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Physical Properties to classify Metals, Nonmetals & Metalloids by.

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Presentation on theme: "Physical Properties to classify Metals, Nonmetals & Metalloids by."— Presentation transcript:

1 Physical Properties to classify Metals, Nonmetals & Metalloids by.

2 Malleability  The ability of some metals to be bent or hammered into different shapes.

3 Ductility  The ability of some metals to be pulled or twisted into wire.  If it is ductile, it is also malleable.

4 Brittle  Breaks when you try to bend or twist it.

5 Luster  Shines like the leg of your desk.  Metallic Luster  High Luster = metallic, very shiny  Dull Luster = metallic, not shiny  No Luster = no metallic shine

6 Conductor  Good Conductor - Allows heat and/or electricity to easily pass through.  Poor Conductor – Allows a little heat and/or electricity to pass through.

7 Semi-Conductor  Allows some heat/electricity to pass through.

8 Insulator  Keeps heat and/or electricity from passing through.  Opposite of a conductor.

9 Metals Non-metals Metalloids

10 Metals  Located on the left side of the zig-zag line  Solid at room temp. (except for mercury – Hg)  Good conductors of heat & electricity  Shiny  Malleable: Can be hammered into sheets  Ductile: Can be pulled into wire

11 Nonmetals  Located on the right side of the zig- zag line  Includes gases  Dull, Brittle – if solid  Not malleable and not ductile  Not good conductors (Are good Insulators)

12 Metalloids  Show characteristics of metals and nonmetals (ex: have a metallic luster but NOT be a good conductor of electricity.)  semiconductors of electricity (conduct electricity more easily than insulators and less easily than conductors)

13 Metalloids Boron Silicon Germanium Arsenic Antimony Tellurium Polonium Astatine on the zig-zag line

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