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READY CHRISTIANS READY CHURCHES READY TO RESPOND Uniting the Church Locally to Respond Biblically to Crisis and Disaster.

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Presentation on theme: "READY CHRISTIANS READY CHURCHES READY TO RESPOND Uniting the Church Locally to Respond Biblically to Crisis and Disaster."— Presentation transcript:

1 READY CHRISTIANS READY CHURCHES READY TO RESPOND Uniting the Church Locally to Respond Biblically to Crisis and Disaster

2 CAN WE AGREE? CARING FOR PEOPLE IN CRISIS IS THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE CHURCH? When I was hungry, you fed me; thirsty, you gave me something to drink; in prison, you visited me.

3 EVEN IF WE AGREE, WE CAN DO NOTHING UNLESS WE ARE PREPARED. When Christians aren’t ready to respond to crisis and offer biblical solutions, they are part of the problem. When difficult situations arise, Christians should be aware, ready and there to help provide comfort and a biblical response.

4 ARE CHRISTIANS IN YOUR COMMUNITY BIBLICALLY READY TO RESPOND? Is the body of Christ in your city prepared to pray, care for survivors, and share the love of Christ sensitively and effectively in emergencies, big or small? Are they ready to face any crisis?

5 WHAT IS GOD’S STANDARD OF READINESS FOR ALL CHRISTIANS? Biblical readiness is spiritually, emotionally, mentally and physically ready to respond to emergencies as faithful Christ-followers by praying, caring for those in crisis, and sharing the hope we have in Christ.

6 The ability to assess the times, hear God and act. RESPONSIVE

7 Pre-planning and agreement among Christians to help each other and help their community. ENGAGED

8 The strength to survive crisis and disaster, and help others. RESILIENT

9 A growing capacity to respond through training and equipping others to be biblically ready. REPLICATING

10 CEN RECOGNIZES THAT SPIRITUAL LEADERS ARE ALREADY BUSY FULFILLING THEIR CALL We are not asking for you to add something else to your plate. We are asking for you to identify the person or people in your city with the heart to build a network of Ready Christians and Ready Churches.

11 WE ARE LOOKING FOR CHRISTIANS TO PREPARE THE CHURCH TO RESPOND WHEN AND WHERE IT IS NEEDED MOST When people are in crisis, that’s when they need the Church most. Ninety-percent (90%) of people in crisis ask: Where is God in this?

12 EVERY COMMUNITY HAS EMERGENCY NEEDS We don’t have to wait for the next Haiti before responding. Everywhere people are being hit by the hurricane of job loss, the tsunami of divorce and the tornado of foreclosures. Start working on the crisis affecting your community now.

13 CEN CONNECTS ALL PARTS OF THE CHURCH MAXIMIZING THE CAPACITY OF CHRISTIANS TO RESPOND LOCALLY The person chosen in your area to lead the network of Ready Christians and Ready Churches will be trained, equipped and supported by a team of experts to accomplish the mission.

14 CEN CHAPTERS HAVE THE TOOLS TO EQUIP THE CHURCH TO BE BIBLICALLY READY All the tools needed to launch, network, and prepare Christians and churches are available online now.


16 JON McHATTON DIRECTOR OF NETWORK DEVELOPMENT 3434 W Anthem Way, STE 118-614 Anthem, AZ 85086 800.260.5637

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