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SEEDS Technology Infusion Study ESIP Federation SEEDS Cluster Group Meeting: SEEDS Capability Vision Development ESTO & SEEDS - Karen Moe SEEDS - David.

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Presentation on theme: "SEEDS Technology Infusion Study ESIP Federation SEEDS Cluster Group Meeting: SEEDS Capability Vision Development ESTO & SEEDS - Karen Moe SEEDS - David."— Presentation transcript:

1 SEEDS Technology Infusion Study ESIP Federation SEEDS Cluster Group Meeting: SEEDS Capability Vision Development ESTO & SEEDS - Karen Moe SEEDS - David Isaac & NASA Earth Science Technology Office Strategic Evolution of ESE Data Systems May 14, 2002

2 Presentation to ESIP, 5/14/02 Page 2 SEEDS Technology Needs and Infusion Plans – Karen Moe (Study Lead) Purpose of Study  Determine processes by which technology needs are identified and technology investments are infused into the evolving SEEDS  Leverage ESTO AIST processes  Involve ESE user community  Determine roles of ESTO AIST and SEEDS with regard to prototyping needs Schedule  Identify preliminary list of 11/06/01 NewDISS technology drivers  ESTO Technology Workshop 01/09/02 draft SEEDS technology needs 05/01/02  SEEDS Capabilities Vision workshop 06/15/02 draft vision 09/01/02  Develop draft technology plan 06/01/02  Identify draft approach to 09/01/02 SEEDS technology infusion  Technology Development and 12/30/02 Infusion Plan Approach  Evaluate the ESTO AIST strategic planning process to assess applicability to SEEDS to support technology needs and investments  Articulate a SEEDS technology planning process  Create SEEDS capabilities vision via community input  Identify SEEDS scenarios for 2010+ to characterize needed capabilities  Results will drive technology needs database  Work with Standards & Interfaces for Future ESE Missions study group to develop SEEDS technology infusion plan  Research “best practices”  Investigate procurement options Status  Held Workshop Jan. 9-10, 2002 and currently analyzing inputs  SEEDS vision discussion at ESIP meeting May 14  Preparing for SEEDS Public Workshop vision discussion June 17

3 Presentation to ESIP, 5/14/02 Page 3 SEEDS Technology Study - SEEDS CAPABILITIES VISION  Purpose  Ensure that the technology needs of SEEDS are incorporated into the AIST program  Ensure that technologies developed under the AIST program and elsewhere are incorporated into systems in the SEEDS era  Scope & objectives  Define and conduct community-based processes to:  Identify needed technical capabilities in the SEEDS era  Define technology infusion approaches (focus on TRL 7-10)  Identify needed capabilities that will support the ESE vision  Context to prompt our thinking on SEEDS capabilities vision  Related ESIP NewDISS/SEEDS Prototypes  ESIP Oriented Scenarios for the Future  Barriers and Challenges  AIST Investment Themes and Technology Trends  ESE Science Goals

4 Presentation to ESIP, 5/14/02 Page 4 What Capabilities are Needed? ESIP PROTOTYPES / SCENARIOS  MODster & DODster: Distributed, Decentralized MODIS Data & Services  Standards Framework in Support of Dynamic Assembly of NewDISS Components  Universal Interchange Technology for Earth Science Data and Services (UNITE)  Air quality modeling?  Weather prediction?  Disaster response?  Precision agriculture?  Regional Remote Sensing Applications?  Education?  State & Local government?

5 Presentation to ESIP, 5/14/02 Page 5 What Capabilities are Needed? IDEAS FROM ESIP DISCUSSIONS (5/13/02)  Dynamic Toolkits  Keyed to where the customer base is going  Support easy access / ready use of ES data/information products  Services (algorithms) to support dynamic modeling  Suggest a study to characterize a suite of tools needed to enable use of data and intermediate products  Tools for consensus and digression development  Trusted Data Products  Web will be transporting petabytes/sec in 2010 (bandwidth & processing power will be there to meet future demands)  Evolve a new paradigm for science processing?  Need process for research products to become trusted, known entities  Once accepted, practicing professionals will use IF barriers are solved: easy access/appropriate subsets, data on demand, integrated products  Handling duplicate data sets (eg, watermarking techniques to track what part of data set changed)

6 Presentation to ESIP, 5/14/02 Page 6 What Capabilities are Needed? IDEAS (continued)  Web Throttling  Peer-to-peer interchange will be common place in 2010; easy to saturate net, cpus  Need ESE-smart approaches that mediate impact on Web  Determine what are the consequences of requests and how best to handle them  Locating Data  DAAC customers (researchers, ESIP-2, ESIP-3) have different access and delivery needs  Product catalog is key to locating data  Methods to use the inherent structure of the data to locate the data (ie, find data like my target data set)  Data Transformation  “Semantic Web” for data, moving data from source to application  Structural transformers / “aggregation” servers to tailor data delivery for specific communities

7 Presentation to ESIP, 5/14/02 Page 7 Backup: Capability Needs Information Model SEEDS Capability Vision ESE Strategic Plan Capability Needs Current & Projected Barriers NASA Funded Research (NRAs, BAAs) Tech Deployment Demos? Technology Approaches Scenarios Investment Themes Related Research (DARPA, etc) Trends Categorize Drives Contains Drive Employ/Explore Categorize Are Demo’ed In

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