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Kingdoms (simple to complex) 1. Monerans 2. Protists 2. Protists 3. Fungus 3. Fungus 4. Plants 4. Plants 5.Animals 5.Animals.

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Presentation on theme: "Kingdoms (simple to complex) 1. Monerans 2. Protists 2. Protists 3. Fungus 3. Fungus 4. Plants 4. Plants 5.Animals 5.Animals."— Presentation transcript:

1 Kingdoms (simple to complex) 1. Monerans 2. Protists 2. Protists 3. Fungus 3. Fungus 4. Plants 4. Plants 5.Animals 5.Animals

2 Microorganisms...... are living things that require a microscope to see them, although...

3 ... some microorganismscolonize, …sometimes so big you can see them …sometimes so big you can see themwithout a microscope.

4 Microorganisms are mainly represented in 2 Kingdoms: l Monerans- bacteria and blue- green bacteria l Protists- one - celled “beasties” that move

5 Plus a really strange group of microorganisms called: l Viruses – Really common – Very, very small – Alive??? I feel sick!

6 … and we will also study lFungus- plant-like decomposers that are mostly colonial

7 Kingdoms (simple to complex) 1. Monerans 2. Protists 2. Protists 3. Fungus 3. Fungus 4. Plants 4. Plants 5.Animals 5.Animals

8 Kingdom Monera: l Have no nucleus l Have chromosomes that carry genetic information. l Have a cell wall and cytoplasm Bacteria

9 Moneran Groups(Phyla): 1. Blue-Green Bacteria: – single cell or chains; no nucleus but have chromosomes – Pollute lakes (“algae bloom”) – producers, have chlorophyll

10 2. Bacteria- single cell or chain; decomposers; three shapes (round,rod, spiral); a few are harmful, some helpful, most neutral.

11 Bacteria is bad because: l Causes many bacterial diseases lSpoils food

12 Bacteria can be controlled by: lBoiling lDehydration lCold Temperatures lAntiseptics (cleaning chemicals) lAntibiotics (medicines)

13 Bacteria is good because: l Is the world’s greatest decomposer- breaks down (rots) dead things l plus used in genetic engineering, making foods, softening leather, etc. Movie w questions



16 Are Viruses Alive?? Not Alive l Can only reproduce in host cell l Cannot “live” by itself Alive l Reproduce l Invade host and cause harm l Have protein coat and DNA

17 Viruses are very small and invade other cells. Human Skin Cell Bacteria Viruses

18 All it takes is 1 virus to attach to the cell membrane. Receptor Molecule

19 Virus invades host cell...... they reproduce themselves using the host’s energy.

20 Eventually the host cell is destroyed...... the viruses spread out of the cell to invade neighboring cells, etc...

21 Viruses cannot be killed by antibiotics because they are not alive, but...... your immune system produces antibodies – antibodies – proteins that destroy the virus.

22 What is a Vaccine? Weakened form of the virus that builds up your antibodies

23 Kingdoms (simple to complex) 1. Monerans 2. Protists 2. Protists 3. Fungus 3. Fungus 4. Plants 4. Plants 5.Animals 5.Animals

24 Kingdom Protist...... are single celled, and have a nucleus. most are consumers, a few producers.

25 l Sarcodines- Move by Move by oozing and flowing (very slow) Ex. Amoeba engulfing food. Protists are classified by how they move:

26 l Ciliates- Move by little hairs called cilia. Ex. Paramecium

27 l Flagellates- move by means of a whip-like tail called a flagellum. Ex. Euglena

28 l Sporozoans- do not move but instead are parasites and move via their host. lEx. Plasmodium- causes malaria Parasite: lives in or on another organism and hurts it

29 Microorganisms are important! Some are helpful, some are harmful!

30 Kingdoms (simple to complex) 1. Monerans 2. Protists 2. Protists 3. Fungus 3. Fungus 4. Plants 4. Plants 5.Animals 5.Animals

31 Kingdom Fungus...... are mostly colonial and decomposers although some...

32 ... are parasites and cause disease.

33 Fungi reproduce asexually using spores released by 1. Club Fungus.

34 Yeast Other fungi produce their spores in 2. Sac Fungus

35 Other fungi release their spores at the ends of thin 3. Filament Fungus.

36 However, the main idea is that Kingdom Fungus: l Is a colonial organism. l Is not a plant, but a decomposer. l Reproduces asexually by spores using clubs, sacs or filaments. l ex. Mold, mushrooms, mildew

37 A special decomposer is the lichen...... an algae and fungus living together.

38 Kingdoms (simple to complex) 1. Monerans 2. Protists 2. Protists 3. Fungus 3. Fungus 4. Plants 4. Plants 5.Animals 5.Animals

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