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1 VIRGINIA FIRE SERVICES BOARD A Report of Findings and Recommendations: County of Tazewell Fire and EMS Study February 5, 2012.

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Presentation on theme: "1 VIRGINIA FIRE SERVICES BOARD A Report of Findings and Recommendations: County of Tazewell Fire and EMS Study February 5, 2012."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 VIRGINIA FIRE SERVICES BOARD A Report of Findings and Recommendations: County of Tazewell Fire and EMS Study February 5, 2012

2 2 Virginia Fire Services Board Thomas H. MoffettVirginia Professional Firefighter’s Association Virginia Department of Health – Office of Emergency Medical Services Michael D. BergRegulations and Compliance Manager Virginia Department of Forestry Greg S. EstollNatural Resources Specialist Virginia Department of Fire Programs Dennis C. PriceDivision Chief Erin B. RicePolicy and Communications Analyst REPORT AUTHORS

3 3 ACKNOWLEDGEMENT Abbs Valley Fire Department Bandy Fire Department Baptist Valley Fire Department Bishop Fire Department Bluefield Fire Department Bluefield Rescue Squad Burkes Garden Fire Department Cedar Bluff Fire Department Clear Fork Fire Department Cove Fire Department DAD Fire Department Jeffersonville Rescue Squad Jewell Ridge Fire Department Pocahontas Fire Department Rescue 7 Richlands Fire Department Richlands Rescue Squad Tannersville Fire Department Tannersville Rescue Squad Town of Tazewell Fire Department Tazewell County Administration Tazewell County Board of Supervisors Tazewell County Fire Department and Rescue Tazewell County Sheriff’s Office Thompson Valley Fire Department Virginia Department of Fire Programs Virginia Department of Health – Office of Emergency Medical Services Virginia Department of Forestry 945 Rescue Squad The Virginia Fire Services Board (VFSB) would like to extend thanks to the following organizations for their contributions to this report:

4 4 Provides Findings and Recommendations Intended to Provide Guidance Capitalizes on What Is Working Identifies Opportunities for Improvement Note: The foregoing is a recommendation authorized pursuant to Va. Code 9.1-203.A.4 and is not to be construed as legal advice or as a binding recommendation. PURPOSE

5 5 Initiation of Study Obtain Stakeholder Input Prepare Analyses and Develop Core Strategies Prepare and Present Final Report METHODOLOGY

6 6 The County requested that the study team review the Tazewell County emergency services needs and to identify areas to enhance services throughout the County. REQUESTED STUDY REVIEW AREAS

7 7 (Central focus for prioritizing study recommendations) Theme 1: Organizational Development Theme 2: Communications Theme 3: Personnel Theme 4: Training Theme 5: Budget WORKING THEMES

8 8 Centralized Authority for Fire and Rescue: The Tazewell County Board of Supervisors should examine the feasibility of hiring a career Director of Fire and Rescue Services as the central position responsible for the supervision and authority for all fire and rescue issues throughout the County. Emergency Response Zones and Station Locations: The Tazewell County Board of Supervisors should critically analyze its current fire and rescue districts and station locations and adopt all warranted changes. THEME 1: ORGANIZATIONAL DEVELOPMENT

9 9 Lack of Strategic Plan and Unified Mission: Tazewell County should develop a strategic plan for fire and rescue services to increase performance levels and service delivery. In addition, the County should develop unified vision and mission statements for all fire and rescue departments. Need for Increased Fire Prevention Activities: The County should enact the Statewide Fire Prevention Code through a local ordinance. Additionally, the County should enforce the Statewide Fire Prevention Code.

10 10 Improved Dispatch System: The Tazewell County Board of Supervisors should appoint an Emergency Communications Advisory Committee to thoroughly analyze the County’s dispatch system and develop standard dispatch protocols and procedures. Levels of Interdepartmental Communications: The County should host a strategic communication session with a skilled mediator to assist in developing effective communications in and between the fire and rescue departments, the communications center, emergency services personnel, and the Tazewell County Administration. THEME 2: COMMUNICATIONS

11 11 Consolidation of Smaller Departments: The Board of Supervisors should explore the option of consolidating and renaming departments to maximize its limited resources and personnel. Recruitment and Retention: Tazewell County should adopt a countywide recruitment and retention plan as well as examine the feasibility of establishing a Volunteer Coordinator position to support existing volunteers. THEME 3: PERSONNEL

12 12 Coordinated Training Program: The Director of Fire and Rescue Services should develop a structured and coordinated training program to address the comprehensive training needs of the County and schedule classes accordingly. This training program should implement position-specific minimum training standards for the fire and rescue services. Continuity of Leadership and Succession Planning: Tazewell County should develop a program that illustrates leadership and interpersonal relationship skills within the fire and rescue services and focuses on growing new leadership within the County. THEME 4: TRAINING

13 13 County Funding and Accountability Practices: The Tazewell County Board of Supervisors should complete a yearly countywide needs assessment for the delivery of fire and rescue services and develop a base funding allocation system upon the priorities set through the needs assessment and quantitative data. Standardization and Central Purchasing: The County should survey the fire and rescue organizations for equipment commonalities, establish equipment and apparatus standardization, and centralize purchasing to ensure cost efficiency. THEME 5: BUDGET

14 14 Use these findings to: – Celebrate your successes – Observe opportunities for improvement – And, systematically discover how to “give life” to your Fire and EMS Service Organizations! How? Begin by answering these questions: – As a community, what do you value most about Tazewell County’s Fire Rescue System? – What core factors would “give life” to the organizations and help them to perform at their best? – Imagine the County’s Fire Rescue System ten years from now, when everything is as it should be. What is different? What were your contributions? Use the study findings to guide your development efforts! CLOSING THOUGHT


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