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STATE VETERANS HOME Survey Process Updates Nancy Quest Office of Geriatrics and Extended Care Patient Care Services Department of Veterans Affairs.

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Presentation on theme: "STATE VETERANS HOME Survey Process Updates Nancy Quest Office of Geriatrics and Extended Care Patient Care Services Department of Veterans Affairs."— Presentation transcript:

1 STATE VETERANS HOME Survey Process Updates Nancy Quest Office of Geriatrics and Extended Care Patient Care Services Department of Veterans Affairs

2 2 STATE VETERANS HOME VHA Handbook 1145.01 ~ May 17, 2010  Survey Procedures for State Veterans Homes (SVH) Providing Nursing Home & Adult Day Health Care –Provides guidance to the field for overseeing and processing annual, recognition, and “for-cause” surveys of SVH providing nursing home and adult day health care

3 3 STATE VETERANS HOME Geriatrics & Extended Care (GEC) – VACO  Provide oversight for clinical & survey program  Manage SVH recognition survey process  Manage the annual survey process  Authorizes and manage “for cause” surveys  Manage the national contract supported surveys (i.e., Ascellon Corp contract)

4 4 STATE VETERANS HOME Veterans Integrated Service Network (VISN) Director  Administers the SVH program within the VISN  Appoints a SVH VISN Liaison  Submits Issue Briefs

5 5 STATE VETERANS HOME SVH VISN Liaison  Manages the SVH program with the VISN  Notifies GEC VACO of sentinel / reportable events at SVH  Serves as the point of contact VACO, VAMC, SVH

6 6 STATE VETERANS HOME VA Medical Center of Jurisdiction Director  Field level official responsible for oversight of the SVH program  Appoints SVH VA Medical Center Representative & Fiscal Surveyor  Approves/disapproves survey reports and corrective action plans  Certifies compliance with VA standards

7 7 STATE VETERANS HOME SVH VA Medical Center Representative  Manages the SVH program at field level  Coordinates communication between SVH, VA Medical Center Director, SVH VISN Liaison and GEC VACO  Serves as team co-lead during surveys  Oversees the survey process  Monitors and communicates reportable events

8 8 STATE VETERANS HOME VA Medical Center Fiscal Representative  Communicates, collaborates and participates with the VA Medical Center Representative in all surveys  Reviews fiscal standards during surveys  Submits findings to VA Medical Center Representative

9 9 STATE VETERANS HOME VA Survey Process  Surveys are conducted to determine compliance with VA standards  Annual and For Cause surveys are unannounced  Recognition survey is pre-arranged  VA standards and VA ratings remain unchanged  Survey teams are comprised of VA and contracted surveyors

10 10 STATE VETERANS HOME Vision of the Survey Process  Consistency of survey approaches  Clear protocol - pre, during and post survey  Smaller numbers of experienced surveyors  Clear and objective statements of findings  Consistency in dealing with findings  Timely reporting to State Veterans Homes

11 11 STATE VETERANS HOME New Survey Process  New contract-supported survey process since November 2009  Approximately 70+ annual surveys  Approximately 5 recognition surveys  Fewer than 10 ‘for cause’ surveys  One formal appeal

12 12 STATE VETERANS HOME Year to Date Most Commonly Cited Deficiencies

13 13 STATE VETERANS HOME Most Commonly Cited Deficiencies  Clinical records were incomplete or inaccurate  Physician orders were not followed  Lack of fall prevention measures  Thickened liquids were not provided as prescribed or prepared incorrectly  Weekly fire pump tests not conducted  Facility in disrepair ~ holes, nicks & torn wall board, chipped paint, scuffed doors, missing & detached baseboards, rust in the shower room  Lack of direct supervision for cognitively impaired residents who smoked

14 14 STATE VETERANS HOME Acceptable Corrective Action Plan  Address how corrective action will be accomplished for those residents found to have been affected by the deficient practice;  Address how the facility will identify other residents having the potential to be affected by the same deficient practice;

15 15 STATE VETERANS HOME  Address what measures will be put into place or systemic changes made to ensure that the deficient practice will not recur;  Indicate how the facility plans to monitor its performance to make sure that solutions are sustained.  Include dates when corrective action will be completed.


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