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Career Builders Workshop Marketing Dean Kephart Kephart Marketing.

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Presentation on theme: "Career Builders Workshop Marketing Dean Kephart Kephart Marketing."— Presentation transcript:

1 Career Builders Workshop Marketing Dean Kephart Kephart Marketing

2 Marketing One Name, MANY Definitions Determine corporate culture Sample key members Report back Educate and guide Listen twice, talk once Communicate Measurable results Tie to initiatives

3 Marketing Here’s the REAL Definition Brand awareness Who you are Why you are Brand Building There you are again I might be interested Brand demand (TRUST) I have been told you are good I think I want what you have

4 Marketing How to Create a Miracle Get bought by a trusted brand You have to have something they want It never turns out the way you thought Partner with a trusted brand Beware of agenda-conflict It looks better before than after Stay in business long enough to earn it yourself Patience, creative, smart Know the uniqueness of the market

5 Marketing Consumer Behavior Work THEN consume Marketing is not an interruption to work day Plan to consume (emotional) No one knows if you are good at it Boast about consumption (belonging)

6 Marketing Educator Behavior Work consumes you Marketing is always an interruption Plan to conserve (emotional) Everyone knows if make a buying mistake Boast about what works (belonging)

7 Marketing Transition to Education Don’t “add to” unless you are asked Don’t be AT, be WITH Be a solution of savings, REALLY Time, money, stress, embarrassment Only go where you cannot fail Let THEM do the boasting!

8 Case Study Start Something 2002 Add free character education program to your curriculum! IN ads, IN PR, IN conferences, IN the mail FREE, except…. Everyone loves Tiger, so this is for everyone Look what we did!

9 Case Study Start Something 2003 Supplement your character education with this free program WITH you where conversations occur (PEG© approach) FREE solution, but results are impressive Great tools, but a passionate teacher/leader is required Look what our youth has accomplished!

10 Marketing Unique Aspects of the Market Passionate occupation Highly scrutinized Lack of trust of corporate America Highly segmented Decision by committee Few incentives for excellence Relationship-driven

11 Marketing Tapping Trusted Channels of Communication Each other Listservs and User Groups Meetings Professional organizations Conferences Publications Education leaders Industry Magazines Conferences Education Service Centers

12 Marketing The PEG® Approach Point Very targeted Determine motivation Leverage their reputation Equip Tools Training Support Grow Become a marketing partner Leverage and create grassroots initiatives Achieve the Echo® Effect

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