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THE LIQUID BIOFUELS MARKET National Market International Market 1.

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Presentation on theme: "THE LIQUID BIOFUELS MARKET National Market International Market 1."— Presentation transcript:

1 THE LIQUID BIOFUELS MARKET National Market International Market 1

2 ANNUALMONTHLY DieselPetrolDieselPetrol Mandatory Blending Ratio (Initially) 2%5%2%5% Biofuel requirements10,185,8389,001,160848,820750,097 Fossil fuel requirements499,106,066171,022,04841,592,17214,251,837 509,291,904180,023,20942,440,99215,001,934 Approximate Volumes Per DayB2E5 Volume per day (litres)27,90624,661 National Market Pre-Draft Blending Ratios 2

3 Annual production of molasses Company PRESENT (mln litres) 2015 PROJECTION (mln litres) Zambia Sugar14.326.0 Consolidated Farming Ltd4.76.5 Kalungwishi Estate0.30.4 Total =19.332.9 Potential annual ethanol production from molasses (1 ton molasses = 260 litres ethanol ) Company PRESENT (t) 2015 PROJECTION (t) Zambia Sugar55,000100,000 Consolidated Farming Ltd18,00025,000 Kalungwishi Estate1,1001,500 Total =74,100126,500 EXAMPLE: Available Production Potential for Bioethanol 3

4 International Market 4

5 FUEL TYPEPERCENTAGE USE Petroleum fuels80.2% Biofuels12.0% Electricity6.2% Natural gas1.6% GLOBAL FUEL MIX IN 2030 Biofuels projected share is 26% by 2050 SOURCE: Based on the growth projections and other factors in support of biofuels in the global energy mix, Zambia is on the right track to develop the biofuels industry. 5

6 CARRIERAIRCRAFTPARTNERSDATEBIOFUELBLEND Virgin AtlanticB747-400 Boeing, GE Aviation 23 Feb 08Coconut & Babassu20% one engine Air New ZealandB747-400 Boeing, Rolls-Royce 30 Dec 08Jatropha50% one engine Continental Airlines B737-800 Boeing, GE Aviation, CFM, Honeywell 7 Jan 09Algae with Jatropha50% one engine Japan AirlinesB747-300 Boeing, Pratt&Whitney, Honeywell 30 Jan 09 Camelina, Jatropha and Algae blend 50% one engine Qatar AirwaysA340-600TBA12 Oct 2009 Alternative Fuel (Gas to Liquid) 50% all 4 engines KLMB747GE, Honeywell23 Nov 2009Camelina50% one engine Jet BlueA320-200 Airbus, IAE, Honeywell By spring 2010 Sustainable feedstocksTBA Interjet A320 CFM, SAFRAN, EADS, Honeywell, Airbus Early 2010Salicornia (Halophyte) TBA SOURCE: Interest in Liquid Biofuels by Aviation Industry 6

7 Additional Income 7

8 Skills in making and selling compost manure for Jatropha plantations as well as food crops. FROM: ABPPM, JatrophaWorld, June 10-11, 2008, Miami, FL

9 Manual using hoe Herbicides (industry) Intercropping (Food industry) Herbicide applied Livestock (industry) Bee attracting flowers and plants (Bee industry) Poultry (industry)

10 Food Industry for the Millions of Biofuels Industry Communities SMEs and villagers with their own fuel and fertilizer from their backyards will have huge business for foods


12 Large investments will result in new cities/towns in biofuels project areas Plenty of jobs in construction Business in brick making, crushed stone, and river sand quarrying

13 Crushed stone industry Steel industry Cement industry Construction industry Copper industry Brick industry Downstream Industries for Housing Materials for Cities


15 15 Source: NASA (2000), available in. Without energy, there can be no significant development!

16 Biofuels is a turn key industry for Zambia. Zambia must go beyond potential and turn the wheels into action. We have a conducive agro and investment climate for the industry. The biofuels market is enormous, and projected demand will not be met for a long time to come. 16

17 Outcomes of Biofuels Industry Self-sufficient in all basic energy forms; Rural development and jobs since biofuels feedstocks are to be grown in country-side; Poverty reduction in both rural and urban areas; Enhanced food security; NET reduction in environmental degradation; Improved rural electrification and infrastructure; and Country-wide industrialization 17

18 Missing Link 18

19 The Government should announce blending ratios without delay. The Government should set up a biofuels fund. Government should put in place incentives to assist the industry gain a footing. NB: All other countries/regions including USA, Brazil, EU have put massive investment and incentives to establish the industry. 19

20 The Biofuels Journey has Begun!! 20

21 Zambia has to catch up !!!! (SOURCES: Unknown) 21

22 Thank You for Your Attention (SOURCE: Unknown) 22

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