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The Importance of Stool Occult Blood Tests in Getting to 80% Durado Brooks, MD, MPH Director, Cancer Control Interventions American Cancer Society.

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1 The Importance of Stool Occult Blood Tests in Getting to 80% Durado Brooks, MD, MPH Director, Cancer Control Interventions American Cancer Society

2 Stool Occult Blood Tests Look for hidden blood in stool. Two major types –Guaiac –Immunochemical (FIT) Multiple brands (all are not created equal)

3 Efficacy


5 Accuracy

6 6

7 7

8 Preferences

9 Patient Preferences Inadomi, Arch Intern Med 2012

10 Many Patients Prefer Stool Tests  Diverse sample of 323 adults given detailed side-by-side description of FOBT and colonoscopy (DeBourcy et al. 2007)  53% preferred FOBT  Almost half felt very strongly about their preference  212 patients at 4 health centers rated different screening options with different attributes (Hawley et al. 2008)  37% preferred colonoscopy  31% preferred FOBT  Nationally representative sample of 2068 VA patients given brief descriptions of each screening mode (Powell et al. 2009)  37% preferred colonoscopy  29% preferred FOBT

11 Quality

12 Stool Testing Quality Issues In-office FOBT is essentially worthless as a screening tool for CRC and should never be used. CRC screening by FOBT should be performed with high-sensitivity FOBT - either FIT or a highly sensitive gFOBT (such as Hemoccult SENSA). – Older, less sensitive guiaic tests (such as Hemoccult II) should not be used for CRC screening. Annual testing All positive screening tests should be evaluated by colonoscopy

13 Clinicians Reference: FOBT One page document designed to educate clinicians about important elements of colorectal cancer screening using fecal occult blood tests (FOBT). Provides state-of-the-science information about guaiac and immunochemical FOBT, test performance and characteristics of high quality screening programs. Available at High Quality Stool Testing

14 Evidence Based Interventions

15  Standing orders  Patient reminders  Mailed outreach  FluFIT/FluFOBT

16 What is a FluFIT program?  Takes advantage of patient awareness and desire for annual flu shots by using existing outreach and in-reach efforts to offer CRC screening.  Practice staff recommend CRC screening and provide FOBT kits to eligible patients when they get their annual flu shot  Either a high sensitivity FOBT or a FIT can be used  Patient completes FOBT at home and returns kit to doctor’s office or mails kit to the lab for processing

17 CRC Screening Outreach During Annual Flu Shot Activities  Potential Benefits of “Flu-FOBT” or “Flu-FIT” Programs:  Reaches patients at a time each year when they are already thinking about prevention  Creates a seasonal focus on cancer screening that may add to other screening efforts  Time-efficient way to involve non-physician staff in screening activities  Educates patients that “just like a flu shot, you need FOBT/FIT every year” Slide courtesy of M. Potter, MD

18 Stool Occult Blood Testing Health systems must: Understand the importance of providing patients with screening options Educate clinicians Pick a high sensitivity guaiac or FIT Ensure that stool testing programs address important quality elements

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