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Unpacking and Implementing Training Packages Linda Hopkins.

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Presentation on theme: "Unpacking and Implementing Training Packages Linda Hopkins."— Presentation transcript:

1 Unpacking and Implementing Training Packages Linda Hopkins

2 Workshop aims:  to share the learning, issues, experiences, resources and outcomes of the program  and  to identify ways of sustaining and extending the learning and outcomes.

3 Original workshops 1.Training packages and industry consultation 2.Developing learning and assessment strategies 3.Developing learning and assessment materials and tools 4.Developing validation processes 5.Monitoring and review

4 Action Learning Groups  Community Services - Aged Care  Hair and Beauty  Carpentry and Joinery  Hospitality

5 Workshop 1 - Unpacking Training Packages Challenges:  clarifying which documents originate within TAFE NSW and which from ISCs;  using the whole training package – especially qualification frameworks and packaging rules, skill sets and assessment guidelines;  contributing to the continuous improvement and development of training packages.

6 Workshop 1 - Industry Consultation Issues:  If the ISC consults with industry, why does the RTO need to do this too?  Different types of consultation are necessary for different purposes – eg, when developing strategies for learning and assessment; when evaluating programs.  RTOs need to take advantage of all forms of contact to make consultation cost effective.

7 Industry consultation – some cost effective methods  Short telephone or email surveys of local employers/community groups  Forums of students and teachers who are also practitioners  Incorporating questions into other existing forms of contact – getting into the habit of recording this

8 Workshop 2 - Developing strategies for learning and assessment Issues  Which information is needed from training packages?  How generic or specific should the strategies be?  Who is going to do what in future?  How will this work be resourced within Institutes?

9 Issues in developing strategies that need TAFE- wide agreement?  Nominal duration of courses and units  Entry requirements for courses  Monitoring and reviewing courses  Articulation arrangements and associated issues, eg, grading of assessments

10 The need for consistency In supporting documents:  Marketing materials – course information  Timetables/programs  Budgets and plans  Class rolls  Completed assessment tools AND  Teacher/student experiences

11 Workshop 3 – Developing assessment materials Issues:  Ensuring consistency across the Institute;  Ensuring there are both assessment tasks and recording tools;  Identifying ways of sharing the workload;  Identifying ways of sharing the resources;  Version control;  Who should manage/lead this?

12 Workshop 3 - Developing Unit Delivery Guides Issues  Developing a consistent template to suit disparate needs;  Identifying ways of sharing the workload;  Identifying ways of sharing the resources;  Who should manage/lead this?

13 Workshop 4 - Assessment Validation Issues:  Narrow view of validation – validating tools only;  Inconsistency in methods used;  Lack of collaboration in validation leading to lack of consensus and commitment – emphasis on form-filling;  Lack of full understanding of principles of assessment and rules for assessment evidence.

14 Validation can be of:  Assessment processes  Assessment tools and materials  Assessment evidence, and decisions made about the evidence

15 Assessment validation approaches include:  Meetings of assessors to review and compare their own methods of conducting assessment  Meetings of assessors to review the evidence collected for a group of candidates and agree on the assessment decisions – competent or not  Supervision by a ‘lead’ assessor who reviews the work of a number of assessors to ensure consistency

16 Assessment validation approaches include:  Collaboration within a group of assessors to design assessment tasks and tools  Meetings of assessors to review the feedback received from a number of assessment candidates  Teleconferencing  If an intranet site is available, posting tools for feedback

17 Planning validation Arrangements to make  Availability of participants  Venue booking  Ensuring participants have the knowledge/ skills required  Catering if required  Recording/reporting of outcomes  Dissemination of action plan and/or conclusions reached Documents to organise  Assessment plans, tools, evidence, etc to be validated  Units of competency  Training package assessment guidelines  AQF descriptors  Source documents/ materials such as candidate feedback or completed assessments

18 Workshop 5 - Monitoring and Review Issues:  Need for a consistent and systematic approach  Need for analysis – and subsequent action  Inclusion of an appropriate mix of stakeholders and issues

19 The Quality Indicators  Competency completion  Employer satisfaction  Learner engagement

20 Participant feedback Issues:  How will the work be resourced?  How can others learn what we have learned?  How will the work be managed and who will lead/coordinate it?

21 Participant feedback Suggestions:  Participants to undertake mentoring and coaching of others  Head Teachers to pass on learning and resources to sections in other colleges  Extend use of Share Point – use one system consistently  Regular updates/staff development

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