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INT 3131 INT 313: INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATION Fall 2002 12 November 2002 The Genesis of the United Nations.

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Presentation on theme: "INT 3131 INT 313: INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATION Fall 2002 12 November 2002 The Genesis of the United Nations."— Presentation transcript:

1 INT 3131 INT 313: INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATION Fall 2002 12 November 2002 The Genesis of the United Nations

2 INT 3132 Summary (05.11.2002) Activities of the League of Nations The Control of Political and Military Conflict (International Security Issues) Economic and Social Issues General Assessment of the League of Nations

3 INT 3133 Lecture Outline (12.11.2002) The Genesis of the United Nations 1. Preliminary Stages of Postwar Planning 2. The Dumbarton Oaks Conversations 3. From Yalta to San Francisco 4. The San Francisco Conference 5. Establishment of the UN

4 INT 3134 Preliminary Stages of Postwar Planning United States Commission to the Study of Peace (1939, yearly reports) Commission for a Just and Durable Peace Established by Federal Council of Churches Declaration on World Peace, 1943 Others American Federation of Labor Council on Foreign Relations Foreign Policy Association

5 INT 3135 Preliminary Stages of Postwar Planning Great Britain League of Nations Union Carnegie Endowment for Int Peace and International Chamber of Commerce Postwar economic construction and trade relations

6 INT 3136 Preliminary Stages of Postwar Planning USA and Canada In the field of int law 200 judges, govt officials, lawyers etc The International Law of the Future: Postulates Principles, Proposals, 1943 Second one btw. 600 participants The International Court of the United Nations Organization, 1943

7 INT 3137 Preliminary Stages of Postwar Planning Non-Govt initiated govt organs USA, 1942, a committee was established within the Department of State At first, regional decentralized organizations were proposed.

8 INT 3138 Preliminary Stages of Postwar Planning Governmental Activities 1. Inter-Allied Declaration, June 1941  By British Commonwealth governments and European governments-in-exile  Not referred the establishment of an organization  Cooperation in threat elimination, economic and social security

9 INT 3139 Preliminary Stages of Postwar Planning 2. Atlantic Charter, August 1941  By Roosevelt and Churchill  Establishment of an “effective international organization”  January 1942: Declaration by United Nations (26 countries)

10 INT 31310 Preliminary Stages of Postwar Planning 3. Moscow Declaration, October 1943  USSR, USA, UK, China  Clearly pledged thier efforts for the establishment of a general international organization

11 INT 31311 Preliminary Stages of Postwar Planning 4. Tehran Declaration, November 1943  Roosevelt, Stalin, Churchill

12 INT 31312 2. Dumbarton Oaks Conversations The background for the establishment of an IO was prepared by the preliminary efforts. Now, the details... Mid-1944, Dumbarton Oaks Two level Conferences October 9, 1944 a final document was reached.

13 INT 31313 2. Dumbarton Oaks Conversations a. Security provisions of the emerging Charter. Security Council General Assmebly Secreteriat Court b. Voting Issues (veto power) c. Membership Issues (Soviet Republics) d. Court (whether continuation or not)

14 INT 31314 3. From Yalta to San Francisco February 1945; Roosevelt, Churchill and Stalin with their foreign ministers met at Yalta a. Voting Issues (veto power) Unanimity in substantive matters abstention of great powers in issues related with them b. Membership Issues (Soviet Republics) Ukraine and Belarus c. A general conference would be held in San Francisco on April 25. (Dumbarton Oaks and Yalta would be the bases) d. Trusteeship System

15 INT 31315 4. The San Francisco Conference The UN Conference on Int Organization 1. Discussions on Voting Formula 2. Trusteeship and ECOSOC 3. Small Powers 1. GA 2. Sec. Gen. 3. ICJ

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