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 Jessica Nordeen-Sophomore in High School, pregnant with child  James Dixon- Jessica’s Boyfriend, Sophomore in High School  Witnesses in Trial ›

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3  Jessica Nordeen-Sophomore in High School, pregnant with child  James Dixon- Jessica’s Boyfriend, Sophomore in High School  Witnesses in Trial › Jessica’s Mother  Case- Seth, Jessica’s baby has FAS and is now mildly retarded due to it. James needs money from Jessica to pay for Seth’s new special education school.

4  Seth, Jessica’s baby has FAS and is now mildly retarded due to it. James needs money from Jessica to pay for Seth’s new special education school.  Should Jessica Nordeen pay for Seth’s medical bills and new special education school?

5  The legal drinking age is 21 years old.  If drinking underage with a parent then that is fine, otherwise it is illegal.  It is illegal to provide and sell alcohol to anyone under 21 years.  It is illegal to drink alcohol anywhere other than your house if you are underage.

6  Black vs. Ross Inc. › If any danger is foreseen, depending on the relationship with the person, there may or may not be a responsibility.  Jessica was responsible for Seth while she was pregnant, therefore she chose to drink and the FAS is her fault and she should suffer the consequences.

7  Jessica Nordeen should be found guilty of the FAS for Seth. Jessica should pay half of his medical expenses and half of his special education school.  When she was pregnant she was underage when she drank alcohol.  Jessica has a responsibility to Seth and she should fulfill her duties as a mother.

8  All pictures are from Google images.  All sounds are from clip art.

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