detect environmental releases from facilities or process units  Help agencies be more efficient through the use of in situ measuring techniques  Evaluate environmental concerns in the aftermath of a catastrophic incident (earthquake, terrorist incident)

9 ETC – Priority Problems Remote Sensing of Pollutants  Help targeting of inspections to determine compliance with regulations  Determine compliance with the Low Sulfur-Diesel Fuel Rule  Contact Information : Barry Feldman, Region 6, (214) 665-7439

10 ETC – Priority Problems Sustainable Use of Contaminated Sediments  Using innovative technologies to produce beneficial end use products  Identifying prospective markets for these products

11 ETC – Priority Problems Sustainable Use of Contaminated Sediments  Reducing disposal cost by using innovative approach of contaminated sediment handling  Contact Information: Eric A. Stern, Region 2, Dredged Material Management Team, (212) 637-3806

12 ETC – Priority Problems Lead Paint  Lead is toxic metal that causes behavioral and learning disabilities  38 million homes have lead based paint  Develop simple, inexpensive and reliable spot test kits

13 ETC – Priority Problems Lead Paint  Developing efficient abatement equipment  Fostering the development and implementation of these equipment  Contact information: Maggie Theroux, Offfice of Environmental Stewardship, Region 1, (617) 918- 1613

14 ETC – Priority Problems Improved Pesticide Application to Reduce Spray Drift  In 2001, 700 Million pounds of agricultural pesticides were applied  Approximately 35 million pounds (5 %) of applied pesticides were drifts  Improved application technology will reduce inadvertent spray drift and deposition

15 ETC – Priority Problems Improved Pesticide Application to Reduce Spray Drift  Verify drift reduction technologies (DRT), and provide incentives for using DRT  Contact Information: Norman Birchfield, Office of Pesticide Program, (703) 605-0582

16 ETC – Priority Problems Urban Runoff  Leading cause of stream impairment – 35,000 miles impairment  Developing cost effective and sustainable techniques for urban runoff management  Contact information: Charles App, Environmental Assessment and Innovation Division, (215) 814-2757

17 ETC – Priority Problems Application of Microarray Technology to Source and Finished Water Monitoring Contaminants  Drinking water microbial contamination is based on detection of indicators of fecal pollution  Indicator monitoring to individual pathogen monitoring  Contact information: Keya Sen, Office of Water, (513) 569-7026

18 ETC – Priority Problems Coal Gasification  Coal fired power plants are responsible for 65% of SO 2, 20 % of NOx, and 33 % of mercury emissions in the United States  Generate electricity from coal in an environmentally sustainable way with lower pollution  Contact information: Lorie Schmidt, Office of Policy Analysis and Review, (202) 564-1681

19 ETC – Priority Problems Continuous Fine Particulate Monitoring  Need for real time fine particulate monitoring to alert the public about the quality of air  Need to have consistency between continuous monitoring and Federal Reference Method data  Contact information: Michael Compher, Region 5, (312) 886-5745

20 ETC – Priority Problems Arsenic MCL (maximum contaminant level) for Small Drinking Water System  Final MCL ruling is to provide protection from cancer and other health problems  About 90% of affected systems are small groundwater systems  Contact information: Bruce Macler, Region 9, (415) 972-3569

21 ETC – Priority Problems Concentrated Animal Feeding Operation (CAFO)  Animal feeding operations contributes to water, air, and soil pollution  The waste generated by beef, dairy, pork and poultry industries is ten time greater than the waste generated by human  Contact information: Sean Bergin, Region 7, (913) 551-7499

22 ETC Information Web address: Region 4 contacts: Joydeb “Joy” Majumder, (404) 562-9121, Tom Baugh, (404) 562-8275,


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