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 1. Medium of exchange – usable for buying and selling goods  2. Unit of account - dollar value of goods and services  3. store of value - transfer.

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Presentation on theme: " 1. Medium of exchange – usable for buying and selling goods  2. Unit of account - dollar value of goods and services  3. store of value - transfer."— Presentation transcript:


2  1. Medium of exchange – usable for buying and selling goods  2. Unit of account - dollar value of goods and services  3. store of value - transfer of purchasing power from the present to future  what is money video what is money video

3  At the core of monetary policy is the regulation of the money supply.  M1 – currency, checkable deposits  M2 – Near money (savings, small time deposits, MMMF)  Federal Reserve Notes are token money (fiat)  Checkable deposits are large component  Currency held by the FED, thrift, banks are excluded

4  Paper money is circulating debt of the Federal Reserve banks and checkable deposits are debt of commercial banks and thrift institutions.  The value of money is determined by its acceptability legal tender – medium of exchange  A valid and legal form of payment of debt  Relative scarcity is based on supply and demand.

5  The amount a dollar will buy varies inversely with the price level.  Ex. When the CPI goes up, the value of the dollar goes down or if prices fall, the purchasing power of the dollar doubles.  $V = 1/P  $V = the value of the dollar  P = Price  Determine the $V if P rises by 20% from $1 to.80

6  When we talk about monetary policy we are really talking about money supply policy.  Increase/Decrease in the money supply  How does this work?  Tips:  Increase - lowers interest rates as surplus money moves into the bond market, increasing bond prices  Decrease - increases interest rates as a shortage of money creates a sell-off of bonds, decreasing the bond prices

7  Central Authority is the Board of Governors – 7 members that serve staggered 14 year terms – appointed by the president and confirmed by the Senate  12 Fed Banks – central bank, banker’s bank, they blend private ownership and public control.  Member banks are required to buy “stock” in the Federal Reserve  The Fed is the lender of last resort for the member banks regarding loans to member banks  Issue currency aka Federal Reserve Notes


9 What is the Fed?  Central bank of the United States  Established in 1913  Purpose is to ensure a stable economy for the nation

10  Conduct the nation’s monetary policy  Supervise and regulate banking institutions  Operate a nationwide payments system  Serve as the bank for the US Treasury

11  Board of Governors  12 Reserve Banks  Federal Open Market Committee – chief policymaking body of the FED system

12  Seven members  Appointed by the president  Confirmed by the Senate  Serve staggered 14-year terms  Work includes:  Analyzing economic developments  Supervising and regulating the operations of Federal Reserve Banks  Exercising responsibility in the nation’s payments system

13  Work includes (cont’d):  Administering consumer credit protection laws  Authorizing changes in banks’ reserve requirements  Supervising Fed member banks and other financial entities  Authorizing changes in the Fed’s discount rate


15  Operate a nationwide payments system  Distribute the nation’s currency and coin  Supervise and regulate member banks and bank holding companies  Serve as banker for the U.S. Treasury  Contribute to monetary policymaking through Bank presidents’ participation in the FOMC

16  Promote safety and soundness of banking system along with other regulatory bodies  FDIC, OCC, OTS, state banking regulators  Ensure compliance with laws and regulations  Oversee international banking interests  Administer consumer credit protection laws

17  Supply currency and coin to banking institutions  Clear more than one- third of nation’s checks  Transfer funds electronically (ACH, Fedwire)  Serve as bank for the U.S. Treasury

18  Gather, analyze and disseminate economic data  Focus on all aspects of the economy (regional to international levels)  Analyze regional and national markets and economic data  Design and test econometric models used to produce hard data that factor into policymaking decisions

19  Policy changes affect the nation’s supply of money and credit.  Actions have real short- and long-term effects on the economy.

20  Sets and directs U.S. monetary policy  Seven governors  Five presidents (New York and four others on a rotating basis)  Nonvoting presidents participate fully  Final interest rate decision is made by the 12-member Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC)

21 Stable Prices Sustainable Economic Growth Full Employment

22  Discount Rate  The interest rate charged by the Federal Reserve to banks that borrow on a short-term (usually overnight) basis  Reserve Requirements  The amount of money banks must keep on reserve at the Fed  Open Market Operations  Buying and selling Treasury securities between the Fed and selected financial institutions in the open market  Most important tool; directed by the FOMC

23  Federal Funds Rate  The market-based interest rate which banks charge each other on overnight loans of their reserve balances held at the Fed. The Fed achieves this rate through Open Market Operations.  A target rate  Discount Rate  Applies to short-term loans made directly to commercial banks from the Federal Reserve System.  Typically set at 1 percentage point above the Federal Funds Rate.

24  Each head office and branch of the Federal Reserve System has a local Board of Directors.  7–9 individuals  Board members provide various perspectives and economic data from different regions and industries.  Boards of directors vote on the discount rate.  Boards of directors influence policymaking at the national level through “real-world” input.

25  Generally, low interest rates stimulate the economy because there is more money available to lend.  Consumers buy cars and houses.  Businesses expand, buy equipment, etc.  Why does the Fed lower interest rates?  If inflation is in check, lower rates stimulate economic activity, thus boosting economic growth.

26  The Fed raises interest rates as an effective way to fight inflation.  Inflation—a sustained rise in the general price level; that is, all prices are rising together.  Consumers pay more to borrow money, dampening spending.  Businesses have difficulty borrowing; unemployment rises.

27  Monetary policy DOES NOT affect government spending!  In a deep recessionary gap  expansionary monetary policy used to assist expansionary fiscal policy - risk inflation burst  In a mild recessionary gap  contractionary monetary policy could be used to offset expansionary fiscal policy - risk rising interest rates  In an inflationary gap  contractionary monetary policy could be used to assist contractionary fiscal policy - risk rising unemployment

28  What are the three main roles of the Federal Reserve System?  Where is your Fed?  What are the goals of monetary policy?  What happens when the Fed lowers interest rates? Raises interest rates?  What is inflation? Why should it concern you?  What is the name of the Fed’s monetary policymaking body?  What is the discount rate? Federal funds rate?

29  Show a world of money video  When the government writes a check link – 10 mins  siness-jan-june09-solman_03-17/ siness-jan-june09-solman_03-17/

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