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The Components of the Water Task (Linkages and Performance Indicators)

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Presentation on theme: "The Components of the Water Task (Linkages and Performance Indicators)"— Presentation transcript:

1 The Components of the Water Task (Linkages and Performance Indicators)

2 By 2015, produce comprehensive sets of data and information products to support decision-making for efficient management of the world's water resources, based on coordinated, sustained observations of the water cycle on multiple scales. C5 Information System Development and Capacity Building C4 Global Water Quality Products and Services C3 Information Service for Cold Regions C2 Information Systems for Hydro-meteorological Extremes C1 Integrated Water-cycle Products and Services Component Interactions for WA-01 in the 2012-2015 GEO Work Plan.

3 Soil Moisture Runoff and Surface Water Evapo- transpiration Precipitation Water Cycle Integrator Great Lakes Data System End to End Indicators C2 Information Systems for Hydro-meteorological Extremes C5 Information System Development and Capacity Building By 2015, produce comprehensive sets of data and information products to support decision-making for efficient management of the world's water resources, based on coordinated, sustained observations of the water cycle on multiple scales. Soil Moisture Anomaly maps Soil Moisture Data archive SMOS SMAP products Analysis and Data access tools National Assessment Indicators Data sets For Asia and Africa Network of Experts Revised GPCP data sets Regional P and SM data Component #1 Basin wide Transbound- ary data sets/ metadata National water indicators Runoff data for the GCI Groundwater Regional ET maps* Streamflow Anomaly maps Precipitation Anomaly maps

4 J 2012 D 2012 J 2013 D 2013 J 2014 D 2014 J 2015 D 2015 P: GPCP DA P, AM PDDOO SM, AM PPDDIIO SF, AM PPDDIO SM, DA DDDIIAA SMAP PPPPDDAA SMOS DDDAAAOO Rgnl ET PPDDAAO WCI PPPDDOO GL RDS DDDAAA/O N ind DDDDAAOO Net EX PDDDDOOO P- Planned, D – Developing, I – Implemented, A- Available, O- Operational Component #1: Deliverables and Milestones

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