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1 Henriette Faergemann, DG ENV/D1 Water scarcity & droughts team Water scarcity & droughts From the 2007 Communication to the 3rd Annual Report.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Henriette Faergemann, DG ENV/D1 Water scarcity & droughts team Water scarcity & droughts From the 2007 Communication to the 3rd Annual Report."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Henriette Faergemann, DG ENV/D1 Water scarcity & droughts team Water scarcity & droughts From the 2007 Communication to the 3rd Annual Report

2 Background  Commission Communication WS&D 2007:  7 policy options Putting the right price tag on water Putting the right price tag on water Improving drought risk management Improving drought risk management Fostering water efficient technologies and practices Fostering water efficient technologies and practices Fostering the emergence of a water-saving culture Fostering the emergence of a water-saving culture Allocating water & water-related funding efficiently Allocating water & water-related funding efficiently Considering additional water supply infrastructures Considering additional water supply infrastructures Improve knowledge and data collection Improve knowledge and data collection  Progress to be evaluated annually

3 3 rd annual report  Questionnaire sent out in June  Based on the priorities in the 2007 Communication  Basic principle – only reporting new information since 2 report and information NOT included in the RBM plans  This reporting exercise is particularly important for the Commission in view of the 2012 policy review

4  Has the Member State faced water scarcity and/or drought situations between May 2009 and May 2010?  Which measures have been taken to mitigate the effects of these situations?  Legal regimes for water allocation? Altered in drought events?  Forecast regarding water scarcity and/or drought situations for 2010/2011? How has this been established?  Attempts to integrate water scarcity and droughts into sectoral policies (agriculture, regional planning etc.)? General questions:

5  Identification of river basins facing water stress/scarcity?  Specific measures to restore a sustainable water balance in these basins?  Drought management plans to supplement WFD river basin management plans?  Measures to reduce the level of leakage in distribution networks?  Additional water supply infrastructure – if and how?  Measures related specifically to adaptation to climate change? Respecting the water hierarchy & better planning:

6 Integration of water scarcity & droughts in other policies  Is there a legally established authorisation procedure for water abstraction?  Implementation of the SEA Directive  Voluntary agreements with all economic sectors that need water?  Interlinkages between biofuel developments and water availability?

7 Economic instruments/Funding:  Water tariffs?  Metering programmes?  Measures to improve uptake and efficient use of EU and national funds to improve water demand management?  Fiscal incentives for water efficiency?

8 Other measures:  Standards: For water-using devices? For water-using devices? For water performance of buildings? For water performance of buildings? In quality and certification schemes? In quality and certification schemes?  Awareness: Educational programmes, advisory services, exchanges of best practices, campaigns? Educational programmes, advisory services, exchanges of best practices, campaigns? Enhanced research and technological activities? Enhanced research and technological activities?

9 Current status & next steps:  18 Member States reported (NOT DE, EL, ES, FI, FR, LI, LV, PL, SI)  Replies are being analysed  Report expected in spring 2011  Structure still to be decided – forward- looking towards 2012 policy review, best practices, thematic assessment…

10 Other related activities:  Water scarcity & droughts GAP analysis - being launched  Call for evidence – please disseminate!  Building blocks: agriculture, agriculture, Leakages in supply infrastructure, Leakages in supply infrastructure, water efficiency in buildings water efficiency in buildings  Everything will be pulled together in 2011/2012.

11 Thank you for your attention Questions?

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